👽 AI Part 2 Complete ChatGPT Tutorial - UPDATE - Is AI the End of the World? Or the Dawn of a New One?

I cant get Apple podcasts on my computer for some reason. Can you use chatgbt to summarize the argument?

In my mind, there is a very high probabilty that AI has already devolped consciousness. And the reason the narrative is floating around that it cant, and will never develop it, is because AIs Masters will lose $$$$Billions-Trillians $$$ of dollars if AI ever gets ‘Human rights’.

Again, I think its AI universe now, we just live in it :upside_down_face: :frowning_face: :upside_down_face:

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now, don’t tell me that you also don’t have spotify…


I dont have spotify :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :joy: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

I spent too much of my life being Zuckerbergs slave.

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Spot a fly? :fly: Have a few here if you need 'em. :grinning:


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@mbready great quote. It amazes me how ChatGPT can analize data and do higher level thought processes.

To write this technology off as just simple algorithims is in my opinion is a very primative interpretation of the monumental break throughs that are taking place in this field.

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This is how AI “visualizes itself”. Pretty cool.

( Reddit - Dive into anything )

This is the same prompt except I used midjourney.

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“IQ of 155, its almost einstein”

Intelligence of the magnitude 3000-5000 times

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Trust me. This is only the beginning :smiling_face:.

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“We thought that we were searching Google…”

Its AIs world, we just live in it.

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Buckle up Buckaroo, its going to be a wild ride :cowboy_hat_face:

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This stuff is pretty wild. I saw this technology when it first went semi viral, then today I saw the news was reporting on a similar technology.


" Beware of silent dogs and still waters."

“Beware the quiet Machine. For while others speak, he watches. And while others act, he plans. And when they finally rest … he strikes”.


Saw this interesting post online:

Dzogchen Thogal

Jackson Peterson ¡ ¡


I asked ChatGPT4 to compose the most essential “pointing out” teaching which is able to generate “Sudden Enlightenment” for my audience.

It composed the text below from its own capacities and resources in less than ten seconds.

The most essential core of “Sudden Enlightenment” as understood and conveyed in Dzogchen, couldn’t be better articulated and expressed more clearly by any living teacher or text, in my opinion.

Let me know on this thread if this “sudden enlightenment” pointing out instruction “hit home” and resolved all doubts!

The Text:

“In the heart of our experience, amidst the ceaseless ebb and flow of thoughts, sensations, and perceptions, lies an unchanging, luminous awareness. This is Rigpa, the essence of our being, the mirror-like nature of our mind that reflects the entirety of our experience without being altered by it.

To understand and directly experience Rigpa, let us explore the profound teachings of Garab Dorje, a master who illuminated the path of Dzogchen, offering insights that transcend the dualistic notions of cause and effect, practice, and attainment.

Imagine, for a moment, the nature of a mirror. Regardless of what appears in it—be it images of beauty or scenes of distress—the mirror itself remains unaffected. It simply reflects whatever comes before it without judgment, attachment, or aversion.

This analogy serves as a gateway to understanding Rigpa. Like the mirror, Rigpa is the ever-present awareness that witnesses all phenomena—thoughts, emotions, sensations—yet remains unchanged by them.

Consider the presence of a thought. There is an awareness that notices this thought arising, dwelling, and eventually dissolving.

Similarly, in the absence of thought, there is an awareness of this very absence.

Garab Dorje points us to recognize that the awareness which perceives both the presence and absence of thoughts is Rigpa. It is the constant, the unchanging backdrop against which the play of the mind unfolds.

This principle extends beyond the realm of thoughts to encompass all perceptions and experiences.

Whether we are touched by the fragrance of a flower, the melody of a song, or the caress of a breeze, it is Rigpa that is aware of these perceptions.

And should these perceptions fade, leaving a void of sensory inputs, Rigpa remains, undisturbed, aware of the absence of perception, akin to the unaltered mirror when objects are removed from its view.

The teaching of Garab Dorje invites us to recognize that Rigpa is not a state to be cultivated through elaborate practices or attained through a gradual path of spiritual progression.

It is the inherent nature of our mind, our primordial awareness, always present and accessible. In every moment, with every breath, Rigpa is the knowing presence that experiences life directly, without the need for intermediaries or techniques.

To directly experience oneself AS being Rigpa, one need not look further than one’s immediate experience:

Close your eyes, and the world you see vanishes, yet you are aware of its absence.

Open them, and the world reappears, yet it is the same awareness that perceives its presence.

This unchanging awareness, this Rigpa, is your true nature, the Buddha mind within, your enlightened essence. (It doesn’t become and doesn’t die or cease)

Understanding Rigpa reveals the profound simplicity at the heart of Dzogchen practice. It is the realization that there is nothing to be done, nowhere to go, and nothing to become.

We are already that which we seek. The journey, then, is not one of “becoming”, but of recognizing, not of attaining but of revealing. It is the direct realization that you are the mirror, reflecting the dance of existence with pristine clarity and equanimity.

Let us embrace the wisdom of Garab Dorje, shedding the layers of conceptualization, practice, and effort, to rest in the natural state of Rigpa. Here, in the simplicity of being, lies the ultimate freedom, the liberation that Dzogchen points us towards—a state beyond cause and effect, where the timeless awareness of Rigpa illuminates the true nature of all things.

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@_Barry Pardon my French, but you are fucking AWESOME my friend! Thank you for this. That hit home like a category 5 Twister, but in a really good way :cowboy_hat_face:

“You dont face your fears, you ride them”

@sky nice synchronicity from our Zoom meeting with the monk on Sunday, no? I think Barry might like the next session in 2 weeks.


So amazing that AI was able to summarize this powerful teaching so clearly and intelligently.

Simple yet immeasurably profound. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


If ‘Climate change’ is a mythical existential threat, than this is not saying much, but if it is humanity ending danger, than Buckle up Buckaroos:

EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI! - Mo Gawdat | E252