Every time we change our dreams we increase our capacity to change our conscious experience while we are awake

I’m Blessed that I’ve been granted the focus and perseverance to keep a dream journal now, for a little over three years. As Andrew has suggested in his book, Dream Yoga (2016); he has initiated and utilized special sections in his journal emphasizing dream signs and instructional dreams. With humility, I have done the same.

Although I cannot say that the sophistication of these three initiatives has gained a great deal in subtlety and/or refinement, I am following the lead of Andrew and his great teachers of this dream yoga practice and continuing daily with the initiatives.

I am grateful for the lucid dreams I have been granted, although they have been few in number. Perhaps, if I’m granted further perseverance in the ways I have already articulated, I will experience more of these dreams and be granted the commensurate wisdom to share with others whose endeavors are similar to mine. If I can humbly be of some service to others, then, I have experienced a small amount of success.

I am grateful that, in general, during the time I have endeavored with dream journaling, I have experienced less painful restrictiveness, guilt, and fear in my dreams.

I pray that the progress I have experienced can continue and be shared with others.

Blessings and Grace be Granted to this Sangha,



Beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing @jaiahimsa.