Hello friends, I’m Katherine, 66, and live in Portland, Oregon with my wife Susan and Chinese Crested Dog Teeny. I am starting in with lucid dreaming, looking to get to Dream Yoga and onwards. I’ve had a few liminal lucid dreams while on the boundary of waking, one which included me flying up to the top of a cliff so I could say White Tara mantras. It has been an experience of slowly worming my conscious mind into the dream world a bit at a time. I haven’t had a lucid dream during the middle of the night yet, but I’m intending toward it. I love flying in dreams, everything is so effortless and joyful. I wake up after these waking dreams with a smile on my face.
Anyway, that’s where I am so far. I am happy to be here and looking forward to meeting all of you and improving our dream practice together!