Meet a teacher in my dream

My intention last night was to meet someone in my dream who could teach me something.
The dream:
I am in a dusty dry forest.
I enter a tent made of weather-stained old canvas.
Inside I see Ken McLeod* sitting crosslegged on the packed earthen floor of the tent.
He looks up at me.
I hand him my visa card.
He takes the card, lays it on the ground and scoops a handful of clay from the ground.
He pats the clay paper thin, places my visa card on the sheet of clay and makes an impression of it.
He hands the card back to me.
He then indicates the floor of the tent behind him.
There are some holes dug into the earthen floor.
The holes are perhaps 2 feet in diameter.
Dark inside.
The invitation is that these are meditation caves.
I am to get in one and meditate.
I look at the two-foot wide holes.
I feel very large, though i am but 5’9" and 135 lbs.
Nonetheless, the invitation is there.
Get in.
I snap out of the dream and write this in my journal.
I lay back down and try to re-enter the dream.
But all I can do is stare at those two-foot wide holes.
Then it is morning.
I think I need to work on cutting my ego down to size.
*I am currently deep into his book Wake Up To Your Life.


send that to Ken, I bet he would like to hear about your dream.

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“Who did I meet?” seems like a good question to ask after a powerful dream like this. Easy answer: Ken. But you didn’t meet “Ken”. Who is the teacher in this dream?

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I believe the teacher is those two-foot wide holes. I was attracted to Ken’s teaching about becoming free from emotional reactivity. My emotional reactivity has caused much damage in my life - it still does. So I started reading his book - only to find that “the sense of self, of “I”, is the basis of emotional reaction, and that “I” as a separate entity doesn’t exist.” That presents me with a huge problem. If I am to be free from emotional reactivity, I must cease to identify with my big fat “I” as a separate entity. As long as I keep carrying around my big ego sense of “I”, I won’t be able to fit into one of those two-foot wide holes. I’m carefully working my way through Wake Up To Your Life in hopes of making some headway in this regard.

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