Wow! Ive not seen those before! Amazing
They remind me of the trees in the ‘Willow Pattern’ on tableware.
Ive been fascinated about certain plants that take years to mature then suddenly blooms and dies. Didn’t know about the Agave plant, and needs bats to pollinate.
After several years of growth, a ‘chaparral yucca’ blooms once, then dies. Like other yuccas, Chaparral yucca is dependent upon a small moth for pollination. In turn, the moth is dependent upon the yucca to nourish its larva.
Ahh that’s good to know!
Prehistoric sites in Britain
I tend to try and resonate with information i read to feel if true. Tingling helps. Here with the subject of Hecate and connections to the Underworld and me having experience Shamanic Journeying to the Underworld gives me a reference to who she is.
Ultimately its all stories! Nice and very interesting stories.
I won’t spoil the surprise. I just ask that when the timing is divinely precise let me know when you start Spirit Walker, because I’ll read my copy same time again (3rd time).
I had a feeling you had started the book because yesterday after i wrote the post my awareness pulled my attention to the Spirit Walker book on my shelf next to where i was sitting. I had a strong urge to start reading it, but didn’t.
… shall catch up today.
The presenter said that Burdock is banned in America (not sure if true), but that statement triggered my curiosity to find out more.
Researching I saw this video.
I thought he seems very knowledgeable and found their book: Knowledge To Forage
Their YT & FB & Insta: Home is where our heart Is.
"Knowledge To Forage is a huge book with over 400 pages! In our book you’ll find
An in depth guide to 60 wild edible plants & trees with large colourful photos to help make Identification easier.
Traditional herbalism & modern science side by side to bring true clarity to nature’s medicine.
An ark of history, mythology & folklore that surrounds plants & trees.
An in depth guide to 16 poisonous plants to help build foraging confidence.
More than 60 recipes teaching not only the original recipes but also the techniques in which they are created. Allowing you to transfer these skills to other foraging finds to create your own unique recipes.
Preservation methods. The art of drying herbs, creating teas, coffees, dried fruits, syrups, jams, pickles & many, many more.
Learn how to harness nature’s medicine through the skill of infusing oils, balms & salves.
Experience the joys of natural soaps, cleaners & dyes made with nature."
Reminds me of the times we have been driving through the mountains and my wife makes me stop so she can pick the plants on the side of the road, rare to find in Nepal, but growing wild in these hills.
Is it Burdock your wife picks?
Is it true Burdock is banned in US? I cant imagine how it could be banned as it grows wild everywhere.
The same source that said it was banned, also said that you can’t mention the name Dr Sebi on some social media platforms
Out of curiosity what does your wife use the plants for?
That reminds me of that worm shape fungi i think, called Cordyceps. The family i stayed with in Humla, Nepal, would scout the mountains for this.
We talked about shamans using black magic, this poisen basically turns people into Zombies, and it has been suggested it is one of the key compounds in Voodoo when turning people into the walking dead:
Wont post the other 5 parts, but you can find them on youtube if its of interest to you, I forget which part they talk about the poinsen cocktail, most likely part 5 or 6.
I think caffeine may also make the list of drugs that create Zombies…