Using art processes to heal the lucid dream narrative (formerly "Swarm")

I think that is a highly probable motive as well for the attack. The only reason my gut gave me a hunch that it was the mob targeting your son, was that the mob will go after anything and everything people love in order to send a message. Nothing is sacred to them.

Have you seen the movie The Dark Knight? One of my personal favorites, I think it illustrates well just how infinitely dark human behavior can be.

I truely dont know what the motives of the attack was, I was basing my interpretation of the events of your premontion dream with the wasps. With the wasps representing hostile locals (the mafia, the gangs, the currupt juctice system, and possibly currupt police). All their sting attacks sent your life tumbling head over heals in many ways, just like in the dream.

Have you read the book A Mind At Home With Itself by Byron Katie?

Would highly recommend it. Her methods of deconstructing thoughts and memories that cause us a greal deal of pain are brilliant. I had to read it 3 times to fully grasp the depth of the teachings, but it was well worth it!

Whatever the case of the motivations behind the attacks, I heard a really powerful statement in Andrews video the other day:

He said that when devastation and chaos hits our lives hard, part of us should rejoice, because this is Karma coming to fruition. Meaning whatever bad karma we have accumulated over our life, (and or in our past lives), is riping. By enduring it, and paying that painful price, it is somewhat like wiping the slate clean, and rebalancing the scales. He quoted a famous Rinpoche that said:

" Chaos should be regarded as incredibly good news."

I agree with you 100% that what they did to the historic building was wrong, and detrimental to the village.

This makes me very very happy to hear! I am very proud of you for your bravery and strength. That powerful energy deeply resonates and is very inspirational in helping others on their paths.

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