I’ve been fascinated w/ neruofeedback forever now. I’ve seen Muse but now that you post on MuseS, I have to “sit with the wanting” lol!
For me, I always sensed something was wrong (and it was, I got sicker 'till laid off because I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t figure out what I used to be able to figure out…software developer in prior life).
I got the HeartMath coherence thing and don’t use it. 
Well, I used it when I started meditating (5 mins, max, and I was livid angry afterwards!). Coherence was all over the place. For grins, I tried it again after a few years (and some meditative stability) and it had smoothed out amazingly! I could get into the “green” for most of the session.
Granted, I couldn’t figure out at this point how to use the program to get it off of the easiest setting.
Next, when doctors were blowing me off left and right, I bought a fitbit to see if I was waking up at night. I guess the Charge3 (or 2? the latest Charge model) has the ‘innards’ to track sleeping. They just don’t have the programming yet.
My result - I’m in a coma. 
It fits w/ my 23&me lifestyle predictions: heavy sleeper, non-mover.
RE: waves and the unknown effect on us - I got (and don’t use, go figure) earthing mats. Well, I used it on my pup, who’s not with me anymore. It has to touch your skin, and it’s plugged into the grounding socket of an outlet.
The idea is we run around in rubber soled shoes all day, then are inside concrete slab housing the rest of the time. Growing up in Arizona, we were always taught as kids during monsoon season that when en electrical line was down, to stay in the car. Rubber tires.
Rubber soled shoes.
Earth’s energy.
Or - grounding our own energy.
Alternatively, walk around barefoot outside. So the “earthing” mats were designed to offset this enormous way we are no longer humans in touch w/ our planet.