this one indeed.
I have had other dreams where there’s a feeling that it might be you, but I think it’s a mind thing, or a possibility. The one with the baby, I really felt your energy.
Amen (which means “may this or something even better happen”)
That was a really cool dream, and you picked up on things that you could not have known about me, so I think you definitely made a connection. And based off all the other synchronicities and the precognitive dream I had of Matt with the bus, I think we all ‘made contact’ in some really amazing ways!
On a whim of intuition about half a decade ago, I drove to a used book store, and this book was on sale for $1. I didnt like the title, but had heard good things about Chopra and really liked the cover art (follow your ‘cosmic compass’).
He blew my mind in so many ways. In the book he talks about the body being in a constant state of change like in the video. He also introduced me to the NON-LOCAL realm, which was life changing. He also talks about following your intuition and going with the flow using synchronicities as sign posts.
Love this quote.
Its amazing how meditation can change the mind and body.
“limbic resonance turns to limbic dissonance”.
Simple but powerful advice, cultivate good:
here’s another wild synchronicity:
Early today, I saw a post of a “deer” friend of mine - he’s a musician and we have a co-creation going on… when it’s finished I will share it here, even though the words will be in Portuguese, but the vibration will be universal. He lives in the North of Portugal, where he shared about a mushroom that has many benefits, also to our cognitive function. This friend is a lucid dreamer and I believe that this mushroom helps in this - and also to cope well with a new born
here it is:
if you check it, you will be able to notice that even though the title has “and-side-effects” the mushroom does not, which is pretty amazing.
I thought of you because of our conversation about mushrooms the other day and for another “top secret reason” hihihi
You are the second person in 6months to recommend this medicine. I want to try to get it in its natural form, not processed.
You are going to break my face from making me smile and laugh so much.
The 3rd person to recommend this mushroom (indirectly) was @fenwizard , who told me about a friend of his who is using this in a blend with some other medicinal mushrooms.
Once known as the “Mountain Priest”, Lion’s Mane has been a part of Asian culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine long before it was introduced to the west. Historically, it was reserved for royalty and cherished for its cognitive power by Buddhist monks."
A few days ago I looked at some photos of me and one of my oldest friends of the last time we met. The next morning I had an email from him. We trade emails maybe 1-2 times per year on average. The next night I had a very vivid dream about a chess tournament, where I saw someone I thought was from my old childhood neighborhood (like said friend). The next morning, I had another email from him about chess. Yeah, definitely not random!
Very cool synchronicity, and dare I say, precognitive dream?
So I went to a book club for a religious textbook last week on a whim invite from a friend.
I meditated on a really good question to ask there.
The question in my mind was something like:
“is there any place in this holy text where it gives a detailed description, or roadmap of who your Deity is?”
Right before the end of the presentation, before questions, the guy says “there are 3 ways to know our Deity”, and then basically went on to explain the roadmap of exactly what I was looking for, Pretty mind-blowing experience, almost like this man was reading my mind…
Disrupted sleep, plus nightmares could be linked to autoimmune diseases, experts say
"The study found that three in five people experienced “vivid” and “distressing” nightmares that involved being trapped, attacked or falling — resulting in disrupted sleep.
One-third of those immune-compromised participants said they noticed the trend over a year before their lupus onset. "
"Three in five people with lupus and one in three with other rheumatology-related conditions said they noticed an uptick in sleep disruptions just before their hallucinations would begin, according to SWNS. "
So about 2 months before she died, I was telling my friend about lucid dreaming, and trying to convince her to try out the practices.
At one point I was telling her about Precognitive Dreams, and asked her if she had ever had one, she said:
‘I had this one dream growing up about a rainbow. When I woke up, I went to the window and looked outside, and to my surprise there was a rainbow in the sky’
My eyes lite up when she told me this, and I said:
" Do you know what a synchronicity is?"
She said no.
I smiled and said:
“You have rainbows all over your t shirt”
(She was wearing a t shirt with many tiny repeat pics of rainbows scattered throughout it)
Unlocking the Mind of Christ Through Dreams || Dream Life School of Interpretation Kris Vallotton
This guy might be a resource to contact via social media, to see if he knows any Sacred Christian texts on Dreaming. I believe there are dozens of books out there, just either not widely circulated, or kept hidden.
Just had a huge lightning flash of insight! I cant believe it was right under my nose the ENTIRE time.
Check the old emails, where I sent you the dream about the island/Peninsula by the SEA, with a girl I thought might be you in a fort/house in the hills (but she didnt look like you)
Total mind fuck!
You are truly AMAZING my Heart!!!
(the BON BON videos were just icing on the cake, wow!)
If this is just the introductory results of doing Science Stuff with you, I better buckle up , I have a feeling we will be making the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs in the not too distant future
Thanks for recommending thus! Very intriguing. Dreams are mentioned a lot in Christian literature, but I’m unsure whether there are formal dream practices. Maybe this guy would know more.
If he doesnt, I have a strong feeling someone in the church knows. I think these practices are top secret in some faiths, or only reserved for the most devout, or spiritual minds that can handle these noturnal practices.
They may believe most people are not ready for that level of awakening.
I have talked to a number of practicing Buddhists who had never heard of Dream Yoga, or the nocturnal meditations.