❤ Andrew's Interviews: Some of my favorites (Thread Updated 3/02/23)

Would love to hear about some of these dreams and dreamlike encounters that you have experienced.

I just relistened to Robert Waggoners interview this week, and picked up his book “Lucid dreaming: Gateway to the inner self”. It is fantastic! he has a whole chapter devoted to Precognitive dreams. Also one devoted to meeting up with other people in the dream realm, and one on meeting people who have died.

I would love to see Andrew have Robert back for a follow up interview, and just have Robert go into details of more examples from his extraordinary dream life.

Loved the part in the interview where robert said he had a dream about a China man for 15 years, then finally met him!

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listened to Jennifer Dumperts interview. Was very impressed. If you check out the link she gives a few free sessions of her practices.

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When I was in grad school I went to the Russian Tea Room in Manhattan where a gypsy-yeah, a gypsy, read my tea leaves. I wrote her “interpretations” down in the I-Ching I had with me and forgot about them. A couple of years later, while thumbing through the book I came upon what I had written. She said I would be going abroad within the year and would marry someone with the letters MA. At the time, I had no plans for either, yet both came true.


Pretty amazing. Really glad you shared that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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watched this interview today, it was a total Home Run! Fantastic:

" Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Journey into the Field of Exo Studies

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens joins Andrew in a truly out-of-this world journey into the field of Exo Studies. Central to this field is the study of what is real, and the importance of expanding our minds to encompass the “high strangeness” of reality."

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Excellent dialogue.

“What is real?”

“The stranger the thing the truer the reality.” Would like a few examples here.

Would like to have a link to Sean’s paper that Andrew refers to in the interview.

Update: Looks like this is it. I liked the paper and after reading it, the interview came together better for me.

Yes, excellent interview between Sean and @Andrew.

I strongly hope for a second interview (@AlyssaModerator :wink: ), in which they go deeper into the phenomena of UFOs, co-enactment of encounters, exchange thoughts on the accumulation of sightings and encounters in recent time and the discussion on spectrum of realities.

With the release of navy pilot videos of UAPs and other information made public, it is time to have a public discourse on these phenomena with openness and sobriety, as Sean is offering.

As was touched on in the interview, some of the fruits of such a discourse could lead to a revolutionary understanding of reality itself.


Did you read the paper? It provides a lot of background giving the dialogue more depth, in my opinion.

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I checked out the paper, did not have time to read all of it, but was very impressed by how much research he did and his findings:

I thought this was interesting motivation for them reaching out that I had never thought of:
They want to help humans resist and overcome the negative NHIs"

I also liked his break down of the diferent types of forms that the NHIs manifest as, especially ones that you would not think of, like fog or mist, geometrical shapes, etc. Very cool.

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Listened to half of this interview last night, really loved it:

John Dupuy - An Exploration of the Principles of Intoxication, Addiction, and Sobriety

Really want to read Johns book now. Looking forward to listening to the rest of the interview tonight

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Ryan Hurd

I hope many Night Clubbers will listen to this dialogue! So much to comment on, but I’ll just focus on two major things that hit me on the first listen.

FIRST, The Talisman is something I have been waiting for for about five years, since I was given one in a lucid dream and have been looking for it ever since. I tried to find it in Nepal when we were there in 2019, but nothing turned up. I have been expecting it to pop up—so I bought one from Ryan’s site and will gladly put it into practice. I ordered it from the website, not Amazon, and was a bit cheaper too and included the book, so if you are going to get one, that’s the place.

SECOND Around the 1 hr 17 minute mark Ryan discusses the importance of intention within the process of using a Talisman, and I emphatically agreed with his take. I’ve been doing lucid dreaming/dream yoga for only a few years but recently have been able to generate a deeper intent to wake up in my dreams. The other night I had a vivid dream and when I awoke, I realized that I had not become lucid, despite having plenty of dream signs. So I told myself that I would become lucid and not take NO for an answer. I had voiced that once before and it worked a few months ago—this time it worked just as well. Whoa! So, maybe for me, not taking no for an answer is an offer I can’t refuse! Looking forward to working with the Talisman and reading the book.

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LOVED this interview with Ryan, and definitely going to be buying his book and Coins/Talismans

This interview hit home becuase I had a very cool synchronicity last week about, and it also involbed you too :slightly_smiling_face: Been meaning to write a thread about the experience, but havent had time. Hopefully in next few days.

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