Delightful Good Night Sleep - some shamanic and other practices/experiences

I know this all to well. I have learned sometimes the most compassionate thing to do is to put on Ear plugs and or Ear muffs:

Otherwise you are encouraging the neurosis.

Building a dictionary of symbols is extremely powerful.
Thank you for this


damn… you’re good!..
you must be a Lucid Dreamer!.. hihihi
did not notice…

usually all I do is staying Present and not answering or feeding the conversation.

this never occurred to me… perhaps because of impermanence… it’s more like an internal software that I develop for myself… I do it naturally… the work in this case is to register all dreams… :fire:


Identifying with Sleeping Problems…
just being aware of this already changes it.

changing some things also helps :owl:

"this is my new sacred temple where I can explore the unknown… " brilliant!..

Excellent profound video.


asKING questions I think care also be helpful

I had one the other day about being in a plane while it hit turbulence and then crashed. Kinda terrifying. Lucidity hit in the wreckage, or blank Nothingness of the aftermath.



He mentions sleep in this Grand slam video too

Soul Retrieval and the Pain Body with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche


He mentions similar things, but goes a little deeper in this vid


yes, sometimes we need to crash something so that we can become lucid again… usually it’s illusions… but easier said than done! :cowboy_hat_face:

I dreamt of being in a plane today to leave a deer friend there who was exhausted. I was happy for her because she was going on vacation… her mother and another friend were also there and she made an expression that communicated she was not going to rest and I said to her “Don’t tell me you are going to work on your vacation!..” with all this drama, I did not become lucid… :upside_down_face: it’s not possible to leave a friend at an airplane, unless you fly with her…
and I was dreaming with this friend the whole night, in different dreams, giving her advice, and having fun with her.

yes. asQUEEn questions is very powerful :fire: hihihi

yes, you had shared before. it’s on my list to be seen… soon :heart_eyes: :pray:t3: :pray:t3: :pray:t3:


“The pull of sleep.
Going out of existence.
And then you are reborn again.
Human patterns being micro-cosmos versions of macro-cosmos reality.
You disappear periodically, and you need to disappear.”


The World’s No.1 Sleep Expert: The 6 Sleep Hacks You NEED! Matthew Walker

“Was I Right or was I wrong”

“The Elixir of life”


Damn youre good!
Very wise words :pray:

She must be very close to your Heart.
Of all the Deers I would love to fly by my side, you’re are the top of the list!
You got that Elevated Spirit:
Santa Claus get a move to ride on their reindeer. Magic Santa's sleigh flying over Christmas fairy forest on the background of huge moon.

:deer: :heart_decoration: :deer:


No rush, I think most, if not all the teachings in it, you already know.
Leave it for an idle tuesday or when your Intuition calls for it

OMFL this cracked me up :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:

So decades and lifetimes ago, in my younger and more vulnerable years (real early teens like 10 or 11), our group of prepubescent friends used to JOkE with one of the friends in the group (named Joe). Instead of saying:

"You got to be joKING me?!?!?’

we said

“You got to be joQUEEN me?!?!?!?”

:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:

Not the kindest things to say, but my God, they were not the softest times to grow up in.
These days it seems likes schools are mass producing :snowflake:s that melt instantly in the face of any adversity.
Like the complete inverse of the WWII (greatest) generation


I watched and LOVED it… the “meditation” is one of the most powerful I have done with him so far!.. thanks for sharing this gem!..

loved this story… thanks for sharing your intimacy here with us… and your heart… and what is touching you right now.
what I can say is that when such books exist:

(arrived at my home in the Solstice day!!! what a delightful Christmas gift - @Barry I think you would enjoy this book also. it’s full of “juice”…)
there is TRUST that things will fit into place. In the right moment, of course.

you got yourself a really nice possibility!.. ho ho ho…! hihihi :deer:


I have had this experience before and perhaps even already shared it here before, but it’s such a simple miraculous thing we can do to improve our ability to go into the slumber in a highly comfortable, conscious way, that I share it again.

Tonight I woke up after two sleep cycles. I had a spoon of honey, a chamomile tea, brushed my teeth, AND when went back to bed had the idea of mapping my body to check my temperature to notice that:

  1. my chest area was cold, so I warmed it with both my hands;
  2. my kidneys area was also very cold, so I warmed it with both hands… fell asleep like that and had a really good resting night.

What a Blessing that was!

