🌟 Sacred Teachings

I have watched a few of his videos before, this guy is very smart and does a great job relaying the information, will check those videos out, thank you.


How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo

“Its NOT about me
It IS about me.”

Talk about a very powerful Reverse Mediation:

Become a referee at a game where they serve the fans lots and lots of alcohol…


Swami Sarvapriyananda on the Four Yogas: the four main ways religions all over the world approach/ find a path towards the Ultimate. I try to include all the four yogas in my daily sadhana: devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), unattached action (karma), and meditation (raja).


Andrew’s interview with him


I love this guys work, thank you for posting these, going to try to get them watched this weekend, here are some others of his I really like:

|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda

What is Brahman? Swami Sarvapriyananda

|| The Atman || by Swami Sarvapriyananda


Dont let the brevity fool you, there is deep wisdom in this short soundbite:

Oprah: Pay Attention to the Whispers of the Universe

Oprah quote whispers

“Life whispers to you all the time. It whispers, and if you don’t get the whisper, the whisper gets louder. If you don’t get the whisper when it gets louder, I call it like a little pebble — a little thump — upside the head… The pebble or the thump upside the head usually means it’s gone into a problem. If you don’t pay attention to the problem, the pebble then becomes like a brick. The brick upside your head is a crisis, and If you don’t pay attention to the brick upside your head, the crisis turns into a disaster and the whole house — brick wall — comes falling down.” — Oprah Winfrey


Sunyam - The Void | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Emptiness - Swami Sarvapriyananda


Seeing God in Everything | Swami Sarvapriyananda

The Secret of the Five Sheaths by Swami Sarvapriyananda

Pancha Kosha - Five Sheaths that CANNOT Cover Atma


Not one law I would not agree :slight_smile:


Amen. Great mind thinks alike :slightly_smiling_face: Someone spent a good deal of time collecting that wisdom, thank you for making me watch that video again :innocent:


Just started reading this book - will comment once deeper into it.
Anybody read it? Don’t think it’s a ‘sacred teaching’ but seemingly interesting…


:pray: I hope they may be of benefit to you. Swamiji is one of my teachers, along with AH.

Thanks for posting those other videos. I’ve watched them all, they are all excellent dharma. There was a period when I basically binged Swami S content :upside_down_face:


He is so articulate and smart and funny, and seems to have an enormous heart. I think he and Andrew are cut from the same cloth.

I have not read it but very interested in hearing your commentary on it. The title sounds very intriguing. :innocent: :slightly_smiling_face: :innocent:


Purnam - The Full | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Really great video

@BlessingsDeers watch from the 3min mark to the 10min mark, and I think you will see a synchronicity of ‘Sky’ and Earth :star_struck:


I see it! wonderful. thanks for sharing.
from the transcendence to this world. from that fullness to this fullness.
I love this mantra he’s talking about! :heart_eyes:

about “truth” I have an interesting video about it… that connects with the sea :dolphin:

I would love to read your comments on this book, that somehow feels sacred :heart_eyes:


Some highlights from the Jingjiao documents, also known as the Jesus Sutras. These were texts written by Christians in China. Not many people know this, but Christianity flourished in China during the Tang dynasty. By the Song dynasty, however, it was pretty much extinct. It was known as the “Religion of Light”- Jingjiao.

To penetrate the mysteries, to bless with a good conscience, to be great and yet empty, to return to stillness and be forgiving, to be compassionate and to deliver all people, to do good deeds and help people reach the other shore—these are the great benefits of our path of cultivation. To calm people in stormy times, to help them understand the nature of things, to maintain purity, to nourish all things, to respect all life, and to answer the needs of those whose beliefs come from the heart—these are the services the Religion of Light Church can offer. Stone Sutra 3:54-55

In the beginning was the natural constant, the true stillness of the Origin, and the primordial void of the Most High. Then the spirit of the void emerged as the Most High Lord, moving in mysterious ways to enlighten the holy ones. He is Joshua, my True Lord of the Void, who embodies the three subtle and wondrous bodies, and who was condemned to the cross so that the people of the four directions could be saved.

(Stone Sutra 2:1-3)

This is the only world in which you can perform good karma. Don’t think about any other world. All acts of merit and benevolence must be performed in this world, not the next. Be charitable here because in the other world you can’t be. . . . You will reap the consequences of this life in the next world, but can do nothing once you are there. This will bring happiness—it is how the One Sacred Spirit designed things and left it for us to choose. (Sutra of Cause, Effect, and Salvation 5:4-7, 15-16)

There was no other way to free us from sins but for Him to enter this world. So He came and suffered a life of rejection and pain before returning. To know this is to know who He was, to know that the One Sacred Spirit became incarnate in the Holy Sacred Spirit. Knowing this, you should do as is commanded: follow these teachings and worship the One Sacred Spirit. A benevolent act done in the knowledge of this suffering is the only truly benevolent act, acceptable only by these teachings and none other. (Sutra of Cause, Effect, and Salvation 5:17-21)

Always do good and keep your heart pure. Remain true to God. Unless you realize this, all your virtuous acts will fail just as the house without firm foundations will fall. As soon as the wind blows, the house is gone. But built on firm foundations, not even the strongest wind can conquer. Thus a virtuous deed done without understanding of God fails. (Sutra of Cause, Effect, and Salvation 5:27-32)

Great Holy Law Giver / You bring us back to our original nature.
The Great Law [of karma] is now the Heavenly Wheel / Of returning—to You.
(Taking Refuge in the Trinity, v. 6 and 12)

I will tell you a story. There was a sick man who heard people talk about this precious mountain. Day and night he longed to reach it—the thought never left him. But the mountain was high and miles away and he was very crippled. He longed to realize his dream, but he couldn’t. But he had a close relative who was wise and resourceful. And this man had scaling ladders brought and steps cut and with some friends he levered and pushed the sick man up until he reached the summit. And there, he was healed.

Simon, know this: people coming to this mountain were confused and unhappy because of their worldly desires. They had heard the truth. They knew it could lead them to the Way. So they tried to scale this mountain, but in vain—love and faith had all but died in them.

Then the Compassionate Knowing One came like the close relative and taught them with skill and sincerity so they knew that He is the scaling ladder and the steps cut in stone by which they can find the true Way, freed of their weight forever.(Sutra of Returning to Your Original Nature 3:27-39)


"Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world – hear me – I come before you, one of your children. I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my People, the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself. Make me ever ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. "

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