Tried the Red Lotus technique last night

I agree with @KhyungMar that one can work with these yogas on their own these days due to the proliferation of excellent written guides. I think these exercises become somewhat personalized with practice.


Just a note that Nida Chenagtsang has taught Tummo (parts 1&2) with Robert Thurman via Menla and may do so again, which might be useful for people looking for a personalized approach, as much as an online transmission can provide. In the future perhaps this instruction may be available in-person at Menla (upstate NY).


Thanks for that, Barry. I have been spending quite a bit of time with Dr, Nida of late as he has a number of very valuable video instructions. I found one last week with Dr. Nida and Deepak that was fascinating.

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I actually misspoke about that video. That fascinating conversation was a recent one between Deepak and Tenzin Wangyal.

Here is some instruction from Dr. Nida from 2016:

The dialog with Dr. Nida that I stumbled upon recently was with Ian Baker, author of “Tibetan Yoga; Principles and Practices”. Here is a good introduction to Ian Baker:


Thanks Steve. This helps me immensely. I was watching this earlier and empathized with Professor Thurman’s attempts to perform the exercise.

I wonder, how did I miss all this up till now? It’s a rhetorical question because before was a dream. It is always now.

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@Sujata …you and I are, once again, on the same page as that video is one that I have had bookmarked for a while. :slightly_smiling_face:

…and we are perpetually becoming in that infinite moment.