🌟 Sacred Teachings

There may be more people in that ‘boat’ than you think…


Me too, in their essence I believe the major religions all lead and individual to God.

Seems they like keeping it very well HIDDEN :upside_down_face:


I just thought to check the Septuagint. The verse reads as follows:

“σχολάσατε, καὶ γνῶτε ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ θεός· ὑψωθήσομαι ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν, ὑψωθήσομαι ἐν τῇ γῇ·”

The first word σχολάσατ is the verbal form of the word σχολή. σχολή means a place of leisure, a place to relax. A place to take a vacation. So you can almost say God is saying here “Relax, and know that I am God.” I like this translation, it’s resonate with AH’s emphasis on just relaxing. I think this is the sense in the Hebrew too. The word used here comes from הַרְפּ֣וּ (raphah) which means to “relax” or “sink”. I like the idea of “sinking” as that conjures up in my mind a deeply contemplative meditative state.

ὑψωθήσομα, “I will be exalted/ raised up/ lifted up” is interesting. it’s in the future passive indicative. I wonder why? God is already exalted, right? So why will God “be exalted” if that’s already God’s state? Maybe God’s exaltation is reliant on people “relax(ing) and know(ing)” that God is God? That is, God’s exaltation needs people to experience stillness and mystical experience of God’s presence before it can be proclaimed among the nations and on the earth.

Going back to the Hebrew, I think this interpretation fits. The Hebrew word is אָר֥וּם (arum) and it’s in the imperfect. The imperfect is most often translation as the future, but it really indicates an incomplete condition. It can be used to express a continuous, unfinished action. So God’s exaltation is not complete, it’s an ongoing process. It’s not something that is going to happen and then that’s it, it’s done, God’s exalted for the rest of time. It’s happening right now, continuously.


ہم نے تجھے جانا ہے فقط تیری عطا سے
We need to know you only from your legacy

سورج کے اجالے سے فضاؤں سے خلا سے
From the sun’s light to the atmosphere open

چاند اور ستاروں کی چمک اور ضیا سے
By the brightness of the moon and stars

جنگل کی خموشی سے پہاڑوں کی انا سے
Silence of the forest to the ego of the mountains

پرہول سمندر سے ، پراسرار گھٹا سے
Every hole from the ocean to the subdued

بجلی کے چمکنے سے کڑکنے کی صدا سے
From the flash of lightning to the sound of the thunder

مٹی کے خزانوں سے اناجوں سے، غذا سے
From soil treasures to grains to food

برسات سے، طوفان سے، پانی سے، ہوا سے
From rain to storms to water to air

ہم نے تجھے جانا ہے فقط تیری عطا سے
We need to know you only from your legacy

گلشن کی بہاروں سے، تو کلیوں کی حیا سے
From the spring of Garden the bottom of the buds

معصوم سی روتی ہوئی شبنم کی ادا سے
Innocent crying from the dew

لہراتی ہوئی باد سحر، باد صبا سے
Waving windmill from morning breeze

ہر رنگ کے ہر شان کے پھولوں کے قبا سے
Of every color of every splendor from the flower plant

چڑیوں کے چہکنے سے تو بلبل کی نوا سے
Sparkle of sparrows from the sweet voice of the bulbul

موتی کی نزاکت سے تو ہیرے کی جلا سے
From the fragrance of pearls to the burning of everyone

ہر شے کے جھلکتے ہوئے فنکار اور کلا سے
Everything from the glowing art and the skill

ہم نے تجھے جانا ہے فقط تیری عطا سے
We need to know you only from your legacy

دنیا کے حوادث سے ، وفاؤں سے، جفا سے
From the calamities of the world, from the faithfulness, from the suffering

رنج و غم آلام سے، دردوں سے، دوا سے
From the pain and sorrow, from the pains, from the medicine

خوشیوں سے، تبسم سے، مریضوں کی شفا سے
From the joys, from the smiles, from the healing of the sick,

بچوں کی شرارت سے تو ماؤں کی دعا سے
From the naughtiness of the children, from the prayers of the mothers,

نیکی سے، عبادات سے، لغزش سے، خطا سے
From the goodness, from the worship, from blunder, from mistake

خود اپنے ہی سینے کی دھڑکنے کی صدا سے
With the sound of your own heart beating

وحدت تیری ہر گام پہ دیتی ہے دلاسے
Oneness gives you comfort at every step

ہم نے تجھے جانا ہے فقط تیری عطا سے
We need to know you only from your legacy

ابلیس کے فتنوں سے تو آدم کی خطا سے
From the evil of the devil of Adam’s (A.S) mistake

اوصاف ابراہیم سے، یوسف کی حیا سے
Attributes from Abrahim (A.S) and Yusuf (A.S) modesty

حضرت ایوب کی تسلیم و رضا سے
And with the acknowledgment of Hazrat Ayub (A.S)

عیسیٰ کی مسیحائی سے، موسیٰ کے عصا سے
From the Christian of Jesus the rod of Musa (A.S)

نمرود کے، فرعون کے انجام فنا سے
the end of Namrud and Firaoun

کعبہ کے تقدس سے تو مرویٰ اور صفا سے
By the sanctity of the Ka’bah from Merva and Safa

تورات سے، انجیل سے، قرآں کی صدا سے
From the voice of Turaat, Injel and Qur’an

یٰسین سے، طٰہٰ سے، مزمل سے ، نبا سے
From the Yaseen, Tuaha, Muzammil and Naba

اک نور جو نکلا تھا کبھی غار حرا سے
A light that ever came out of the Ghar-e-Hira cave

ہم نے تجھے جانا ہے فقط تیری عطا سے
We need to know you only from your legacy

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Love this, thank you for looking it up!

The SINK definition really resonated with me, like SINK into the bedrock of mind/heart…

Very impressive interpretation and translation, really appreciate you looking into this. It makes these sacred words resonate even deeper.

Thank you Dear Sibling



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@Bucket You are one smart brain! Quite impressive that you can delve into the Greek and Hebrew meanings.


Nondual teacher Rupert Spira responds to questions about dream and sleep yoga. His perspective on this is deep and fascinating.

p.s. And his t-shirt is perfect!


Everyone else is you in another lifetime. How’s that for a twist on “we’re all One?!”



Looking at the time stamp of your post, pretty cool synchronicity my friend:

Last night I was doing meditation lieing down. First I did the 99 names meditation, and then I did yoga Nidra and trying to stay conscious without falling asleep.

When I got home I saw your post, and thought the timing was really cool coincidence.



Shhh, some politician will try to up my taxes to $6+ trillion . . . .


@_Barry. That’s OK. Your tax payment will all go to you. :joy:


Yeah, but 10% goes to The Big Guy and 90% to various state and local Green, Red and Blue projects, leaving me with lots of goose eggs . . . .


Just something to contemplate . . . . but not too much.


Here is your meditation koan:
When my bank account is empty
Whose account is it?
When my mind is empty
Whose mind is it? :joy:


When my identity is stolen
Whose identity is it?


Zen mind
Empty mind.

Zen identity
Empty identity.

Zen bank account
Empty bank account.

I walk the empty road,
Empty begging bowl in hand.

  • Dog-gone



cmon man



I read it on the internet so it must be true . . .


You know there is Truth being talked about when cyber attacks try to silence it…:


@NightHawk999 Trump and Elon Musk as “Sacred Teachings”?
Sorry but I beg to differ. I don’t want to get into a political argument or discussion here. Just a plea to keep the politics separate from the “Sacred Teachings.”
And just to be fair, I wouldn’t post something from Kamala Harris under sacred teachings either. For a politician to qualify, they would have to be of the spiritual caliber of a Gandhi.
Just my opinion.


Donald Trump-Elon Musk full conversation:

Listen to the first 3 min, there is deep spiritual wisdom in Musk’s words!

Openness to a diversity of thoughts and opinions is a core part of spiritual teachings.

Big Tech and the Government do not need to censor everything, we self censor information on a daily basis, often without even realizing it :scream:

Thank God we live in a country that still allows for people to have opinions, at least for now…