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:snowflake: Post about PHENOMENON

Post anything to do with the subject of Phenomenon

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The subject of Phenomenon for a topic in Discussion occurred to me, after a Phenomenon happened to me today. (8 Jan 2024)

Yesterday I posted in ‘Artwork You Love’ about a woman who puts a putri dish with water next to a subject or thoughts and even her bed when she sleeps. Afterwards she freezes the dish with the water to reveal a picture.

Here she tells of a dream she had. Amazing what the frozen image revealed.

This morning I woke to a frosty landscape outside. Then I saw the frost on my roof window had made this. It too shows part of a tree. I have never seen this happen on my window before.

What this implies (for me) is that our thoughts have consequences.

Could this mean that our bodies are affected by our thoughts and our thoughts affect our mood?

I read on Google “The brain itself is made up of approximately 85% water. Water gives the brain energy to function including thought and memory processes. Water is also needed for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain.”


And the metaphor of the ocean and its whirlpools that Berado Kastrup uses, also the cover of his book, and that Andrew refers to as well.



What metaphor would that be?
What does Andrew use?

Love the picture :ocean:


The Ocean has waves and whirlpools, same essence, just part of the ocean. We’re like those whirlpools, individually spinning but who will eventually recede back into the great ocean . . . .


Coronal hole

A giant hole about the size of 60 Earths has opened up in the Sun’s atmosphere, scientists say. The dark area is known as a coronal hole and can be found on the outermost region of the Sun’s surface which is known as the corona. It was captured by Nasa’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) between 2 and 4 December.


Serendipity here as I used to work in the Dendrochronology Lab at the University of Arizona, founded by A.E. Douglass. who established correlations between sunspots and tree rings, enabling climatology to gauge hydrological activity dating back over centuries.


Great coincidence with the link of the previous posts about trees and sun spots! Cool


Looks like the water picked up the grains of wood as well. Extraordinary :star_struck:





Surfing the waves of change is so Buddhafull! :slightly_smiling_face:



and noble!


:joy: missed that one!

Oh you are funny @_Barry 




:joy: You’re making me laugh!
:heartpulse: love it !


"# Ball lightning: weird, mysterious, perplexing, and deadly

The strange phenomenon of ball lightning appears during thunderstorms and has been known to break through windows, with nasty results.



Instances of ball lightning—glowing, electric orbs in the sky—have captivated and mystified us for centuries. The bizarre phenomenon, also known as globe lightning, usually appears during thunderstorms as a floating sphere that can range in color from blue to orange to yellow, disappearing within a few seconds. It’s sometimes accompanied by a hissing sound and an acrid odor.

Lightning in general is an electrical discharge caused by positive and negative imbalances within clouds themselves, or between storm clouds and the ground. A lightning flash can heat the air around it to temperatures five times hotter than the sun’s surface. The heat causes surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, which creates thunder.

Is ball lightning real?

One of the first recorded sightings of ball lightning occurred in 1638, when a “great ball of fire” came through the window of an English church. That and other early accounts suggest that ball lightning can be deadly.

At least one study has theorized that about half of all ball lightning sightings are hallucinations caused by the magnetic fields during storms. That said, scientists seem to agree ball lightning is real, even if they don’t yet fully understand what causes it.

Researchers from Lanzhou, China’s Northwest Normal University inadvertently recorded a ball lightning event while studying a 2012 thunderstorm using video cameras and spectrometers. The ball appeared just after a lightning strike and traveled horizontally for about 10 meters (33 feet). The spectrometer detected silicon, iron, and calcium in the ball, all of which were also present in the local soil.



Using one of the world’s fastest cameras, a National Geographic explorer attempts to capture the birth of a lightning bolt. EDITOR’S NOTE: Along with his son, Paul, and storm chaser Carl Young—his longtime collaborators—National Geographic explorer and storm chaser
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What causes ball lightning?

The Lanzhou researchers’ paper supports the theory that ball lightning results from a ground strike that creates a reaction between oxygen and vaporized elements from the soil. This ionized air, or plasma, is the same condition that enables St. Elmo’s Fire, the stationary glow that is sometimes confused with ball lightning.

The presence of glass may generate ball lightning, according to another theory published in 2012. Atmospheric ions could pile up at the surface of a window, producing enough of an electrical field on the other side to generate a discharge. Another study, published in 2016, suggests that microwave radiation produced when lightning strikes the ground could become encapsulated in a plasma bubble, resulting in ball lightning.

Ball lightning has also been associated with earthquakes. The rare flashes of light sometimes seen around earthquakes can take many forms: bluish flames that appear to come out of the ground at ankle height; quick flashes of bright light that resemble regular lightning strikes, except they originate from the ground instead of the sky; and the floating orbs known as ball lightning. In a 2014 study of earthquake lights, researchers concluded that certain rocks tend to release electrical charges when a seismic wave hits, sparking colorful displays of light.

Aiming to understand how ball lightning happens, scientists have tried to recreate it. In 2006 researchers at Israel’s University of Tel Aviv created a laboratory version of ball lightning using a microwave beam. In 2018 quantum physicists demonstrated a synthetic, knotted magnetic field that mirrors and possibly helps explain ball lightning.

But despite all these investigations and lab experiments, ball lightning still refuses to be pinned down. Scientists say they have much to learn about the mysterious phenomenon."

Ball lightning: weird, mysterious, perplexing, and deadly.