My name is Mary and I am from Australia. After a fairly sudden spiritual awakening about 4 years ago I have been on an dedicated ongoing spiritual learning path.
After awakening I started studying transpersonal psychology and this is when I started a regular meditation practice and dream interpretation practice. I have since done further studies in shamanic practices, dream interpretation and now Buddhist psychology with plans to study depth hypnosis and assist others on their awakening journey.
I am enthralled by how now my mindfulness practices carry through and are mirrored in the dream state. I practice incubating dreams and also do journey work on them to work through karmic patterns and learn from my guides. When not lucid I am always still downloading information and waking to write it down.
I only recently had a completely lucid dream which blew my mind. The energy of this dream kept me on a high for weeks and I have had to learn techniques to become comfortable with embodying and managing this energy. My teacher has told me that next time I should try meditation during the lucid dream state.
I only stumbled upon this site a few days ago and am looking forward to gaining further insight, spiritual development and especially sharing a sense of community as no one I know wants to put in the work required to expand their awareness by working with their dreams.
Thank You for providing this forum. I seek to embody the principles of oneness and share in the light of transformation. Namaste