Greetings! - Personal Introduction

Hello, my name is Aaron. I am from Indiana currently living in Atlanta, GA.

I am very active in music around the city. I study voice and performance. I sing at different lounges, cafes, etc. around the city. I also love foreign languages!

I started lucid dreaming when I was really young, maybe 5-6, and have been very interested in it ever since. It has always been a major part of my life. I seriously started studying last December; so, my LD anniversary is coming up. Ever since then I have had perhaps 30 lucid dreams over the past year.

My first lucid dream was a repetitive dream about witches chasing my from the side of my grandmother’s house. The figure behind the dream spoke to me and told me “When you take three more steps, look up, there will be three witches in the sky coming to chase you”. I counted my steps and looked up. Indeed, very tiny, then larger and larger, three witches came from the sky. This time I was prepared. I knocked the middle one off her broom, took it, and flew away. In that moment I also learned how to fly.

One of my most interesting LDs this year was a dream that took me into being lucid in the non-dream state. I went to change the dream by using a door. I went through the door and my dream ended. There was nothing, including no “me” either. Everything seemed to be one. I was one with everything and there was only my awareness/consciousness. It was very pleasant and calming. Then a few minutes later another dream came and I witnessed it develop.

My current goals are to refine induction techniques so that I can lucid dream more easily and more frequently. I want to do this so I can use lucid dreaming to develop my spiritual life and to contribute to my personal development.

I am very pleased to meet you all! I am glad to be apart of this community with you wonderful beings and hope that we can all learn and grow together.