Consciousness Unbound

I have borrowed this thread topic shamelessly from the book that I have just finished by the same title…a collection of the writings of a cohort of leading scholars that deeply consider the significance of extraordinary experience for our understanding of reality.

I am writing now as I approach the third anniversary of my own entry onto this path of extraordinary experience as it was in early January of 2019 that I woke up in a dream for the first time. I was told, not quite gently, that the path I was on was not the path for me.

I went on to learn all that I could about lucid dreaming and dream yoga, leading to many long and wonderful nights of nocturnal experimentation. Now, just three years later, through open doors, illuminated passageways and dissolved dissociative boundaries, lucid nights have led to lucid days in a transpersonal journey that has changed me in not so subtle ways.

I had no goal on this journey…I was just following this new path. I have since realized that it is a path of positive self-transformation that is still leading toward an acceptance of the mystical aspects of this reality that are guiding me to a deeper understanding of what it is to be a human and how I may be able to help others wake up to that understanding.

What is your goal in your own personal practice? :slightly_smiling_face:


Steve, that sounds wonderful! I hope that my own journey will open up in unexpected and wonderful ways. Much love for the journey, Mike.


You’ve been an inspiration Steve! My goal for this year is to catch up to myself and to be aware as much as I can.


I have no goal i prefer to simply follow the path that opens before me, as truthfully as I can at each moment, comfortably confident that the Self will provide what I need and not what I want.


…and what if both truth and the Self are just illusions? :wink:


What if goal and no-goal are the same thing?

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Ahhh…If your goal is to have no goal…

Hmmmmm…I need to go stand on my head for a bit to see if I can sort that out. :sunglasses:


This still feels like the right answer…thank you @niteen_gupte


Too hard for me, I just do this . . . .


PS. Saw this in the morning and realized that Steve is very up to date with the latest advice for going to bed. :roll_eyes: :upside_down_face:

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Actually…first thing in the morning is better. It gives you a unique perspective on the world to start your day. :wink:


I get dizzy looking at roller coasters.

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Truth is unchanging, boundless and eternal. Way beyond the self. The self on the other hand is a reflection or a glimpse of the truth sensed or vaguely seen through the many obscurations. Like the presence of the sun diffused or shining forth through passing clouds.


“No goal” is the path that opens and leads away from obsessions with goals of any kind.


I would like to learn as much about Meditation(s), Dream Yoga, and the Buddhist and Hindu religions.

I am a novice meditator, only have about 5 years under my belt, but the practice has radically shattered many paradigms I used to have, and much more for the better.

I believe in the Butterfly Effect and the Maharishi Effect, and the more work you do within and on yourself, the more it can be used to help the world and all living beings.

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I highly recommend Youtube video talks vy Swami Sarvapriyananda who very simply, succinctly and lucidly explains the comparison and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism


Thank you for the recommendation, looking forward to checking out his videos.


Swami Sarvapriyananda is fantastic. Andrew has an interview with him here as well. I highly recommend it. Such a wealth of resources here on Night Club!


I really liked his video on Meditation, have not watched the others yet, looking forward to checking out his interview with Andrew.

Yes I agree with you 100%, so much valuable knowledge on this site!

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Yes I really love how smart and informed he is. I have literally watched the interview with him and Andrew 3 times. So much knowledge and deep thoughts. Thank you for letting me know about him

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