🌟 Sacred Teachings

Post some teachings that you have found helpful and beneficial to your life. Here are some I really like:

Very wise words from some great teachers.

Please share teachings that have inspired and impacted you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Mike Snider (audio) from Tennessee discussed his Hillbilly Sutra Dharma. He’s a famous banjo player but that’s not what his talk is all about. His perspective is from his direct experience, desperately earnest, and if you have time, well worth the listen (or not). He also has a book here. The audio is best started at around 5:00.


•Ekhart Tolle also had this nugget about J. Krishnamurti.

•Loved this Rupert Spira Podcast: In this episode, Rupert talks with Cathy Heller about topics such as Rupert’s own search for clarity, the longing to return to being, the basis for authentic relationships, how to meditate, finding lasting happiness and how the idea of manifesting abundance fits into the framework of the non-dual understanding.

Profound analogy: The moth and the flame: How the ego relates to fear and happiness. A must listen!

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Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities | Chongtul Rinpoche


Wow this was really good. He quotes some of my favorite holy words:

“Before Abraham was, I am”

“Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists
Herein lies the peace of God”


Really loved the synchronicty between your dream and this video. He makes some great points.


This was posted in another thread, but has so much wise teachings I thought I would archive it here as well:

My favorite was the part about the candle and the flashlight.


Great anaology of adjusting the tv antenna

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Like this teaching a lot

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If you have not watched the recent interview Andrew did with Michele Loew, would reccomend it, here is a link she provided, I found it really powerful:

CL Nidra Retreat 61 points light, michele loew

Also helpful:

The 61 Points of Light Exercise


Great topic for a thread!

Just wanted to post this here, one of my favorite teachers teaching the basic spiritual practices of the Advaita Vedanta tradition.

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I did this meditation today! Thanks for posting. Very relaxing. Love using the stars and the space between the stars as a meditation object, that’s not something I’ve ever done before.


Loved this teaching.

I put it on to fall asleep to last night. So I had my eyes closed through it. When he started talking about the flower, I pictured a yellow flower in my mind, before he said the color of it. Then he said it was yellow. Cool coincidence.



I am curious of your interpretation of the bible quote:

“I am who I am”

That is another one of my favorites.


No disrespect . . . .


Non taken :wink:


Pretty brilliant advertisement if you ask me


Jesus said something similar. “Before Abraham was, I am.” Notice the switch in tense there from the past tense to the present. The “I” he is referring to here is beyond time, and I would say space as well. I think this is what the “I” in “I am who I am” refers to as well. This preeminent existence. And what quality marks the use of the word I? Awareness. Of self and others. So when God says “I” God is saying God is awareness. And when God says “am” God is adding another quality onto that awareness: Being. Note there is no predicate here. God is not defining Godself against some other thing, like saying “I am all powerful” or “I am the God of gods”. God is simply saying “I am”. So to me, this is a nondual statement. There is Awareness with the quality of Being (Or Being with the quality of Awareness, however you’d like to see it). And all else flows from that.

Is that Popeye the Sailorman? :laughing:


Yes this is actually another one of my top favorite bible quotes, really powerful and very deep. Glad I am not the only one who appreciates it.

Very well said, I think you are spot on with that interprestation. I did not think about the aspect of Being, I think that is a brilliant point!

If you havent read this wipedia article, its short and well done:

" Biblical Hebrew did not distinguish between grammatical tenses, it instead had an aspectual system in which the perfect denoted any actions that have been completed, and imperfect denoted any actions that are not yet completed.[5][6][7] Because these aspects had such general ambiguity on the time and placement of an action, the “past tense” would be represented by a verb conjugated in the imperfect and prefixed by וַ־‎ (wa- ), the “future tense” would represented by a verb conjugated in the perfect and prefixed by וַ־‎, and the “present tense”, generally, would be represented by a verb conjugated in the imperfect without the prefix וַ־‎. The word אֶהְיֶה‎ (ehyeh) is the first-person singular imperfect form of hayah, ‘to be’, which in Modern Hebrew indicates the future tense ‘I will be’; however, it lacks the prefix וַ־‎ which would necessitate this reading in Biblical Hebrew. It therefore may be translated as ‘I am’, but also as a modal form such as ‘I may be’, ‘I would be’, ‘I could be’, etc. Accordingly, the whole phrase can be rendered in English not only as ‘I am that I am’ but also as ‘I will be what I will be’ or ‘I will be who I will be’, or ‘I shall prove to be whatsoever I shall prove to be’ or even ‘I will be because I will be’. Other renderings include: Leeser, ‘I Will Be that I Will Be’; Rotherham, ‘I Will Become whatsoever I please’, Greek, ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν (Ego eimi ho on), ‘I am The Being’ in the Septuagint,[8]and Philo,[9][10] and the Book of Revelation[11] or, ‘I am The Existing One’; Latin, ego sum qui sum, ‘I am Who I am’."

I think just like in the quote “Before Abraham was, I am”, here too the use of ambiguous verb tense was not done by mistake. I dont know Hebrew or Ancient Hebrew, but based off this article, I would translate this quote as:

“I am [he] who was, is, and [forever] will be”

“I am he who is, was, and will be he who is was and will be.”

Pretty amazing the depth that 3 words can contain.