
I would like to learn more about Kundalini practices.

Went to a Hindu temple yesterday with a friend, who told me there are 3 channels represented buy the Sun, Moon, and Fire. Not sure if this is true, but wondered if these 3 channels correspond or are related to the 3 channels in Buddhism (passion, aggression, and ignorance)?

Had an interesting dream last night and wondered if it was related to this topic:

I am walking by a path outside the temple, a stream has flooded a bit, and there are strange aquatic plants growing in it. I think to myself they might be lotus tubers or roots, and pick one up. There are no flowers or petals, and as I examine it, it appears to be full of small seeds like the inside of a bell pepper. I walk about a block down stream and put it in the water, in an area where the stream has overflowed into the path.

End dream.

Been wanting to learn about Kundalini for close to a year now, maybe its time to let those seeds germinate…



Kundalini Yoga – as Envisioned by the Ancient Yogis


Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Shakti Within


Kundalini and How to Awaken Your Kundalini


This is the Tummu practice… (even though the way it works is different than the double spiral represented in the drawing you shared) - Sun to the right (red), moon to the left (white), central channel (blue) where the fire is ignited (by the moon and sun channels opened and cleared, connecting with the central channel in a specific way) to awaken the Kundalini. Unexpectedly, I had the privilege to start already practicing Tummu with my Lu Jong teacher. AMAZING!.. it was easier I guess because I have been practicing the 9 breathing exercise every day for some months now… What I noticed was:

  1. the heat…
  2. my forehead was all lighted up, expanding into other colors!.. what an amazing feeling…
    For me, the most important is faith in these energies and truly feeling them cleared and radiant.

this, in a way, is connected with this practice.

The way I relate to my central channel at the moment comes from an experience I had one day looking at the sea… the light of the sun touching the blue color gave an experience of blue like never before. My intuition at that time, told me to look deeply and for some time at that radiant blue.
When I did a Tantra meditation on that week, and discovered the central channel is blue, I immediately thought of that brilliant blue color and, since then, it’s very easy for me to visualize it, as well as the white and red channels, by its side.

I practiced Kundalini Yoga for a year and it’s not my yoga. But perhaps it has helped me to be where I am at the moment.


Appreciate you letting me know about this.

Have you watched the 2 recent lucidity Induction videos on breathing? They give some very helpful insturctions.

I think you are on to something with the blue of the ocean, I would also add the blue of the sky is even more expansive and open and spacious :wink: :star_struck: :green_heart:


recently you shared this document in another thread:
nine-breathings-final-2011.pdf (69.8 KB)
it’s thoroughly explained right in the beginning under the title “Visualize the three channels” :cowboy_hat_face:

at the moment, I’m focusing on being in Bliss with my practice… no more instructions for now. But thank you for thinking of me and for your constant support. :pray:t3::wheel_of_dharma: :infinity:

I LOVE when you add value to things. thank you. perhaps I will try also with the blue sky… :pray:t3:


this is just for fun… I think… :star_struck:
Inspired in Tummo, I thought of water heaters (because of the blue flame).
which made me think of heat pumps (they are more ecological).
studying them, I came across with one important component:

where two spirals are generating the mechanical work…
@Barry and @fenwizard what do you think about this?