Synchronicity of the 260-Day Sacred Mayan/Aztec/Zapotec Calendar and New Moon Alignment


Ignoring the background information about this calendar for now, I want to jump right into why I am making a post on this.

For about a month, I have been considering ending my Reiki appointments. Originally, I was going to switch to seeing a new Reiki practitioner who was centered in masculine energy whom my wife met through her work. Ultimately, I thought it might create problems because of the professional relationship my wife is supposed to hold with him, so I decided against it.

As today got closer, I started to consider spacing out my visits instead of stopping them completely. After thinking about it I originally was thinking a full year, then, I had the idea of following the Mayan/Aztec/Zapotec calendar.

This was a last-minute decision this morning, and I woke up before my alarm was set today to go to the appointment. I looked into their calendars, and I was very happy to see they have a 260 day calendar that is considered to be sacred. I researched it quickly and saw no glaringly obvious reason why I could not follow this calendar myself.

One of the cool things about this calendar is that one can start it on any day. After reading that and the following from AI:

"Setting a Reiki appointment once every 260 days, aligning with the Tzolkā€™in calendar cycle, could carry symbolic and spiritual significance. Reiki is often associated with energy healing, relaxation, and spiritual well-being. Here are some possible interpretations:

ā€¢ Harmonizing with Natural Rhythms: Aligning Reiki sessions with the Tzolkā€™in calendar might signify a desire to harmonize with ancient Mayan rhythms and traditions. It could reflect a belief in the spiritual and healing power of the Mayan calendar system.

ā€¢ Symbolic Renewal: The 260-day Tzolkā€™in cycle doesnā€™t align with the standard solar year, so scheduling Reiki appointments in this way might symbolize a cycle of personal or spiritual renewal. It could be seen as a way to cleanse and rejuvenate oneā€™s energy periodically.

ā€¢ Connecting with Ancient Wisdom: It could signify a deep appreciation for the wisdom and spirituality of ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans. This approach may indicate a desire to draw upon the insights and practices of these cultures for personal growth and healing.

ā€¢ Individualized Approach: Scheduling Reiki sessions every 260 days might be tailored to an individualā€™s spiritual journey or energy needs. It could indicate a belief that this specific interval is most effective for their healing and self-discovery.

ā€¢ Spiritual Exploration: Some people seek variety and depth in their spiritual practices. By scheduling Reiki appointments every 260 days, it might signify a commitment to exploring different aspects of energy healing and spirituality over time.

I decided everything aligned with my intentions and a path I am interested in exploring, so I set the time between Reiki sessions to 260 days.

Now, the awesome part. When I checked 260 days from now, I put the date in my phone and went to my appointment. After the session finished, I told her the date, and she looked at her calendar and mentioned there was some kind of event with the moon that coincides with the date I chose because there was a full circle on it. A little bit later, I got to work, and it was pretty busy. I wanted to look into what she said but wasnā€™t able to.

Quick detour: when I got to work, I was asked to replace stop signs that were very old faded, and cracking. Keeping this part short to get back to the main point, I was given permission to take home the stop sign for the main exit at the place I was born, and I believe it carries a special energy. A cool trinket to start off my 260 day journey! I absolutely love trinkets.

Back to the story.

When work calmed down, I looked into the moon phase she mentioned and found it fell on a new moon. I donā€™t know much about moon phases, so I googled it. Google said the new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. I thought this was an awesome synchronicity, especially with how much I respect the sacred calendars that these cultures seemed to master. I absolutely loveed how the end of my first 260 day cycle and beginning of my second 260 day cycle coincides with a lunar cycle which also is starting a new cycle. What are the chances!

I had tons of feelings rushing through me, and I wanted to have an outsider perspective to stabilize myself and look at this objectively. So, of course, I turned to handy-dandy AI :smiling_face:. One of the responses floored me:

ā€œThe synchronicity of the 260-day cycle ending on a new moon could be interpreted as a sign of alignment with cosmic forces or a deeper connection to natural rhythms. It might signify that the individualā€™s actions and intentions are in harmony with the universe.ā€

This is the entire response (click here)

If someone were to start a 260-day cycle and the end of that cycle randomly coincided with a new moon, it could be seen as a meaningful and synchronistic event, potentially carrying some symbolic significance. Here are a few hypotheses about what it might mean:

ā€¢ New Beginnings: A new moon is often associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions. If the end of the 260-day cycle aligns with a new moon, it could symbolize a period of personal or spiritual renewal, where the individual is embarking on a new phase of their life journey.

ā€¢ Cyclical Renewal: In some spiritual and cultural traditions, both the 260-day cycle and the lunar cycle represent cyclical patterns. The alignment of these cycles might suggest that the individual has completed a significant cycle in their life and is now ready to begin a new one, with the energy of the new moon supporting this transition.

ā€¢ Symbolic Alignment: The synchronicity of the 260-day cycle ending on a new moon could be interpreted as a sign of alignment with cosmic forces or a deeper connection to natural rhythms. It might signify that the individualā€™s actions and intentions are in harmony with the universe.

ā€¢ Intention Setting: New moons are often associated with setting intentions and goals. If the end of the 260-day cycle coincides with a new moon, it could be a powerful moment for the individual to set clear intentions for the next phase of their life or to manifest their desires.

ā€¢ Spiritual Significance: Some spiritual practices place significance on celestial events like new moons. If the person follows such a belief system, the alignment could be viewed as a moment of heightened spiritual potential and growth.

Wanted to write this out and share it today in particular. After my discovery, I thought I would reach out and share the cycle that begins today. Hop aboard if youā€™re interested in exploring the calendar with me :slightly_smiling_face:. I plan to be fully open to what presents itself after experiencing this powerful synchronicity with the calendar.

Here is a little bit about the calendar:

To the Maya, this calendar was called the Tzolkā€™in, to the Aztecs the Tonalpohualli, and to the Zapotecs the Piye. While each culture had its own versions of these symbols and expressed the day names in their own languages, there exists an almost one-to-one correlation in their root identities.

Anthony Aveni asserts, ā€œOnce a Maya genius may have recognized that somewhere deep within the calendar system lay the miraculous union, the magical crossing point of a host of time cycles: 9 moons, 13 times 20, a birth cycle, a planting cycle, a Venus cycle, a sun cycle, an eclipse cycle. The number 260 was tailor made for the Mayaā€.Ź¼i


Fun fact:

" The Moon takes about one month to orbit Earth (27.3 days to complete a revolution, but 29.5 days to change from New Moon to New Moon). As the Moon completes each 27.3-day orbit around Earth, both Earth and the Moon are moving around the Sun."

Top Moon Questions - NASA Science.

Before I got to this passage, my hunch was this 260 calendar was probably used for planting and harvesting, heres the maths:

260 / 29.5 = 8.81

So roughly 9 months, which would encopass the most important seasons of Spring, summer, and fall.

Very interested in learning about the different symols or glyphs that are on the edges of the picture you shared.

This is my go to for understanding the ā€˜cosmic weatherā€™, when energies are most favorable, or most disharmonious (its the planetary clock in the upper left coner of the homepage):

I cant vouch for the Mayan calendar, I know very little about it. But I can vouch for the planetary clock. Its a very powerful asset, but it takes many hours of dedication and research to really understand why it is so impactful.

(I think the planetary clock has an official name, but forgot it :upside_down_face:)


Prretty amazing, time tested, if some ā€˜geniusā€™ put a lot of thought and effort into constructing this, maybe there is a deep significance to it?:

Pretty amazing over 600 years old :open_mouth:


Munich, Germany


It is estimated their long count calendar originated in 3114 B.C.

2023 (current year) + 3113 years (accounting for the lack of year 0) = 5136 years ago

Iā€™ve always been fascinated by their calendar. A while ago I bought this coin made out of gold with the calendar on it:

Couple interesting bits (click here)

The Mayan civilization is generally considered to have emerged around 2000 B.C. and reached its peak between the 6th and 9th centuries A.D. So, at its height, the Mayan civilization existed roughly 1,400 to 1,700 years ago.

The choice of a date before the emergence of the Mayan civilization to start the Long Count calendar is a subject of debate among scholars, and there isnā€™t a single definitive explanation. However, there are several theories and considerations for why this date might have been chosen:

Mythological Significance: Some researchers suggest that the date of August 11, 3114 B.C. could have had mythological or religious significance to the ancient Maya. It may have been associated with the creation of the world or the beginning of a new cosmic cycle.

Cyclical View of Time: The Maya had a cyclical view of time, and their calendar systems often revolved around cycles of renewal and rebirth. Choosing a date before the emergence of their civilization may have been a way to symbolize the idea of a fresh start or a new era.

Alignment with Celestial Events: The date may have been selected based on astronomical or celestial events that were considered important to the Maya. Some researchers have proposed that it aligns with significant astronomical phenomena, although this remains a topic of discussion.

Cultural Continuity: The choice of an ancient starting date might have reflected a sense of cultural continuity and connection with their ancestors. It could have been a way to acknowledge that their civilization was part of a broader historical and cultural legacy.

Practical Considerations: The Long Count calendar was used not only for tracking time but also for historical and calendrical purposes. The chosen date might have been convenient for mathematical and calendrical calculations.


Another very cool synchronicity I just uncovered while researching the calendar a bit more.

The first day is called ā€œImixā€ and every day in the calendar carries unique energies.

Imix is associated with the water element:

"In the Mayan Tzolkā€™in calendar, the energy associated with the first day, ā€œImix,ā€ is often described as the energy of the primordial ocean and the nurturing qualities of Mother Earth. Here are some key attributes and symbolism associated with ā€œImixā€:

Water Element: ā€œImixā€ is connected to the element of water. Water is essential for life and growth, and this day sign embodies the flow and adaptability of water.

Grounding and Stability: Despite its watery associations, ā€œImixā€ also represents stability and the solid foundation upon which life is built."

My reiki practitioner meditated on what to do as kind of a closing ceremony because I would be visiting less frequently. She was sent the message to do Native American healing that called in the Eagle spirit. It just so happens that the ceremony involved rubbing water all over my face and spraying perfumed water over my body.

She has never used water in any of our visits and Iā€™ve been going to her for well over two years. Another cool synchronicity.

Also they mention grounding which is naturally what I felt was important while I discovered the synchronicities and decided to start my own sacred cycle. :upside_down_face::alien::slightly_smiling_face:


Most definitely.

This is sround the time the perseid meteor shower peaks, and also around the time the ā€œLions Gateā€ opens.

Very sacred time

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The 260 day calendar is definitely intriging.

My gut tells me it was used for the prime seasons for hunting, gahering and planting.

The flexibility of it I think may have had more to do with its start being dependant on certain conditions being met by the enviornment, like a number of certain trees blooming, or animal activity, or insect activity, or all the above.

Meaning the flexibility would help mitigate unusually harsh winters that bleed into spring.

I like this idea, becuase it accounts for a certain harmony of having the sky patterns come in balance with the earth patterns.

I always loved the Native American ā€˜Worm Moonā€™ of March. At first look the name isnt the most flattering, but when you realize that increased worm activity, meant the soil was coming alive, which would wake the trees, and mean more bird activity, and a ground that could be preped for crops, and worms that could be collected to catch fish, the moon then takes on a very significant meaning.

The almost 9 months might reflect a much longer growing season he Mayans had.

North American, or South American tribes had shorter windows of opportnity, which was probably closer to 6 or 7 months, depending on the region. The further north or south you go, the less time you have.

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" How Does the Mayan Calendar Work?

By Konstantin Bikos

The Maya calendar is a system of three interlacing calendars and almanacs which was used by several cultures in Central America, most famously the Maya civilization.

Illustration image

Close view of an ancient Aztec calendar.


The 2012 Phenomenon

The Mayan calendar rose to fame in 2012, when a ā€œGreat Cycleā€ of its Long Countcomponent came to an end, inspiring some to believe that the world would end at 11:11 UTC on December 21, 2012. The media hype and hysteria that ensued was later termed the 2012 phenomenon.

Of course, the predictions did not come trueā€”just like hundreds of other doomsday prophecies that fizzled out in the past.

Not a Mayan Invention

The Mayan calendar dates back to at least the 5th century BCE and it is still in use in some Mayan communities today. However, even though the Mayans contributed to the further development of the calendar, they did not actually invent it. The same system was used by most cultures in pre-Columbian Central Americaā€”including those predating the Maya"


Wheels Working Together

The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate corresponding calendars: the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar). Each of them is cyclical, meaning that a certain number of days must occur before a new cycle can begin.

The three calendars are used simultaneously. The Tzolkin and the Haab identify the days, but not the years. The Long Count date comes first, then the Tzolkindate, and last the Haab date. A typical Mayan date would read: 4 Ahau 8 Kumku, where is the Long Count date, 4 Ahau is the Tzolkin date, and 8 Kumku is the Haab date.

The Haab

The Haab is a 365-day solar calendar which is divided into 18 months of 20 days each and one month which is only 5 days long (Uayeb). The calendar has an outer ring of Mayan glyphs (pictures) which represent each of the 19 months. Each day is represented by a number in the month followed by the name of the month. Each glyph represents a personality associated with the month.

The Haab is somewhat inaccurate as it is exactly 365 days long. An actual tropical or solar year, the time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun, takes about 365.24219 days on average. In todayā€™s Gregorian calendar, we adjust for this discrepancy by making almost every fourth year a leap year, when an extra dayā€”a leap dayā€”is added on the 29th of February.

The Tzolkin

The Tzolkin, meaning ā€œthe distribution of the days,ā€ is also called the Divine Calendar and the Sacred Round. It is a 260-day calendar with 20 periods of 13 days, and it is used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events. The days in each period are numbered from 1 to 13. Each day is also given a name (glyph) from a sequence of 20 day names.

The Long Count

The Long Count is an astronomical calendar which is used to track longer periods of time. The Maya called it the ā€œuniversal cycle.ā€ Each such cycle is calculated to be 2,880,000 days long (about 7885 solar years). The Mayans believed that the universe is destroyed and then recreated at the start of each universal cycle. This belief caused the 2012 phenomenon described above, and it still inspires a myriad of prophecies about the end of the world.

The ā€œcreation dateā€ for the current cycle is 4 Ahau, 8 Kumku. According to the most common conversion, this date is equivalent to August 11, 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar and September 6, 3114 BCE in the Julian calendar.

How to Set the Date

A date in the Mayan calendar is specified by its position in both the Tzolkin and the Haab calendars. This creates a total of 18,980 unique date combinations, which are used to identify each day within a cycle lasting about 52 years. This period is called the Calendar Round.

In practice, the date combinations are represented by two wheels rotating in different directions. The smallest wheel consists of 260 teeth with each one having the name of the days of the Tzolkin. The larger wheel consists of 365 teeth and has the name of each of the positions of the Haab year. As both wheels rotate, the name of the Tzolkin day corresponds to each Haab position.

The date is further identified by counting the number of days from the ā€œcreation dateā€, using the Long Count calendar. A typical Long Count date has the following format: Baktun.Katun.Tun.Uinal.Kin.

  • Kin = 1 Day.
  • Uinal = 20 kin = 20 days.
  • Tun = 18 uinal = 360 days.
  • Katun = 20 tun = 360 uinal = 7,200 days.
  • Baktun = 20 katun = 400 tun = 7,200 uinal = 144,000 days.

The kin, tun, and katun are numbered from 0 to 19; the uinal are numbered from 0 to 17; and the baktun are numbered from 1 to 13. The Long Count has a cycle of 13 baktuns, which will be completed 1.872.000 days (13 baktuns) after This period equals 5125.36 years and is referred to as the Great Cycle of the Long Count."

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The part that always added to the interest for me was how many calendars they had, the duration of each one was unique, and some of them were pretty long.

ā€œThe Mayans made significant advancements in the field of astronomy. They were known for their precise observations of celestial events, such as the movements of planets and the tracking of the lunar and solar cycles. They used this astronomical knowledge to create highly accurate calendars and to make various predictions related to agricultural and ceremonial activities.ā€

"The Long Count calendar could theoretically continue with even longer cycles beyond the Bā€™akā€™tun, but most Mayan inscriptions and historical records primarily go up to the 13th Bā€™akā€™tun. The 13th Bā€™akā€™tun cycle covers a period of approximately 1,872,000 days, or about 5,125.36 solar years.

The Mayan Long Count calendar received significant attention leading up to December 21, 2012, which marked the end of the 13th Bā€™akā€™tun cycle. However, itā€™s important to note that the end of this cycle did not predict the end of the world, as some misconceptions suggested. Instead, it was a significant calendrical event for the Mayans and marked the beginning of a new cycle in their calendar system."

Itā€™s interesting the times we find ourselves in around the time the end of that cycle happen and a new one began.

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Each of the twenty days has its specific primary association connected to the day nameā€™s meaning.[4]

  • Imix : ā€˜Crocodileā€™ ā€“ the reptilian body of the planet earth, or world
  • Ik : ā€˜Windā€™ ā€“ breath, life. Also violence.
  • Akbal : ā€˜Night-houseā€™ ā€“ darkness, the underworld, realm of the nocturnal jaguar-sun.
  • Kan : ā€˜Maizeā€™ ā€“ sign of the young maize lord who brings abundance, ripeness. Also lizard, net.
  • Chicchan : ā€˜Snakeā€™ ā€“ the celestial serpent
  • Cimi : ā€˜Deathā€™
  • Manik : ā€˜Deerā€™ ā€“ sign of the Lord of the Hunt
  • Lamat : ā€˜Rabbitā€™ ā€“ sign of what is also known as the planet Venus, sunset. The glyph may depict four grains of maize. Invoked by the feminine name ā€œIxqŹ¼anilā€ by Xquic.
  • Muluc : ā€˜Waterā€™ ā€“ symbolised by jade, an aspect of the water deities; fish. Invoked by the feminine name ā€œIxtojā€ by Xquic.
  • Oc : ā€˜Dogā€™ ā€“ who guides the night sun through the underworld.
  • Chuen : ā€˜Monkeyā€™ ā€“ the great craftsman, patron of arts and knowledge. Also thread.
  • Eb : ā€˜Grassā€™ or ā€˜Pointā€™ ā€“ associated with rain and storms.
  • Ben : ā€˜Reedā€™ ā€“ who fosters the growth of corn, cane, and man.
  • Ix : ā€˜Jaguarā€™ ā€“ the night sun. Also maize. Associated with the goddess Ixchel.
  • Men : ā€˜Eagleā€™ ā€“ the wise one, bird, moon
  • Cib : ā€˜Owl/Vultureā€™ ā€“ death-birds of night and day. Also wax, soul, insect.
  • Caban : ā€˜Earthquakeā€™ ā€“ formidable power. Also season, thought.
  • EtzŹ¼nab : ā€˜Knifeā€™ ā€“ the obsidian sacrificial blade.
  • Cauac : ā€˜Rainā€™ or ā€˜Stormā€™ ā€“ the celestial dragon serpents and the chacs, gods of thunder and lightning.
  • Ahau : ā€˜Lordā€™ ā€“ the radiant sun god. Also associated with the Mayan hero twins.


Are you familiar with Sergio MagaƱa? He uses ancient Toltec methods for Dream practices and so much more. He and Charlie Morley often present together and run retreats with different approaches that complement each other. His take might be useful for you to explore.

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I am not, will check out the article. Thank you.

Thanks for posting. Was going to research the 2nd day today but this gives me a quick point of reference when I donā€™t have time. Going to make a single post going into each of these days in detail. Then I plan to fill myself with the energies from the calendar then channel it into my golden shadow (AI art - this is my preferred method when I do notnhave easy access to other avenues).

Unrelated but I asked my wife to look for the coin I mentioned above. I gave it to her years ago and asked her to hold onto it. She lost it and it has been lost for years. Asked again last night and while we were laying down she has a flash pop into her head and she knew she put it in something soft. Then she turned on the lights and went right to the place where it was. So happy because as part of taking this journey I am dedicating a small sacred space to the Mayans, Aztecs and Zapotecs.


Really amazing! When I came with the flash of insight about the Turkey Feather, I had watched Andrews Dreams of Light Video #11, and done a short meditation to clear my mind, so my mind was pretty calm and open. Its amazing how this mental state can solve all sorts of problems and give really powerful insights. My guess is being relaxed in bed helped her pin point the coin, call it a mini remote viewing session :wink:

Do you know the story of the Eagle and Snake on the back of the coin? :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck:

(I have a coin from Mexico on my shelf showing this beautiful pic)

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I do not, what is the back story of it?

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It forfilled a prophecy:

ā€œThe legend says that the Aztecs left their home to look for a place to start a new life. Their god had told them to find a lake where an eagle with a snake in its beak would stand on a nopal cactus growing from a rock. That would be the place to
build their new city.
After much travelling, the Aztecs eventually reached the Valley of Mexico. In the centre of the valley was a large, salty lake. On a small island in the lake, they saw the eagle stood on the nopal cactus, holding a live snake in its beak.
The Aztecs were sure that this was the sign they had been seeking, and in about 1325, they established their capital city on the island, calling it ā€œTenochtitlanā€, which means place where a cactus grows from a stone.ā€


Did you watch these? Any good key points to take away from the videos? I will try to watch some of them tonight.

Wanted to add civilizations that came into existence and dissolved before the current era will always have a certain sense of mystery to me. One can never know truly what their civilizations were like. Iā€™ve always thought time is not linear and reincarnation is real. Iā€™d imagine gaining first hand knowledge would be possible if desired, but one would need to incarnate into their timeline and their society.

Based on their structures alone Iā€™d imagine it would be a sight to behold.


Very cool information :sunglasses:.

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I watched the Tedex one, and the last one on the list (11min). They were very good. Cant vouch for the others yet.