Mad Honey 🐝

Here is a short podcast I made with google about some common shamanic uses for mad honey, it’s about 4 minutes long:

In the United States, mad honey enjoys legal status as a specialty food product under the oversight of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There are no federal restrictions on its purchase, possession, or consumption, and it’s governed by the same safety and labeling requirements as conventional honey. From Pennsylvania to California, enthusiasts can savor its unique properties, provided it’s sourced from a reputable supplier adhering to FDA standards. It’s a rare treat with a green light—enjoy it wisely!

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We’re all mad here, come and take a swim :honeybee:.

The line between madness and enlightenment is thin, as Joseph Campbell observed: ‘The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.’ The mystic’s skill lies in learning to tread that line, harnessing the power of those deep waters without being consumed, ultimately using them to foster growth and improvement.


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