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How many birds are on the $1 bill?



“In the two above photos one can see that it is an owl (not a spider) perched on the indented”

{Spider makes sense to me too}


Minervas Owl

Take it with some big grains of salt, but there are some interesting truths in the vid (skull & bones club, Netwons hobbies, etc):

Illuminati: Myths and Realities of a Parallel World | Documentary

@BlessingsDeers do you recognize any of the ‘top secret’ symbols they depict from Newtons journals?!?!?!?
(35min - 38min of vid)

“Newton was convinced that divine mysteries are inherent in nature…”

" Its generally fascinating that someone who is seen as the epitome of the Scientific Revolution and early Enlightenment should show as deep an interest in Alchemy and Occult Science as Newton"