I was shown in a dream i had many past lives in Tibet & Mongolia but all of them men. Another as a Roman.
Being a woman in the Buddhist world has proven difficult. When in India the monks i met frowned on western woman. But it was fine with me because its they’re conditioning of their culture and traditions (rules, vows) that surely makes a hindrance on the path. This could be why i chose a woman in the west this incarnation.
feels much easier to be a woman
Forgot to mention Meryl Streep is so graceful with her replies.
beloved @Bianca_Aga the other day I was looking at some gorgeous pictures from Scotland, by gifted Nigel Danson and thought of you… not just thinking of you… I could feel you in them…
here they go and perhaps you will understand…
It is Skye Island (West Scotland). It looks like the other photos are of Skye or Islands near by.
The synchronicity (maybe why i tingled) the book im reading that talks of Seth & Amenti ive been posting jpegs with @NightHawk999 the author of the book lives on Skye Islands. He found measurements of the Giza Pyramid gave directions & suggests Seth was originally from the north where his ancient race came from (red-haired) & the book talks a lot about Skye being a connection.
Interesting when i downloaded this photo and went to post it here, i saw in the same file this photo
Saint Elizabeth you first shared your story about her with me. She is shown with red hair.
Skye is indeed a connection… also between us
thank you for sharing Saint Elizabeth’s picture.
Another funny synchronicity is that today is the day of her grandmother “Elizabeth of Hungary” who was also proclaimed to be a Saint and also did the miracle of the roses.
@Bianca_Aga now it was me with the tingling
Since 2011 I started emotional work with both men and women.
In 2022 I started it just with women and in a whole new playground and it’s about this… grownup females in a tent… I’m sure you’ve heard about the red tent…?
I LOVED watching this video. thank you for sharing.
And since it’s celebration time, I share a delightful video with an awesome story about the moon, and dedicate it to all of our inner children:
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Saggitarean’s from today, but birthday a few more weeks to go.
“Ophiuchus, (i heard on a podcast earlier) was Sophia and use to be the Unicorn constellation once upon a time. Apparently its returned/returning. It connects us to highest form of light, allows a connection to Akashic records, highest frequency Sophia the Divine Godess, womb of creation.”
“On his head he wears a hat with a five-petalled lotus, five different colours symbolizing the five kayas, the sun and moon symbolizing skillful means and wisdom, a vajra top to symbolize unshakable samadhi, and a vulture’s feather to represent the realization of the highest view. His trident was an important aspect of his practice, the points standing for victory over the three poisons – attraction, aversion, confusion/ignorance.”
It is indeed an awesome story , so befitting with our “Moon” theories in our discussions about TURIYA and the dark. The child in us is where we’ll return.
Beloved @Bianca_Aga tonight was a blast!.. I had several emotional processes with women. We can do this in the dream realm also - it saves a lot of resources and time
A little tiger came in with one of them. It’s how I feel at the moment: the drive and success throughout the year, inspire me now to just rest and enjoy the holiday season. Still a cat, just smaller.