The Strong Relationship Between Sleep and Suicide

Here is another brief article on the role that sleep plays in suicide. With COVID 19 in full swing, more people are struggling with sleep. These sorts of articles are important, but I always wonder if they are a double-edged sword, in that knowing that you’re not getting enough sleep can actually add to the stress that keeps you from sleeping! But knowledge is power, if used properly.

Based on 2018 epidemiologic data, 1.4 million adults per year make a non-fatal suicide attempt and 10.4 million have serious thoughts of suicide.2 Among the many risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors, one that consistently emerges as an independent risk factor is sleep disturbance (broadly defined) along with the specific sleep disorders of insomnia, nightmares, and sleep apnea.


Yes, knowledge is (always?) a double edged sword. I used to feel some anxiety reading these 3rd person accounts of the critical importance of getting ‘enough’ sleep, usually 7-9 hours straight through per night; my usual was/ is 5-6 hours. Then I ‘relaxed’ into what my body is doing/ telling me. Now, if it’s 5, so be it (sometimes with a nap thrown in :wink:). It depends on age/ physiology/ lifestyle-practice context. Not to say that these generalized 3rd person studies are not useful markers if we approach them as complementing our 1st person somatic experience. Thanks Andrew​:pray:

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