Using art processes to heal the lucid dream narrative (formerly "Swarm")

I haven’t posted in ages so here is a fast drawing that I made after this dream:
A man that I have known for a long time (only in the dream) appears to me, very beaten up with his face broken and stitched back, especially across the nose. I am stunned to see him so wounded and then realize that I have always loved him, that I have actually loved him for years, unknown to myself. I feel intense love in this dream.


Does he speak, or do you read his thoughts? Could he be a representation of the male side of yourself?


That is a very interesting question. No, I don’t believe that he interacted with me, but his wounded presence awakened this understanding that I had always loved him


Then why not try contact him?

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Do u mean to intentionally dream him again or an aspect of him?


Yes, ask him about himself. By your description there is some connection. If you feel it would be useful to know, why not go for it?


I was wondering this as well. I think spending a few weeks trying to incubate a dream and reconnect and interrogate is great advice.


Not sure what the dream means, but I think the wounds are worth noting, as is the intense love, and other strong emotions and vividness of the dream.