Delightful Good Night Sleep - some shamanic and other practices/experiences

Some people say that I am a force of nature… well, it is deeply connected with my sleep quality!
Inspired in @Barry I decided to share some goodies about how we can have a good night sleep.

I start with one shamanic gift I received in 2005 from a Shaman:
:droplet: water has the power to provide us peace and calmness also during the night.
This shaman taught me to put a transparent glass of water under my bed, whenever I would feel it. I did at that time and it worked.

In 2023, I discovered with Robert Moss that “water sucks the energy out of the subtle body”, meaning that if a subtle body wants to be around me, it’s much more difficult to do so, if I have water near by. Inspired by a recent connection, I would recommend 7 jars of water on the top of the bed for some days, to clear out any discomfort energies from a room.

:dolphin: My practice at the moment with water is having my 1 liter and half bottle of water on top of my book “intuitive Power” by my side the whole night. I then drink that water during the morning - this is how I do my Intermittent fasting - I eat diner around 7pm and drink water every day before breakfast, which I usually have around 10am. This gives me 15 hours of easy natural healthy fasting.

:ocean: Sometimes, also when I feel it, I put 4 little glasses of water with salt in every corner of my room. But only in very specific cases - I don’t do this for a long time now! It’s good for when you cannot do other maintenance because of time. Then doing this every 3 months can give excellent results. If any one reading this, would like to receive the science of that, please ask and I will deliver :heart_eyes:

:fire: Lighting a candle with that purpose also helps and, of course, incense:

:cloud:I have discovered from a Greek shaman that white sage specifically, when burned, has the power to regulate our blood pressure - if it’s too low, it rises it, if too high, it can lower it. Burning the white sage on a shell is a way of honoring the being who once lived there - this is why shamans do so.
:palm_tree: I have recently learned with @NightHawk999 that cedar is an excellent incense - I bought cedar from the Himalaya, and it is indeed powerful. I mix it with Bhutan medicinal incenses.
This is extremely helpful for when I detect a different smell in my bedroom or feel a strange energy there.

I have so much more to share!.. Will do so in other messages.


This is in my new book and I think you might enjoy it @NightHawk999 … it’s a combination of the teaching of Dr. Michael Breus about Chronotypes with a taste of Astrology (in a subtle way, only astrologists could perhaps notice it), created by me, with some help.

Here it goes - google translated it (thank you Dr. Google):

“We’re all so different, but when it comes to patterns, it’s a bit like our clothes. We all dress very similarly. Levi’s achieved what communism couldn’t: have everyone wearing the same type of pants!
These formats influence us on several levels. Dreams are a portal to recover your originality in manifestations, self-realization and in clothes too.
One thing that most people don’t know because we simply don’t talk about these topics much (yet) is that each person has their own chronotype. Dr. Michael Breus, relying on his experience of several decades with thousands of patients, noted four basic chronotypes: the Lion, the Wolf, the Bear and the Dolphin.
Knowing your chronotype helps you understand that what works for your friends or someone you admire, when it comes to sleeping habits, may not be good for you. Your unique biological clock influences your rhythm, appetite, behaviors, wake-up and bedtime.
Your chronotype also has hereditary and genetic influences, revealing the natural propensity to sleep at a specific time of the day.
By analyzing your sleep with the help of the table in class 1, you can clearly understand your chronotype and how many hours you need to sleep to get quality sleep.
Below are the various chronotypes so you can receive some clarity and inspiration about the best time to fall asleep and wake up. You will notice that you have characteristics of several chronotypes. This is a sign of maturity and that you have what it takes to focus on what is essential and that concerns you and, by carrying out various experiments and observing, you will be able to discover your unique and original chronotype.”

Because this stuff is so great, I will dedicate one message to each chronotype. If you want to take a quiz and find out which is your chronotype, you can do it here:


"Chronotype 1: The Lion

The Lion sleeps five sleep cycles.
Personality traits:
Lions tend to be leaders, they are excellent at managing people, they have rigor in their thinking, they like to make lists and step by step they make everything go well, they are very organized and militant in their way of thinking. They are stable, conscious, practical and optimistic people.
They like to achieve goals. They have health and fitness as a priority. They look for positive interactions and love strategies.
Bedtime can be, for example, at 10:10 pm and waking up at 6 am. Giving a total of 7h50 in bed (because, as a general rule, you fall asleep easily).
Pay attention to cultural and intellectual stimuli until three in the morning! Living your passion for life during the day will help you explore the dream world with greater awareness and lucidity. Being careful with your spending can be excellent for your financial health and for sleeping well and peacefully.
Pleasures and sensuality can help you with your nighttime routines: a very fluffy blanket, a hot drink, pleasant smells, such as rose essential oil, help Leo sleep.
A good night’s sleep, with beauty sleep, invigorates Lions in particular."


"Chronotype 2: Wolf

The wolf is the artistic group. They are very creative people: musicians, actors, etc. They don’t like going to bed early (it’s rare for them to go to bed before midnight).
They have their own rhythm, are independent and creative, love new experiences and are visionaries. They shine when in leadership situations.
They tend to be impulsive, creative, pessimistic, with mood swings. They are those people who are teenagers forever. They like to take risks. Your priority is the pleasure of living. They are always looking for new things. Reactions happen with emotional intensity.
A lack of freedom or support because of a more controlling boss or your group of friends rejecting your ideas can cause irritation and a feeling of being abandoned. All of this causes stress for the Wolf and it is essential to find ways to manage his internal stresses, so that they do not affect his sleep.
They have difficulty waking up before 9 am. They wake up, but they are not happy to wake up. They tend to get a little “dizzy” until midday. They only feel tired after midnight or even later. The most alert time is at 7pm and the most productive times are in the late afternoon and end of the day.
If wolves take a nap during the day, they won’t be able to fall asleep easily.
They generally sleep four cycles, which is 6 hours, but as they take time to fall asleep, they can spend an additional 40 minutes in bed, and an additional 20 minutes because they like to “snore”, also in bed. Which gives a total of 7 hours in bed.
You can have midnight as your bedtime, so you wake up at 7am or have a bedtime at 1am to wake up at 8am.
Your sensitivity, governed by the moon, can illuminate your worries before falling asleep. Your inner monologues need to find channels of expression during the day, since all the inner images, even if they are positive, can impede your rest and be wasted when they happen when you fall asleep.
What helps is having a balanced routine that suits your sleep and rest needs. A hot shower or bath definitely helps, or Yoga Yin Flow, or something that pampers the physical body, like self-massage or meditation. Everything the Wolf does to take care of himself and that helps his head stay on a less active frequency and his body happy, helps him fall asleep peacefully. Breathing exercises can also help the Wolf, in particular, to fall asleep.
It is excellent for the Wolf to go to bed at 1am, as long as he wakes up at 8am - as much as possible, every day. If you do, you better prepare yourself to see (long-desired) miracles happen.
A tip that applies to all chronotypes, but especially for the Wolf in phases of insomnia, is to do guided meditations before falling asleep. The set of breathing exercises, to relax the body, with a voice to help, allows you to calm your infinitely creative inner world."


"Chronotype 3: Dolphin

Dolphins love charts and all the tools given in this book may be of very good use for them and usually give them good results. This is because their incredible thoughts at the speed of light can lead to procrastination and unfinished tasks. This will help them focusing their intellectual gymnastics on things that help them prevent the less positive side of their limitless imagination.
They are careful, introverted, a little neurotic and extremely intelligent. They suffer a lot when they wake up several times during the night. Sometimes they stay awake for long periods of the night. They have some things in common with the Lion, with the exception of anxiety, which is higher in Dolphins. They have some obsessive compulsion which makes it difficult for them to finish projects, wanting to always improve and edit ad eternum.
They wake up with the feeling that they are not fresh: the quality of sleep is lower than in other chronotypes.
They feel tired every day and at night they become more alert.
They are productive in bits and pieces throughout the day.
When they are awake they are thinking about what they could have done, what they could have done better: hypercritical and super demanding. They think a lot about mistakes “I could have done it differently”.
They are light sleepers and lack of sleep.
They sleep four sleep cycles, taking 40 minutes to fall asleep, giving a total of 6h40 in bed.
A possible time for them to go to bed is 11:50 pm, and wake up at 6:30 am.
In Dr. Michael Breus’ experience, having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time often helps dolphins. And they put the desire to make things happen in a very important area of ​​their lives.
Dolphins avoid risky situations, are perfectionists and focus on details. Pay attention to deadlines and presentations until 11pm, which can take away the rest of the night. Planning things for a time further away from bedtime is brilliant! This will release stress and help the Dolphin to rest better, empowering and giving roots to his incredible creativity. It may not seem exciting at all, but you gain energy and peace that you wouldn’t otherwise get. The suggestion is to use your powerful creativity to understand how you can have deadlines at “decent times”. Another very bold possibility for the Dolphin to go to bed is, for example, to do everything possible to go to bed at 9:50 pm and get up at 4:30 am, especially during winter. This time is excellent for parents. The feeling of waking up at this time will be much more refreshing than waking up in the middle of the night, knowing that it would be better to sleep more. Furthermore, the silence of the early morning is extremely beneficial for the mind of any Dolphin.
It is no coincidence that there is night and day. Our bodies work much better when we live our lives during the day and really relax after dinner.
Resentments and hurts can destabilize the Dolphin who feels everything, but doesn’t like to admit or share it. Journal work helps, especially for the deeper Dolphins. This way the paper receives their desires and sensitivity, giving them more clarity and inner peace, allowing them to sleep more relaxed and happy.
A good night’s sleep and knowing how to rest will allow the Dolphin to seize all of life’s magical opportunities, with more enthusiasm, confidence and presence."


"Chronotype 4: Bear

“50 to 55% of people are Bears and these people are those with the easiest biological clock to deal with.
They are extroverts and people who get the job done. It’s good to have lunch and dinner with them because they like people. They are cautious, friendly and open-minded.
They avoid conflicts, they want to be healthy, happiness is their priority and family is what gives them comfort.
Whenever they can, they stay in the “ronha” for a while, feeling tired at the end of the afternoon.
They sleep soundly, but not as much as they would like. They love naps, especially during the weekend, on the couch.
They sleep five cycles, but can have an extra 20 minutes. Thus, the total hours in bed is 7:50.
A possible time to fall asleep for “afternoon bears” is 11:10 pm and they wake up at 7 am. For bears that like to work early, bedtime may be 10:10 pm to get up at 6 am.
Pay attention to physical activities after the sun sets! Doing everything that is more physical until dinner helps the body realize that when a certain time arrives, it’s time to relax. For younger Wolves, the recommendation is to do Yoga Flow or Pilate after dinner. Everything else that involves physical exercise, only in the morning. Relaxing activities after dinner are excellent.
The well-being of those they love can make Wolves worry and, if they are inattentive, they can take these worries to bed, making it difficult to sleep. The idea is to get to bed and count sheep, not worries! By not responding to emails and phone calls after dinner, you fall asleep like a dream! Having your cell phone on silent is a good idea - after dinner it’s perfect; at the very least, after going to bed.
It is especially important for the Bear to give himself permission to rest and recharge, creating some time for himself. Bears love watching television, but if they can meditate for thirty minutes a day, it greatly improves their quality of life. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll never want to give it up.
Dr. Michael Breus notes that these chronotypes are becoming more and more hybrid, which increases your responsibility to understand yours. The suggestion is that you do it without stress, because it may take a few days, weeks or months until you have a clear idea of ​​your current, original and unique chronotype.
Another tip is to relax when you can’t have a great bedtime and wake-up time. When you can, celebrate because it really has a huge positive impact on all areas of your life, on your productivity, focus and good mood. Everything goes better. When it’s not possible for you, accept it and do the best you can, without being in your chronotype. Life is a dance, it is not perfect. Things that are too perfect border on tyranny and unhappiness. Sometimes we dance in tune with other rhythms, other times, more in line with our own rhythm.”


Also from my book, and for today, that’s it.
Looking forward to hear about your experiences, feedback and suggestions also.

"Colors and elements that help us sleep well.

One way to balance lighter or unstable sleep phases is to embrace colors and elements. In a team game with what you learn about your chronotype, falling asleep and waking up can be a source of great pleasure.
Have you ever noticed that certain colors have an effect on you?
You can, for example, place colored scarves over your lamp (being careful not to burn them) and, when you discover which color helps you relax the most at night, buy a lamp of that color or a new lamp or keep the wonderful scarf.
The elements of this planet are another source of inspiration for, for example, choosing the one that gives you the most peace and bringing aspects of that element into your life. If you like the sea, you can try listening to the sound of the waves before falling asleep. Or have a picture of the sea in your room. If the breeze inspires you, on days when it is stronger, you can allow yourself, for example, to feel it and sing and dance with that element. Fire can be present in the light and warmth of your life. The earth at happy feet.
A good set of colors, with a lot of wisdom, can help you reinforce and live your chronotype."


This is also another very interesting topic related to sleep:

these videos are from Dr. Michael Breus:

"home made but straight to the point:
in minute 2:30 – for couples - Example of Dr. Michael Breus who sleeps 6h30 and his wife needs 8 hours. @Barry this might interest you :heart_eyes:

6:11 brilliant explanation of hormones, weight and sleep deprivation. @NightHawk999 check it out!

He wrote a whole book just about this topic:


Recently I came across a very interesting article that confirms that we all have different sleep needs:


How did you do this without spilling?


Watching sage burn and the smoke hit rays of sun is so beautiful, the smoke it creates is really unique and beautiful.

Candle for sure.

Frankensence and Red cedar are my favorites for burning before prayer or meditation.


I didn’t fill it all up…
it’s under the bed on the floor…

true… smoke in general creates beautiful unique silhouettes ans shapes.


Today is a holiday in Portugal for celebrating the Body of Christ. Early this morning I was with a very dear friend who is a nurse. She reminded me that some people have issues with sleep because they are afraid of dying… this has inspired me to write a poem. It was written while I was waiting for the ferry to take me back home. Wrote it by a tree and when I felt it was finished, it was time to go.

Dedicate it to those who find trouble in sleeping because they might transit during the night:


I gave you all my love

And now I release any vow.

May these warm tears

Roll into the sea of life

And you feel in this water my arms embracing you.

All the hands you held,

are holding you now.

All the love you shared

Is carrying you now.

And in this sleep,

May the winds carry you

Gently as a soft warm breeze.

You can sleep now.

You can go now.

You can relax now…

All that we shared is treasured

And kept in a capsule embraced

In the eternal now,

Where there is nothing to do

But to open

And remember.

You can go now

You can go now

You can go now.”


@BlessingsDeers The Northwest Coastal Native peoples from my region use cedar for smudging. Sage doesn’t grow here but in the dryer areas east of the mountains.


@Barry still inspired by you and your sleep…

What I’m about to share is what allows me to have the time to participate actively here in Night Club! It’s about doing the work most people don’t want to do… but it’s the one with most rewards. In my case, it took 2 months and a half of self-observation… not easy but truly worthwhile, with benefits for the rest of my life! So here goes another excerpt from my new book….

“The most exciting thing of all is that you may be able to readjust the number of hours you sleep, gaining time to do what you have wanted to do for a long time, such as watching the sunrise, making love without rushing it, or a morning meditation. All the genuine joy of life and regular meditation are essential for dreaming with lucidity and awareness, fulfilling the part of the human being that is capable of creating, seeing things from a higher perspective and feeling enthusiasm in the simplest things in life.

The main goal was to understand my bedtime and waking hours, establishing a steady daily routine for that, in my case, gaining 3 hours every day, and learning many valuable things about myself during this period of analyzing the routines linked to the quality of my sleep. With the help of sleep charts, what I noticed was that:

» I started waking up less often at night with the consistency of the time I fall asleep and wake up;

» I changed my eating time because I realized that when I ate later it caused me to wake up at night - having dinner about three hours before bed and having a wind-down routine, about an hour before bed, helped me consolidate and establish my bedtime;

» I noticed that when I wake up later, I do everything at a pace that is not mine. The difference in enthusiasm and motivation is abysmal. I like to get up at dawn and do everything calmly, listening to the lush sounds of the dawn;

» Before the sleep chart I was lost and did things without awareness. I was able to progress quickly and that gave me more joy.

It is often said that to be a master in a given subject, we need to practice at least ten thousand hours. Well, if you sleep an average of eight hours a night and are over four years old, you are already a master at sleeping!

Sleep can be like a window: if your sleep doesn’t fill you up and regenerate you, there’s something in your life that you need to look at.

Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman discovered that humans have two dopamine circuits, one for desire and the other for control. The first is primitive, immediate and directly linked to addictions, not only to chemicals or sugar, but also to behaviors that are not good in the long term. According to this university professor, dopamine is one of the brain’s greatest forces and regulates the desire for more stimuli and surprises. It is thanks to dopamine that we thrive, that we want to discover the world and that we achieve success and it is released when we anticipate something. It’s that feeling of excitement, interest and feeling alive. Expectation is better than what you want. But we need motivation! So, what to do? The second circuit takes place in the frontal cortex and is sophisticated. It is the part of us capable of thinking long term and making plans. A simple example of how these circuits work and how they can make an unbeatable duo is recognizing that when you go to bed after a certain time, your sleep is not as good or waking up is much more difficult. The desire circuit wants to stay awake until you feel like it, without limits. The control circuit says: «Okay, you stay up late once a week, during the weekend, and during the week you put a warning on your cell phone with a sound you love, reminding you of your waking time. you go to sleep. Having someone to make these internal agreements with helps.

Sleep affects all areas of our life

We start with the proposal that, from today onwards, you consider your sleep as a high priority. Because sleeping well rejuvenates your mind and body, increases your energy reserves, helping you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight. Several studies demonstrate that levels of happiness and freshness of life are linked to the quality of sleep, as it influences cognitive capacity, positively affecting all organs, even improving disease states. The expression “Sleep on it” was proven in a Dutch study by Journal Science, which found that it is better to let the unconscious mind handle difficult topics. Common sense confirms that before making an important decision, getting a good night’s sleep helps a lot. Sometimes, waiting a week can even help you see things from a greater distance and from a different perspective, especially with restful sleep. Have you noticed that all the information you receive is more easily integrated and harmonized within you, when you have one of those nights where sleep regenerates you and gives you strength?

Everything you do is better with a good night’s sleep, right? Sleeping well is healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That’s why we spend a third of our lives doing it.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

What the vast majority of people don’t know is that a good quality of sleep is more important than sleeping a lot.

Some signs of sleep deprivation or poor quality sleep are:

» Reaction time decreases;

» The body continues to do things, but at a reserve level;

» The thought process slows down;

» Decisions are more hasty and with some mental fog;

» The likelihood of irritability increases;

» Memory becomes weaker;

» In some cases, it lowers testosterone levels;

» Libido may decrease;

» Affects the immune system;

» May increase obesity.

Perhaps learning more about this inevitable part of being human can help children fall asleep without a hint of guilt as they continue to explore the world, only the dream world.

Sleep Cycles

Knowing how our Sleep Cycles work helps us understand their importance, respect their function, sleep better and dream lucidly.

Sleep cycles last approximately ninety minutes. They may be slightly more or less. Some sleep cycles can last up to one hundred minutes.

The first three sleep cycles integrate and maintain the day. They last between four and a half to five hours. These first three sleep cycles have four essential parts, with a very small amount of REM sleep which is what provides vivid lucid dreams.

The last two cycles, or in some cases, the last sleep cycle (for people who only sleep six and a half hours and feel fine), change and are for another function, with extended REM sleep, which is sleep of mental restoration, where we change information from short-term memory to long-term memory. It seems that, according to the latest research, when we put a piece of information into the brain, it becomes electrically linked to other pieces of information, thanks to REM sleep. In other words, people who frequently forget their car keys, their grocery list, or who are in a room in the house and forget why they went there, most likely did not sleep their REM sleep.

did you know this @NightHawk999 ?

These approximate values ​​and simplified sleep stages are intended to help you understand why it is important to have a good night’s sleep, where you get at least six and a half hours of sleep.

Sleep Chart

To increase your quality of sleep, there is something that can help you a lot: sleep tables. Inspiration comes from Dr. Michael Breus and many other sleep experts.

With the sleep table you can understand your optimal times to go to bed and wake up, helping you to consolidate your sleep.

If, for example, it takes you a long time to fall asleep, you can start going to bed later and this is one of the details of what you can learn from this self-investigation. The various parameters help you understand what is happening to you in terms of sleep.

Conscious and lucid dreams should happen with this foundation and structure of self-knowledge and self-regulation of sleep.

A sleep table can have the following data:

“Date” in the table shared above has eight days, but you can draw one with more or less days.

“I went to bed at” is the time when you turn off the light and go to bed.

“I fell asleep at” is when you fall asleep, this time is estimated and the objective is to understand whether it took you a long time or a short time to fall asleep, linked to your behavior during the day (what you eat, whether you take a nap, etc.).

«I slept X hours».

“I got up at”.

“I woke up X times” suggestion: also record the time you wake up during the night.

“Sleep Quality” from 1 to 5.

“Amount of Sleep” from 1 to 5, with 3 being the optimal quality for you.

“Energy upon waking up” from 1 to 5.

“Energy after lunch” from 1 to 5.

“Energy after dinner” from 1 to 5.

«Observations» where you can write what you learn about yourself.

With a table you can organize and internally clarify your internal rhythm, being able to structure your bedtime in a harmonious way and tailored to your needs.”


This is Genius!!! Thank you so much for this

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

I wonder which one I am :wink:



I am going to try this with a flashlight too, and see if I can read with the cloth over it


Excellent advice, yoga nidra is my go to, or a boring audio book

Do you know the name, or scientific name of the cedar they use?


Western Red Cedar - Thuja plicata.
But I think any kind of cedar would work. It makes a crackling noise when you burn it as it is full of aromatic oils.


Much bigger tree than the eastern red cedar

The burn and smoke signitures of these trees wood is so beautiful

The smoke of sage in beams of sunlight is really cool to watch too