Gulp! @NightHawk999 , reading that you had a dream with @BlessingsDeers and myself really surprised me.
I feel this is significant, but immediately after I read your post, I felt drawn to this video again.
When the woman Rey starts climbing the 670 steps on Ahch-To, Jedi land/temple, (Skelig Michael Island, Ireland) my whole body gets the chills or ‘devine tingling’ I call it. Its always been my sign for something important to investigate; and this scene within the Star Wars story has a connection.
I found this link to Star Wars information.
I typed in search : ‘Sacred Jedi Texts’ … where i read lots of interesting (synchronicity) subjects like the Light & Force energy, Healing.
Strangely, (baring in mind I’m Buddhist) my dream today; I was watching a group of 3 disciples of Jesus in the time of him living, they were talking whilst standing near an edge of cliff top. Last year another similar dream I had (re:Jesus) I saw a red headed woman named Bianca (im not redheaded), the dream said she was Mary Mother.
This all may be to do with the Red headed RH- blood type and Sacred ancient history that we 3 have been talking about and interested in.
Yes I’m a Saggitarean as well as in Ophiuchus. What I feel the ‘horse’ reference is to do with Pegasus (which in British heraldry is used to symbolise one of 2 supporters).
My interest in Ophiuchus started in Sept 2012, after a series of formless realm Beings talk to me, as well as in dreams. I started to keep a journal (only recorded dreams before) which further developed my dream language, codes and symbolism. As the winter solstice approached I watched the star constellations M6 and M7 that reside near the galactic equator. I cant remember but there was another star and these three came together to create one enormous bright star around Christmas. I believed there was a connection to the 3 stars in the birth of Jesus bible story.
Its said the sting of Scorpio and Sagittarius arrow points to a secret, obviously written in the stars.
Its all a mystery isnt it?