🌟 Sacred Teachings

“The first step in dream practice is simple:
one must recognize the potential dream holds for the spiritual journey.”

page 9



Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche ~ The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream & Sleep

13min mark is really good


One With The Force

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The Ancient Secrets Of Semen Retention


The Secret Teachings Of The Rainbow body


Archangel Michael is Real .



oh yes, it is…
One day, when I was living in the Netherlands, was in bed, before sleeping and had the idea to calling him… with no expectations at all. a few seconds after saying his mane out loud, my whole body became warm and electrified!..
With Jesus my experience was also different… this was a whole new adventure… perhaps one day I will share the story here…


YES PLEASE! Love to hear about this experience!




" > “Life is a bridge. Don’t build a house on it.”

This is often just called an “Indian proverb,” but several books, including “Human Life and the Teachings of Buddha” (1988), by Mandar Nath Pathak, attribute this to the Buddha. In “Buddha and the Rasava” (1958), Kumaraswamiji offers an extended version, which he also attributes to the Buddha:

Life is a bridge, build no house upon it; it is a river, cling not to its banks; it is a gymnasium, use it to develop the mind on the apparatus of circumstance; it is a journey, take it and walk on.

A version of this saying (“Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but don’t build a house on it.”) is attributed to the late Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

It should be pretty obvious to anyone familiar with the Buddhist scriptures that this is not a canonical quotation. The directness of the metaphor and the wording are completely off.

The earliest use of this maxim that I’ve found so far is in “The Bridge-Builders, and Other Poems” (1908), by H. Harrold Johnson:

“Life is a bridge: pass over it, but build not houses upon it.”—Old saying.

No further reference is given.

The English Buddhist writer Christmas Humphreys used essentially the same quote in several of his books. For example in “Studies in the Middle Way: Being Thoughts on Buddhism Applied” (1940), he has

“Life is a bridge: pass over it, but build no houses on it.”

This he attributes to Akbar — presumably Akbar the Great, or Akbar I, who was Mughal Emperor from 1556 until his death in 1605. But elsewhere Humphreys says this is an old Chinese proverb.

In the biographical work, “Clendon Daukes, Servant of Empire” (1951), written by Lady Dorothy Maynard Lavington Evans Daukes, we read:

We also visited Fatehpur Sikri [Uttar Pradesh, India], that deserted city of a byegone age, built of red sandstone by the Emperor Akbar. We mused over the Arabic inscription on the great gateway: “Life is a bridge, a bridge that you shall pass over. You shall not build your house upon it.”

According to the Wikipedia entry on Buland Darwaza, the Persian inscription says:

Isa (Jesus), son of Mary said: ‘The world is a bridge, pass over it, but build no houses upon it. He who hopes for a day, may hope for eternity; but the world endures but an hour. Spend it in prayer for the rest is unseen.’

So Akbar was not the author, but was passing on a quotation. The inscription claims it’s from Jesus. Which scripture would that be, though, assuming that’s correct? I don’t know.

Petrus Alphonsi (died after 1116, long before the inscription was carved in Fatehpur Sikri) included a similar quote in his “Disciplina Clericalis,” although he attributes it to “a philosopher.” (Thanks for a commenter below for that information.)

The Buddha did use metaphors regarding bridges: sometimes emphasizing their fragility, as in when he talked of blotting out the conceit “I am” as the wind demolishes a fragile bamboo bridge, and sometimes emphasizing their utility, as when he talked of crossing “the flood” by means of a bridge while others scrambled to get frail rafts together."


one day… when I feel… it’s pretty awesome, intense and miraculous… and I usually share it in a sacred space.

Robert Moss quotes this several times -he had a delightful story where someone said this on a subway journey he was doing. Touched him so much that it changed his life! :cowboy_hat_face:
it’s a great quote.


@_Barry Brilliant sacred teaching!


Spoke with 2 strangers today, one really knew Christian studies very well (she had met Mother Theresa 3 times!)

I asked her what her favorite quote of the bible was. She said she didnt have a favorite quote, but her favorite passage was Matthew 25:

Matthew 25 Summary in 5 Minutes

Matthew 25 | New Testament


This is who I stole it from!

We talked about a dream with a bridge in dream Sangha, then right after that, I watched the Robert Moss video, and he talked about Buddha and the bridge. Nice Synch.



" Sogyal Rinpoche writes:

You can also think of the nature of mind like a mirror, with five different powers or ‘wisdoms.’ Its openness and vastness is the wisdom of all-encompassing space [or dharmadhatu], the womb of compassion. Its capacity to reflect in precise detail whatever comes before it is the mirror-like wisdom. Its fundamental lack of any bias toward any impression is the equalizing wisdom [or wisdom of equality]. Its ability to distinguish clearly, without confusing in any way the various different phenomena that arise, is the wisdom of discernment. And its potential of having everything already accomplished, perfected, and spontaneously present is the all-accomplishing wisdom. (The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, p. 157)"


secrets of the universe


I find that I crave silence and stillness (of body the mind, body, and speech) more and more…


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