One of my favorite quotes of Andrew is:
“Sooner or later these practices will reveal your passion for Ignornace.”
I think its a very true and very brilliant statement. The power in the Illusory form teachings is that it teaches us not to grasp as tightly as we once did to things, beliefs, and emotions.
Would love to hear about experiences you have had in your own lives or things you have witnessed in other peoples lives, that have revealed this Passion for Ignorance.
For me personally it was shedding light on my delussions regarding Alcohol. It took me years to quit the habit. I was amazed at how it destroys ones will power to say no, and how often the ego would find the most creative reasonings for why drinking was a good idea.
After about a year of Sobriety, I began to question what other held ‘Truths’ I had about the world and life, that may not be as true as I first thought. This definitely helped me increase my awareness and brought with it an increased questioning of the world around me.
I had an experience this week that made me think this would be a good thread topic:
The day of the full moon this week, I was in a grocery store getting food. I walked past a woman in an aisle, who said “excuse me” to one of the guys that worked there “Can you help me find…”
The guy walked past her.
I passed into the next perpendicular aisle, but could still hear her.
She called to him multiple times and got really angry that he did not stop and help her.
I circled around from the other aisle back to her, after seeing who the guy was she was mad at. It had been about 10 seconds since the guy had past, and she was still galaring in his direction, muttering to herself.
I shop at the store frequently. I looked at her and pointed to my ear, and said:
“He is deaf”
Her face changed instantly. You could visibly see the ‘light of awareness’ cutting through the ignorance. The anger was replaced with compassion.
I think this story hits home becuase it increased my compassion as well. It made me wonder how many times a week do situations like this happen to this guy? How many times a year?
I think the more we combat the ingorance within ourselfs the more we can start to see the delsuions and ignorance plaguing others and the world.
I would be very interested in hearing your experiences and stories people passion for ignorance, in your own life, or of other peoples, or both.