FYI- The next time you check in early to one of Andrew’s webinars you can unmute the waitroom icon to hear a really soothing chant/audio. It’s called Mandalam, and can be heard on YouTube, below.
I like the drawing you did as your profile pic for the Sangha, was that a lucid dream?
Yeah, that’s all I’m doing these days, that and Dharma stuff . . .
What was the dream about?
Hands full with suitcases of good stuff. Knew I was dreaming. Saw a brick wall. It was a bank. Instead of putting my full hands through the wall, I just stuck my head through. It felt great.
Really cool use of the colors. Especially the black. Well done!
How did you make it to the top of the skyscraper?
That’s a different one. I dreamt I was on the Empire State Building and decided not to step off. I wasn’t lucid and I thought I’d really fall off. So the next day, all day, I intended to jump off and fly. I didn’t remember my dream that night, so the day/night I repeated my intent most of the day—and it happened. In my dream I was on the Empire State Building again, realized it was a dream, and leapt off and flew. Then I woke up. I should have had more intent, something like fly to Jupiter, but what the heck, it worked. P.S. Threw in a Chinese Balloon for good luck, it being around New Year’s and all.
That is so awesome. Have you had success with this style of incubation in the past? I have yet to be able to do it, but have had increasing minor success with incubating before bed and having the dream bring up the object I was thinking about.
Not often, but trying to bring it up a notch this turn of the wheel.