Anyone interested in practicing together with Lucid Dream tasks?

That is very cool. Awesome you were able to have such a vivid trance(s).

Very cool synchronicity with the Garden and eagle. I dont think its a coincidence.

The garden has often been used in buddhism to symbolize a ‘cultivated’ mind with good habits, behaviors, and thoughts. Add the symbolism of the garden and the eagle together, and the universe may be sending you a powerful message:


LOVE it! Robert Moss is brilliant. Small synchronicity too, a few hours ago I was talking to a woman who was telling me about revisiting old dream scenes and landscapes.

The part in the begining was very powerful where he was talking about Soul Loss. Now I want to read all of Roberts books.


Thank you @NightHawk999 for highlighting this point, as i’d not associated these signs together. Yesterday gale force winds blew through my garden :wink::fallen_leaf:

And thanks for the links to Eagle symbolism, they were a great read, where i noticed one sign suggested i had a decision to make, which coincidentally matched a dream i had yesterday suggesting the same message!

A lot of synchronicity happening here :smile:

Its like another message of confirmation of recalling my past shaman practices with the Eagle.
:pray:t2: thank you @NightHawk999 … even your name is a sign!


Very cool. The older I get the less I believe in coincidences… :wink:

I noticed the same thing when I joined NC. I think the Sangha here has very powerful energy, and it resonates in unique and very impactful ways.

I wonder if Andrew did some special protection prayers or special prayers when he started this site to make it almost like Hallowed ground, or a temple in the sky? Who knows. I am just very greatful for the diversity of voices and lots of great wisdom here.


In 2023 I had this kind of experience with three different groups and, from this experience, I share that:

  1. Connecting to a dream I had with Andrew Holecek, he asked “what is the space between two people?”, in a liminal state, getting out of the dream, an answer came “Love is the Connector” and this energy does things in an intelligence that is very wise and all encompassing;
  2. It’s really important to have in mind, and heart, that at the dream level, you have no filters, perhaps codes and assignments, or masks, but there are no filters, so every time that we indeed think about doing it with other people, please be ready to see them fully - not so usual in our society;
  3. I know of some dream labs where this is done with all the needed conditions and this would be my recommendation to do it - it also helps scientists to research and help many people. it’s wonderful to PLAY .) in a naturally safe environment. if you like this possibility, please check this website:;
  4. When there is love, and you let it flow, you don’t need to do anything, we naturally dream of each other, sometimes also with lucidity and others not, but with such vividness and divinity that it indeed helps us. Coming naturally from within, we just need to relax, connect and send good vibrations to one another;
  5. Also coming from these three distinct experiences, I have come to realize that, when using too many tasks and commands, we don’t appreciate the dream…! Instead of being the dream and being opened to evolve and discover new things, we might form the illusion that we control anything;
  6. Another important aspect is the fact that we have several astral bodies, and it’s important, especially in this kind of experience, when you don’t know the other personally, to ask intentionally with your heart to travel on an astral body not so much connected with the body, avoiding any physical injuries on these journeys, which we all know how real they are;
  7. I have also experienced that the needed energy to connect formally, in order to arrange such a thing, is too dense and requires a lot of time and some effort - the exception would be I guess, if people live in a community or in between people who don’t need to talk about it (who communicate with no words, otherwise it’s just too much energy on emails or any other way of connecting here on earth). Or a family, where there’s LOVE connecting people :slight_smile: or with friends, in that vibration of resonance that we naturally feel towards each other. in those cases, we dream with each other spontaneously, which can provide deep healing and insights on our behaviors, patterns, helping us to evolve.

Thank you to all the people that i have dreamed with - in sleep and in the awake state :star_struck:

Infinite Deer Blessings :feather:


Appreciate you sharing this.

You and @mbready might appreciate this:

I took a 2 week break from reading Robert Moss’s book, then started reading it again this week. I read a few pages of the end of the chapter, then started reading the next chapter, can you guess what the topic was on?!?!:

Group & Shared Dreaming

very cool sychronicity.

In it he writes, it is ideal and preffered to chose a place for the first meet up, that all the members meeting up have been to before.