Suggestions for Guest Interviews

I’d like to suggest Daniel Ingram from the Dharma overground. He has been a a proponent of pragmatic Dharma and is well aware of integral theory. He is also a lucid dreamer and he is particularly fond of detailed meditation phenomenology. Is be particularly interested in hearing Andrew and Daniel discuss Kasina meditation and how high concentration can effect visualization abilities/dreams.
-Chloe P


I’ve really enjoyed the work of Loch Kelly and his teachings on formless effortless mindfulness. He is also very familiar with Richard Schwartz and a therapy modality he developed called IFS dealing mainly with healing sub-personalities in the human mental system. I would love to hear about dream yoga and IFS cross applications!


It would be amazing if you could score an interview with Shinzen Young. Here he is talking about using his meditation tech in a lucid dream:

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I’d love to hear an interview with Ariel Garten, psychotherapist and co-founder of Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband. Ariel has been interviewed on Voices of VR #774: Muse Headband’s Real-Time Biofeedback for Immersive Meditation and is a host on the podcast Untangle: Mindfulness for Curious Humans.

The latest iteration of this neurofeedback device, the Muse S, has functionality to accurately track sleep stages throughout the night using EEG and other sensors, and also measures how much time you spend sleeping in different positions. There is functionality to help people get to sleep, and a particular focus on helping people get enough deep sleep. Muse has been used by researchers and therapists of various kinds.

I would love to hear @Andrew talk with Ariel about the use of neurofeedback in meditation, sleep hygiene, and how the Muse S can help people get better sleep and track how well they are sleeping, and other topics of interest to Night Clubbers.



Further thought on Ariel Garten as a potential guest: I’d love to hear Andrew ask her about the potential for a meditation or process using Muse S that helps guide you consciously into sleep, i.e. Wake-Induced Lucid Dreaming. My understanding is that the sleep meditations currently guide you into sleep, but don’t specifically help you to maintain awareness while you do so.



How about Ed Kellogg? He has been doing LD research for over 30 years and has some fascinating papers and studies on the subject. He’s still active and I believe will bring another perspective to this already rich tapestry.