New Dream Teachings!

I am so happy to hear this technique worked for you!

Awesome synchronicity too for me because I just finished listening to all of the Golden Light Sutra (Golden Light Sutra: The Sovereign King of Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light - #5 by mbready) and to me this is what they would call merit!

AI’s summary:

"The Golden Light Sutra, like many Buddhist texts, suggests that positive or virtuous actions (merit) can lead to positive consequences(me: hearing this technique worked for you right after listening to the sutra is profound, and a “positive consequence” to me because I understand this type of lucid dream very well!!). (Back to AI) This is part of the concept of karma. Merit can manifest itself in a variety of ways and at different times. For some, it might take a long time before they see the results of their actions (could even be in another life), while for others, the effects can be more immediate.

The immediacy of the “reward” might be due to various factors. There is a belief in Buddhism that the intensity or sincerity of your practice can impact the speed at which you experience the results. This might be the case for the person who experienced an immediate reward after listening to the Golden Light Sutra. If they approached the sutra with a high level of reverence, openness, and sincerity, it’s possible to believe that the merit accrued manifested quickly.

There is also an idea of ‘ripening karma’, where past accumulated merits done might suddenly bear fruit due to a small trigger, like listening to a powerful Sutra such as the Golden Light one, which could be the case in this scenario. However, it’s important to remember that these are interpretations based on Buddhist philosophy, and individual experiences of spiritual practices can greatly differ."