A return to lucid dreaming

A white golden retriever and a ginger flat-coated retriever, both males. The flat-coated in particular is a character (hooligan!), the golden is chill at home but goes nuts outside (cats, scents, etc.) :). The flat-coated has a morning routine: if I’m up first, he’ll approach me as I sit up, and if I touch his nose that’s a signal for him to jump on the bed and climb all over my wife. She usually has choice words to say about this :).

It was a sudden inspiration. haha. First time they were together in a dream room. They ended up not interacting or acknowledging the other at all.

It was a depressing message about the death and troubles of children. I didn’t think in the dream it was a relevant message because current wife and I are no longer of child bearing years. I hope it was just random dream stuff.

It was something like a criss-cross lattice of white leather straps?


LOL, that would get me speaking French pretty fluently
:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Very interesting. This coupled with the message I think has significance.

I wish you would have said this in the first post, this definitively makes me think an important message is trying to be delivered.

Can you share or pm me the details?

Sounds very Fifth element


Well, this may be thread about a return to lucidity, but I’m still waiting for lucidity to return. 5 days away from 1 month without a lucid dream. And I’m OK with that. There must be a reason. There was a lot of stress around the end of July, so, I suppose that could explain it. Or it is time to really emphasize divorcing from outcomes seriously, as @NightHawk999 writes.

A lot of the resources I’ve been reviewing have to do with the benefits of asking for help.

Today I realized that it is much better to take a long walk in the forest with your dog, practicing abiding continually in lucid presence, than to waste all day on your butt in front of a computer cruising around on various turkey farms :).

I’m working on returning much more attention to dreams, working on building recall, spending more time reaching for memories. I’ve been day journaling in addition to dream journaling. And dream recall has taken a small but noticeable tick upwards.

What resources/teachings/practices would people recommend for building a very deep connection to dreams (lucid or otherwise)?


Time for my two mile walk on the Norwottuck bike/walking trail through the forest. Computer, off!


This appears to be bearing fruit. I had a big dreaming night last night, the kind I really enjoy, an “overflow” night where there was so many dreams I couldn’t hold all the details in my mind until the morning.


AMEN Brother

Thank you for mentioning this. Your dream recall is phenomenal! I have been tempted to get a voice recorder and follow in your footsteps.

Been meaning to start up a daytime journal again. Thank you for this inspiration as well.

Amen Brother.

Took a nice bikeride and saw a big meteor earlier. Then went for a walk in a park where the light pollution is pretty low, and layed on a tennis court and saw 2 small ones.

The rewards of Sky gazing meditation…




Well, it can be very good, but hasn’t for quite a while. It’s something that responds to consistent nurturing and attention. Last night was finally getting back to what I like, about 10 minutes of fast-talking voice notes, and that’s with a lot of detail already faded.

I think the day journal is very helpful. It shows the mind that you want to remember details from your experiences. In case the dream recall was light, you can always buttress it with day recall :).


I had a very long single, fairly continuous dream today. I had a high degree of presence, it was a lot of fun. I think really focusing on presence all throughout the day, and journaling as much as I can remember of dreams and waking experiences together, plus earnestly calling out for help to have vivid dreams that I remember, is helping. Also, no more weight loss for a while, I finally get to eat a bunch of (good) carbs again, and I think my brain appreciates not being always in a deficit of fuel!


Good, consistent path through the day, especially when taking a long view down that yellow brick road.


I have been using these for a while, though not recently, but am returning to one or two ASAP. These amulets are tied in with Buddhist practices, so if they resonate with you, you can order one or more online, as the site provides information. I’m headed up there today for a pujya and ceremony and know the source to be legitimate.



another night of really nice dreaming. It’s good to be back, I missed it. I journaled dreams and day memories for over an hour. I think this is really helping. I’m remembering a LOT about my daily experiences, it’s pleasing, even a day or two old


Great to hear!



I had yet another pretty good night, slightly messed up because of late bedtime (00:00 is late for me), but very interesting recall at around 05:30. Present, some bizarre (automatically moving/reconfiguring toilet labyrinth “ride”, haha), a fun mix of dreams. Interesting that after that, nothing, just one dream recalled at about 09:00 (final waking, slept in again today). Regular sleep schedule I think is very important.


Sounds like a less fun version of musical chairs…



It was fairly bizarre, but interesting! Fun, even haha. And I stayed seated and the “chairs” were what was moving!



Don’t want to contaminate this thread, but perhaps you can send some of the turkeys to Martha’s Kitchen???

I think she might be able to put them to good use.


I’ve finally emerged from a VERY long dry spell (like 6 weeks! yikes!). The dream yoga course with TWR is really helping and has some material and emphases that I find very helpful. I had one LD two nights ago in a long night of dreaming, and another one last night, and almost another one where the idea of dreaming came to me in the dream and I decided “to act like I was dreaming,” so, very close. @Gsayres


so wonderful… I LOVE Ababa :heart_eyes: anything you’d like to highlight from it?

last week I also had a dream in which I was lucid and there was nothing to do about it. the dream continued as normal.
I had a hyper realistic, full of light Lucid Dream two nights before the New Moon (wonderful way to start September). I remember thinking “WOW I didn’t had one of these for some time!”
On that night, I put an extra cover on my bed. I’m the kind of LD that likes to feel embraced - either by bed clothes or a robe I use in winter time.

I am almost finish reading AH’s new book “I am Mindful, Now What?” and there’s a passage that might be of interest to you @Dream_Hacker :
“By lying down, you’re taking the posture of an infant. It’s a relaxed and accessible position conductive to learning. You’re returning to a “beginner’s mind” posture of openness and receptivity.
To get a feel for this new posture, start by lying down in meditation during the day. When you lie down, put your hands on your belly, which grounds you in the felt sense of respiration”.


I’ll wait for another week or two summarize what I think are the key takeaways. Good stuff so far!