🎼 Waiting As a Spiritual Discipline

Warning: Great music follows . . .

From the piece:

I still love that. Yes, waiting is key to spiritual and personal development, but sometimes things don’t just turn out the way we had hoped. It does feel strange. There’s just so much waiting for things to be different. We wait for people to change. We wait for the recognition that we feel we deserve. We wait for satisfying relationships. We wait for better health. Psalm 130 puts it this way, “my soul yearns for God among those who are longing for the dawn” or…waiting for the sun.

and this . . .

The truth is that it’s a largely illusory sensation that we are the masters of our proverbial ships. So much of what occurs happens without our knowledge or input. We are even mostly ignorant of the basic processes that are taking place in our bodies. We don’t know what they’re called or what they do unless something goes very wrong. All that said, we have no choice but to attempt to fashion our realities in a way that we would like them to be, to be sure. It’s only an attempt. We don’t have any actual control over the outcomes.


I would argue the ‘ships’ are the only thing we truely have control over, its the proverbial ocean that and our relationship to it that causes the problems.

Been a fan of TP for a very long time:


Reminds me of this thread about that subject, remember?


I do now, yes great point.


In the context of waiting…and being patient…
I remember someone posted … while (preparing in different ways and) ‘waiting’ for a lucid dream it would be a great step / sign of progress when the dream figure dreams about reality checks. I did not fully understand that comment at that time (I think it was from Barry) because I thought either you are lucid or you are not, if a dream figure (myself) would dream of a reality check I would be lucid, right? But now I got it! After my last dream:
I was dreaming that I was making a movie together with others and I was the main person appearing in the docu/movie; when a sequence was finished I was rewinding the camera (as you would do in the past) to see what I had filmed. I saw myself doing a reality check and recognising that I had more fingers in my hand than five! I immediately thought, “oh, she (I) must recognise that this is a dream” and tried to influence the movie, but obviously it did not work. I was kind of desperate that I could not make the dreamfigure (myself) in the movie aware of her (my) mistake (of not becoming aware of the dream), while fully identified with being the dream figure filming. Ha! Woke up thinking of Barry and asking myself if this was really a sign of progress?! I was super excited to say the least…

Thank you for all comments. They seem to have a profound effect and are supportive even when first not understood. Awesome!


I’ve a couple of dreams where I told the characters that we are dreaming. I remember that a couple of times and they cheered!


Is that not funny? And strange at the same time - as if consciousness is playing hide and seek, divided in two…so utterly strange. The mind capable of anything. Super ‘creative’.


Awesome! This is huge progress! Yes it was both @_Barry and I talking about how important this achievement was.

Sounds like you ahad your first lucid dream? If not, it sounds like your ‘pot of water’ is starting to bubble, and getting very close to boiling. :star_struck:


It definitely brought back - or ignited again - my excitement…just fascinating to experience first hand how our consciousness/mind works at night! That particular time offers so much information. And I am just surprised that not everybody is talking about it, experimenting with it :slight_smile: The exchange and support and information provided here was and still is invaluable.




This site was and is very precious, a true treasure of people and knowledge. :heart_eyes:


Yet notice how few of the registered users actually take advantage of it.