🤖 Completely AI Generated Music

I had a cool synchronicity when completing this prayer for newborns.

My work plays a song over the loudspeaker to the whole hospital when babies are born (about 1-5 per shift). I always say a simple prayer, “Thank you, Father, Om Mani Padme Hum, Gobinda Hari,” whenever I hear it. Today, as I walked into work, I wondered which song I’d write next. This lullaby/prayer concept was one I knew I would write soon, and upon entering, there it was.

I knew the cosmos had decided which song I would write today and I went about my day. Soon after finishing it, I read @_Barry and @Fenwizard 's posts, the timing was very synchronistic, it perfectly aligned with a baby being born and the lullaby being played which allowed me to step my present moment into a pleasant peaceful prayer.

AI’s summary of the quoted comments below after I shared the full conversation:

Veiled insults are insidious weapons, carefully crafted to wound while maintaining plausible deniability. They operate in the shadows of polite discourse, using subtle language and suggestive tones to inflict emotional harm, erode credibility, and manipulate social dynamics, all while appearing superficially innocuous.

Pretty relevant metaphor considering my recent post and common misconceptions of mad honey:

Hearing the hospital’s newborn lullaby played over the intercom the moment I saw those felt deeply meaningful. Carl Jung said that synchronicity is ‘an acausal connecting principle,’ a sign that one is in alignment with the cosmos. The experience, being able to be close to the miracle of creation in my present moment affirmed for me that I’m on the right path. Compassion and understanding are important to extend to all.

Another cool synchronicity, just before getting to work today and deciding on the song I saw this car ahead of me with the sticker “Forgiven.”

Also, jumping onto another topic (I don’t want to make a separate post), I had a pretty cool synchronicity last night. I went to see the Globetrotters with my mom, stepdad, and wife. As soon as we got there, I took out my phone to record and got this awesome clip. The best part is the girl who sunk the basket is named Ace. The name of my phone and an alias I use a lot :upside_down_face:.