Discussion Group

I’ve spoken to several people in the night club who were interested in or in support of the idea of having a discussion group. I would like to be able to share my dreams on a more regular basis as I’ve overcome obstacles, remembered dreams, and integrated it more into my life from sharing. Keeping it a private pursuit keeps it feeling like a mere interest and not an important part of my life. I’ve already done it with a few people already and would love to find more!


Do you mean a discussion group using video chat or something similar? If so, I’m provisionally interested but my schedule is very busy lately and I need to think about if/when/how often etc. Could you say more about what you have in mind?

Just to put this idea out there, I’ve also thought of trying an experiment in which people would meet in virtual reality for a discussion and/or video viewing, using something like BigScreen. Would anyone other than me be interested in that? I like the idea of meeting in a surreal environment as a cartoon avatar. BigScreen has a number of fun environments, including one where you are around a campfire at night – could be interesting for dream discussions.


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Yeah, same thing I said on facebook. I’ve done a few phone calls with my old friend who was in the night club and did a video call with someone new as well. I know how to do group calls on google.
From my experience, if something is on my chest or am excited about something, sharing it is way more enriching than going more into my head or even just writing it down. I think humans are relational beings and learn, work, participate better when they are regularly bouncing things off of their environment and people; we lived for most of history in communities where sharing was normal and cultures where lucid dreaming was big, like the senoi and tibetans, would share their dreams with each other.


I would love to share some of my dreaming experiences as well. I have had a few lucid dreams recently. Also, many nightmares which I am attempting to understand and affect a different outcome.


Hey Jan, that’s the type of stuff I try to share. My sleep and dreaming has been a little erradic lately and sharing dreams and specific things where I am trying to affect a different outcome would probably bring peace and lucidity. I would love to on saturday or sunday, how would that sound to you?

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