exaggeration is SO great at making a point… hihihi…!
@NightHawk999 and @_Barry … I think you’re gonna love this drawing…
and this book passage…
“Spirit in its human manifestation is man’s response to his You. Man speaks in many tongues - tongues of language, of art, of action - but the spirit is one; it is response to the You that appears from the mystery and addresses us from the mystery. Spirit is word. And even as verbal speech may first become word in the brain of man and then become sound in his throat, although both are merely refractions of the true event because in truth language does not reside in man but man stands in language and speaks out of it - so it is with all words, all spirit. Spirit is not in the I but between I and You. It is not like the blood that circulates in you but like the air in which you breathe. Man lives in the spirit when he is able to respond to his You. He is able to do that when he enters into this relation with his whole being. It is solely by virtue of his power to relate that man is able to live in the spirit.”
Martin Buber, “I and Thou”
here the beauty of impermanence is SO visibly seen… thank you Barry for sharing
Saw this in the movies when it first came out. Never heard and audience laugh so hard!
Easily one of the funniest movies every made, if not the funniest
Clumsy Stewardess & Near Death Experience | Airplane | CLIP
And amazing song, thank you!
Did you catch the 2 animals in the picture???
(maybe 3, couldnt tell if the brown spot above her arm is a sloth or rocks)
Made me wonder whats in her hand?
A crystal Skull?