Andrew‘s second interview with Sean Esbjorn-Hargens

For some reason, I only now stumble over this amazing second interview between @Andrew and Sean. Two great minds having a party… thank you for this. Thanks, nightclub.


This is an excellent interview. I am going to be diving into Sean’s publications and experiences. It seems like he has a wealth of incredibly valuable experience and the explorations he has done sound very fascinating. The openness he has to all phenomena is something you don’t see everyday and it is something I try my best to do.

This interview coincidentally aligns with a video I watched recently featuring Sadhguru, where he discusses encounters with alien beings that he has had during his spiritual practice. Specifically, he describes his interactions with ‘Ganas’, which in Indian mythology are similar to aliens (his interactions with them is described earlier in the video that I link below).

Sadhguru makes a bold claim that Shiva himself is actually a Gana – and he has adopted a human form to interact with humans in a less fear inducing manner. This resonates deeply with me, as I’ve always felt a strong connection to Shiva, and of course aliens :heart::alien::heart:.

This is the part in the video where Sadhguru says that Shiva is a Gana :astonished:.

Thank you for sharing this one!


Remember we had a good chat about this interview?

And with @NightHawk999 about how good the 2nd interview was

And @KhyungMar i thought i remembered @NightHawk999 had tagged you…

@mbready i cant find where but i recall saying to you how Sean Esbjorn-Hargens also has an online community like NC where members discuss their (weird) experiences, many share their alien and spaceship encounters that i thought you might find useful :alien:


Been awhile, yes I do remember this. Will have to check out their forum when I have a moment next week. Do you browse there?



I haven’t checked out Sean Esbjorn-Hargens forum yet. When id watched Andrew 2 interviews i did think too, but i was also chatting a lot here in NC and thought best to stay here for a bit more. Plus id only had that one Spaceship encounter, unlike your regular experiences.
Let me know if you check it out.


Same deal here, I try not to extend too much when it comes to what I look at. If I follow to much stuff it starts feeling like a chore :-1:.

I tried finding his forum with no luck but I saw this which was pretty interesting.

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Agree! Ive noticed if i start to follow something, more of that will manifest… so ive learnt to keep my ‘intension’ within a narrow band width of where my interest resonates, along with gaps of some type of one-pointed focus activity.

Wow! Thats very interesting! Lot of work there done by Sean.
Seems ruggt up your street :alien:

I like his comment

For crazy people like me, you can download the full list of 650 books (all 38 pages!)

Its entirely because of watching those interviews that gave me the confidence to be more open in NC chatroom. Trusting if coming from truth will prove worthy.

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Great minds think a like, I thought I remembered telling @KhyungMar and taggining to this interview too.