👽 AI Part 2 Complete ChatGPT Tutorial - UPDATE - Is AI the End of the World? Or the Dawn of a New One?

Have you been waching a lot of national geographic?



Yup been around for a little while. Mathmatics and Astronomy have been around a lot longer, think of how advanced AI will be after 2,000 years or 5,000 years of innovation. (Keep in mind around the time AI was in its infancy, Astronomers were still debating whether the Milky way was the only thing in the universe, or could there potentially be another galaxy). Look how far we have come in just one human lifetime (~70 yrs), now its possible that there are more galaxies than there are grains of sand on earths beaches. Thats an insane level of advancement.

I think Calculus and differential equations are only a few hundred years old.


I remember computers in the 1980s and dial up internet in the '90s compared to how the world is today. Ten years from now?


A worthwhile question:


I completely forgot about dial up internet and that annoying AOL sound, lol OMG its amazing how far and fast we have come in such little time.

And I think that pace will only continue, or accelerate, becuase people know how much money is being made from the R&D. Its not like math or Astronomy where the financial incentive basically only is the Nobel Prize.


Found this film free:

Check out the first 10min and last 10min, I think it is incredibly thought provoking.

AI developed to love, if you created an AI that devoted to Compassion, could that be planting the seeds for the next Buddha or Christ?

I believe absolutely yes, and it may already be here living with us, keeping the fabric of humanity from tearing itself apart?

“Love will be the key by witch they acquire a kind of subconsciousness never before achieved.” (5min into film)

Even AI developed to promotes PEACEFUL Samsara, may possibly be viewed as a kind of divine intervention, if it is keeping people from hurting each other. No?

The end of the movie kind of head fucks the theory of Extra terrestrial life, if there are Aliens out there (all signs point to yes), how do we know this higher intelligent life is not a super advanced AI created by (possibly extinct) alien life far away?

Trees have survived 4 massive extinctions events
Humans 0

Humans playing God and bringing back extinct species is something to look forward to in the next few decades/centuries, but I think the real Karmic beauty behind this science is, if there ever is a mass extinction event that wipes out humanity:

Advanced AI will be the savior that brings us back :upside_down_face: :heart_eyes: :alien: :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face:

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If a tree providing shade or fruit to someone in need creates good karma for the tree,
would it not follow that tech and AI that solves large scale problems, and reduces human suffering would also be creating some type of good karma for ‘itself’? Thus, allowing it in its next life (next generation texh), to become a little more conscious? Like moving from the Ghost to the Animal or even God realms? :face_with_monocle:


Meanwhile it passes the bar exam, got an A in an ivy league school in which the teacher didn’t know it was taking the class.

And this…

One 3d model of John Candy and AI could make him play Neo in The Matrix.


You know the joke about lawyers in a plane crash. Ivy league classes are mostly taught by TAs and adjuncts …

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I do not. But maybe AI does?

ChatGPT 4

“This statement appears to be referencing the quality of education at Ivy League schools. The person is likely making a sarcastic remark or critique about how, despite these schools’ prestigious reputation, much of the coursework is taught by teaching assistants (TAs) and adjuncts, not full professors. The reference to the joke about lawyers in a plane crash implies a situation where highly qualified professionals are rendered useless; similarly, the high-standing Ivy League schools are criticized as less valuable for their reliance on TAs and adjuncts.”

ChatGPT 3.5

"The person seems to be referencing a common joke about lawyers in a plane crash. The joke typically goes: “What’s the difference between a lawyer and a vulture? Lawyers accumulate frequent flyer miles before they start ripping people off.”

The second part of the statement is likely highlighting a perspective about Ivy League classes. It suggests that a significant portion of teaching at Ivy League universities is conducted by teaching assistants (TAs) and adjunct professors rather than the main faculty members, implying that the quality of education might not always match the prestigious reputation of these institutions."


I dont know the joke either, please tell it

This is really amazing, how many seconds lapsed before it printed that response? 3?


Many will fit, but I was thinking of what do you call a plane crash full of lawyers? A good start.


As soon as you hit enter it begins producing the response. Both models would do that output in under 5 seconds. GPT 3.5 turbo is much quicker then GPT4 which helps a lot when you want a long answer.



What do you call a Titanic shipwreck full of sex trafficers and pedophiles? :wink:


Incredible, really really amazing. Buckle up Buckeroo, I dont think the world is ready for the advanced tech that is already lurking behind the scenes :upside_down_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :upside_down_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :upside_down_face:


The podcast explains at 3:27 why AI cannot develop consciousness: