Delightful Good Night Sleep - some shamanic and other practices/experiences

Today I share another piece of my book… about Sleep and Food + Health and Lucidity

"Food and sleep
Eating routines depend somewhat on your chronotype. Nevertheless, here are some general guidelines:

The sun’s rays nourish us, give us vitamin D and reset our circadian cycle. The sun also helps us wake up - serotonin during the day, with 20 minutes’ exposure to the sun, turns into melatonin at night.

Sunlight is the most natural for our cycle (natural body). It is what regulates our entire system. As much as possible, it’s a good idea to adopt a routine in which you go to bed with the sunset and wake up with the sunrise. This way, the entire body regulates itself naturally.

When you feel a low in energy, the sun helps (to energize), as does the warmth of our beloved humans and animals.

Each person has their own food that allows them to relax (or not) and that supports sleep.
The most important thing is for each of us to know what relaxes us, gives us peace, harmony and makes it easier to be centered, helping us to sleep well.

Banana and peanut butter are great for a bedtime snack. This is because Dr. Michael Breus and many other experts in this area recommend that we eat three or three and a half hours before bedtime (the ideal is to eat before the sun sets). With this distance, if you feel hungry close to bedtime, banana or peanut butter will help, as well as oatmeal and other foods that contain sleep-friendly nutrients.

Experiment that you can do with the help of the sleep chart: eat two nights before the sun sets and two nights you eat close to bedtime and at night. Or do it organically, with awareness.

Once again, of course there are exceptions in life and, sometimes, this is not possible to do, but these exceptions are possible to provide you with a good sleep, thanks to a sleep already consolidated before.

Good breakfast foods: pear-avocado and egg.
There are very good things about caffeine, but you need to be careful. Sugar and caffeine interfere with our ability to relax. For those who have trouble falling asleep, you can drink coffee (and eat sweets with sugar) only until 2pm, this is because caffeine remains active for up to 7 hours after we consume it (without us noticing). Pay attention to the caffeine and sugar present in some foods other than coffee.


During the night our brain continues to work, albeit at a different frequency and vibration and, together with breathing, sometimes with an open mouth, we become dehydrated. Therefore, when waking up, it is very good to drink water (warm or cold) - to re-hydrate the body. If possible, sunlight also helps. Caffeine only 90 minutes later. For the bravest: cold shower that stimulates a very important nerve for dealing with stress and feeling peace: the vagus nerve.

Depending on each chronotype, you can adjust your routine with everything that has been said so far.

Sleep and Weight

There are several glands that influence our feeling of fullness from what we eat. When we don’t sleep well, it’s harder for us to feel “full” (satisfaction with what we’ve eaten). Everything you do for your sleep also has an impact on your weight.

The golden rule is to know yourself. If you still don’t know what food relaxes you, the invitation is to find out. Each organism is unique and each person reacts differently to certain foods.

Supplements that help you fall asleep and get quality sleep
» Magnesium and vitamin B6 together is a good food supplement. It should be recommended by a naturopath, therapist or doctor. It can help strengthen your system and relax your body.
» Another recommended supplement is vitamin D, ideally with sunlight.
» Another possibility is Cannabidiol.
» Melatonin also helps you sleep better.
» Glycine, which is generally present in collagen supplements, also helps you sleep well.
But it is important to have support in these choices.

Sleep and liquids

One of the reasons for waking up at night is to pee. This can change with a very simple solution: only drink liquids until 2pm - soup included. There will also be exceptions here when intuition tells you that you need, for example, to drink mint tea to digest something more difficult from dinner.

Once your sleep is consolidated, the night can still be good, even if you drank tea that comforted you on a special night.

The combination of these food guidelines and dimming the lights, might be enough to make you feel like you slept well and wake up with a lot of energy.

Health and Lucidity

There are incredible multiple benefits of doing Thalassotherapy and experiencing extreme temperature differences.

Advantages of heat therapies (sauna or Turkish bath):
Eliminates weak mitochondria;
Repairs damaged proteins;
Slows down aging;
Reduces the risk of death;
Helps to reduce weight;
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and stroke;
Promotes detoxification.

Advantages of a cold shower (after the sauna):
Activates some of the physical changes that occur with physical exercise;
Activate your vagus nerve;
Train yourself to be more resilient to “stress”;
Stimulates cell regeneration by improving energy.

Advantages of cold water jets
Improves strength and resistance capacity;
Blocks muscle pain;
Reduces brain fog;
Speeds up recovery because it stimulates adrenaline.

Any cold therapy, in particular, makes us more receptive to dopamine (the natural happiness chemical).
Brief stress followed by brief recovery causes cells to grow stronger faster.
The invitation is for your lucidity to increase a little every day.
I hope that this practice gives you more vitality, strength, joy in life and lots of love."

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Oh boy, this one is relevant. As a male approaching his “later” years, this process has become more and more a part of my night. I can’t remember the last time I slept through to morning. On the one hand, it provides natural micro-WBTB and dream recall opportunities, on the other, it is very challenging to remain still and calm to recall dreams, perhaps attempt a dream re-entry, WILD, or AP, with a screaming bladder.
I had heard not to drink after 6pm. I’ll try moving that schedule up a few hours, and hydrate hydrate hydrate first thing in the morning.


great! make the experiment (with flexibility) and then, please, let me know how it went :pray:t3: :feather:


I’ve found that with ceasing to try to control the night, be it sleep, dreams, lucidity, has given me the best results. Being completely open to whatever experiences the night will bring, allows one to entirely let go, relax, and stop “trying to sleep,” (the worst, most insidious thing to do if you want to sleep!). Of course all of the various sleep hygiene and health recommendations are all relevant.
One of the most helpful set of recommendations I’ve found is from Andrew Huberman. He is a huge advocate of bright sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning, along with movement (doesn’t have to be extreme, just a walk outside in the morning), and cold exposure (cold bath/shower) to start the day, all help.
Here’s his recommendations:

Warning: his videos are addictive! He has so many good ones on many topics.


I also have a long-term medication prescribed by a urologist that is supposed to help regulate the hormone responsible for urine production behavior to produce urine more during the day than during the night. I stopped taking it but maybe I’ll return to it, as I was having some success with it.


wonderful… I will take a look later or tomorrow. thank you for sharing. it seams to be highly educational and precise.

If it was my case (I have been a man in previous lives… hihihi), I would search for the natural way of doing so. If you stopped it, I’m sure it wasn’t just a whim… antroposhopic medicine is very good with this and nowadays there are SO many sophisticated and somehow accessible supplements that might do the job in a more natural way.


Great advice!
I have heard really good things about bananas helping with sleep if you eat a few hours b4 bed.

Might want to add clarification on the peanut butter, one of the biggest commercial brand here in the states (Jiffy) is loaded with ingrediants that are not from peanuts. Good to make sure the product you buy is 100% peanuts.

I prefer Almond butter, doesnt have b6, but has higher calcium.

Might be a good alternative for people with allergies.



yes, it’s a really good idea to check out the ingredients of the food you eat :heart_eyes:

in both cases - peanut and almond it’s always better when roasted. Also be aware that peanut can be heavy on the liver. I don’t eat peanut butter at all. I have created a banana quiche that I LOVE and it’s wonderful to eat in the morning with cinnamon or before bed (with no cinnamon). It’s 100% banana, puff pastry and oven!.. it’s SO sweet and natural :heart_eyes:


I have watched partially this video you suggested!
Appreciated very much that is segmented, making it easy to go to the part where he gives some advice for people who suffer (greatly) from sleep apnea.
I have a student who does so, and I sent him this video yesterday with reference to this part (from 1h25:00 on) with the comment that it’s the second expert in this area that recommends the mouth tape during sleep for stimulating nose breathing - brilliant.
Dave Asprey not only recommends this but also does it as well as his teenage daughter!
Huberman has a whole advanced system for navigating optimum sleep. Mind Valley also has this approach and, since I’m a member there, I am now contemplating on doing a new quest on Gut Health with epic Naveen Jain, Viome’s founder :heart_eyes:

Thank you so much for the inspiration.


You are welcome! Huberman is a bit long-winded, and sometimes it’s not so easy to pick out his specific recommendations (there is a Huberman AI site where you can ask specific things and get his recommendations), but his videos are excellent and very well organized, I agree!


Yesterday I discovered something new and was SO DELIGHTED that I’m spreading the word to all friends I come in contact with - also with strangers at the beach (when people vent with me about the water being SO COLD)!

“In 2010, neuroscientist Diego Bohórquez of Duke University discovered that the enteroendocrine cells of the gut had “footlike protrusions” that resembled the synapses that neurons use to communicate. (…) After further testing they discovered that the cells do in fact use the vagus nerve to take up messages and send them to the brain, faster than could be done by the bloodstream. (…) Your gut has its own way of interpreting events and giving brain signals (…) The vagus nerve connects the gut to the brain stem. We get to decide what kind of environment our superpower (brain) lives in - one that supports your mission in life, or (…)”

Page 45 “Limitless Expanded Edition”, by Jim kwik :gem:

This because one of the ways of stimulating this nerve is by taking a shower or a bath and be a minimum 30 seconds under the cold water :heart_eyes: and I pracice this for a long time now, but it was a great feeling to understand why it’s so great.
this is also good for healing inflammation @NightHawk999 :sun_with_face:


I have a LOVE hate relationship with ice baths and cold showers

Hate what they do to my ‘lower extremities’, but LOVE how the body and muscles absorbs the cold and radiates it long after the bath.

A $2 bag of ice and a bathtub can go a long way.

Thank you for this reminder my friend, this is also a fun way to combat the summer heat.

I went to the grocery store a few weeks ago and had the intuition to buy penut and almond butter, went to the aisle and they were on sale big, where the organic brands were the same price as the regular brands


totally understand this.
When I first started doing it in the shower as instructed by Dave Asprey (30 seconds with really cold water on the fore-head and heart) it was as he said - the first three days it’s horrible! on the 4th day the feeling is just AMAZING!
I like it so much that now I do it under the sea… and receive other goodies… the sounds under water, the breath expanding (Lu Jong helps a lot with this), and coming to the surface as if there is nothing else to be doing in life!

yes. 30 seconds does the work. fore-head and heart.

learned in Cuba that for this, the best way is doing the opposite: warm showers and hot tea.
I share with you another secret in a while… at the Animal communication thread :heart_eyes:

yes! GOD Bless you infinitely… I LOVE when this happens to me also… I think it’s not possible, I go for it anyway and SURPRISE! it all just aligns with what intuition whispered…

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interesting article with a long desired wish from students, to perhaps come true…

Researchers are now testing if starting the school day later might help