šŸ Animal Communication

yes. I looked at his chart here:

itā€™s a very rooted Venusā€™ child :heart_eyes:
with MC in Sagittarius :ok_hand:t3: hihihi that also influences thingsā€¦ I loved this entrance.

Yes I did, and I remember the genius map you did of the space, dividing the land areas inspired in her shape, to get in contact with herā€¦ AMAZING! :brown_heart:

I am so glad you did see it.
When I heard about this story a few years agoā€¦ something inside of me shifted :feather:
the mind was blown awayā€¦ and the heart confirmed what it already knew.

Your intuition is again a ā€œhome runā€!
It does not.
death here is symbolical, as a gate to transformation. when a part of us dies, we can become more of who we are, and in that we become more Love, letting go of old patterns that no longer serves us, serve Love, or this planet.

But the puzzle is a total different vibrationā€¦ remember it was linked to the Apsaras? the answer is in that connection. What is different from the ancient stories of the Apsaras to this Swan lakeā€¦?
If you want, I can give you the answerā€¦

this video blew my mindā€¦ this man is incredibleā€¦ what an inspiration of someone just following his passion and callā€¦ I would say Pythons are great teachers of respect and warmth :heart_eyes:


I was going a Dzogchen practice of sky gazing at night inspired by AH. It was the first time I really put my heart and soul into the practice. The conditions were perfect, it was warm, and there was a breeze, and not a single misquito was out. My awarenesss used the Milky ways center as the focal point, and I chilled for a while laying on a rock boulder on the edge of a mountain.

The appearance of the moth later I think was confirmation of this practices importance, and then the second confirmation came with the synchronicity of meeting a girl the next day with a Luna moth tattoo.

It was so surreal, and mindblowing, and to top it off I was able to intuitively guess her Zodiac sign, and when I asked her to guess mine, she nailed it on the first try as well, talk about connecting with the night sky! She was made of Water ( :scorpius: sun :cancer: moon) DEEPLY intuitive!

Words dont do justice to how powerful of an experience it was. And the physical gift they gave me led to another profound experience that I will share in a few weeks, when I have more time to write about it. (It involved a small degree of animal communication)

The video hit home big with me as well, and brought back those extremely meaningful memories.

I am learning from the best teacher :heart_eyes:

Ah, this is beautiful, an Ego death.

Yes please, I think my mind was and is too busy with preparations, and I am dying to know the solution to the riddle.

It made me laugh when the asked the girl is there any other animal you would want s a pet.

It goes to show how respect and love goes a very long way when connecting to these being.


ā€œDying to knowā€ in this context is so interesting! (because of the Ego death you mentioned before).
here goes the answer:
it appears that most of the texts about Apsaras, particularly the one inspired by the first one - Urvasi, the Swan Maiden, who left her husband to whom she had been married to against her will. In other texts from the Swan Maidens there are other tones and scripts but she always leavesā€¦ sheā€™s a flying being who is not happy in the domestic chores of a married woman. So she gives children to them (in some cases, dozens of them, in others just one to abandon after some time, leaving the man to take care of it). She is there, but at one point she just goes back into being a flying being.

In these stories, and here I quote Serinity Young: ā€œMen are trapped in a bestial state they can only transcend through a womanā€™s loveā€. And then came Tchaikovsky, in another culture and time proposing something quite different, and here I quote SY again: ā€œ(In Swan Lake) the woman is trapped in the body of a swan who can only be saved by a manā€™s loveā€.

Itā€™s so interesting that shortly after you sent that picture of you and the swanā€¦ the feeling was that one day, perhaps, your capacity of loving will free a Goddess to become a womanā€¦ or something like that. And I was truly happy for youā€¦ and for humankindā€¦ what a breath of fresh air that we humans are more and more balancing our female and male energies, busting all these myths and stories from the past, being able to Love and free each other.

I would say you are never too busy with preparations!.. they make all the differenceā€¦ may all this love before, give you many blessings during this adventure! Enjoy beloved :heart_eyes: :dolphin:

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I am very excited to be reading you about this, and how the eclipse was for you :heart_eyes:

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:dolphin: :dolphin:


Heard this wonderful sound last night after a possible prophetic dream . .


I have some neighbor owls who also sing sometimesā€¦ :brown_heart:

Tonight I experienced something for the first timeā€¦ in between states, more in the awake one, with eyes closed, I saw images as if I had my eyes opened! I am deeply touchedā€¦ been integrating it the whole dayā€¦ :feather: and Iā€™m still touched :dolphin:


just take a look at what came to my hands todayā€¦

Ā«The swan is a symbol of the soul in Indian literature, and a ride for Brahma the creator. In dreams, we read in the Upanishads, the soul flies back and forth from the nest of the body like a ā€œlone swanā€. Paramahamsa, ā€œSupreme Swanā€, is a title given to enlightened spiritual teachers.

The swan features in moving scenes of soul remembering - recollecting other lives and connections with other members of our soul family. When they come at the right time, such memories return (says the poet Kalidasa) are like flights of migrating swans.

There is a beautiful encounter in the Bhagavata Purana between a king who has been reborn as a woman and a friend from his previous life. The friend says, ā€œDonā€™t you remember your old friend? You and I, my dear, were two swans who lived together in the lake of the mind, until you left me to wander on earth. I created the illusion that made you think you were a man or a woman. Our true nature is as two swans.ā€Ā»

Photo by Romy Needham

@Agama I think youā€™re gonna love this text, beloved :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :feather:


Yes BlessingsDeers, I love it :two_hearts::star2::diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:


look what came into my hands today:

ā€œAjita, the formidable yogini in Hindu beliefs, radiates fearlessness, invincibility, and the transformative power of divine fire. She stands atop A STAG, symbolizing her connection with the wild and the power to dominate. The fiery appearance of her hair signifies her ability to burn away negativity, purify the soul, and ignite inner strength.ā€
source: šŸŖ” Ajita Yogini | Brah.ma


Me as well.

LOVE this, thank you for this wisdom :star_struck:

Had them as neighbors the last few nightsā€¦ :green_heart:

Words wont do it justice. I was on a rocky beach, with no one around.

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Mars could be visible to the unaided eye during totality on April 8, 2024. Mercury (to the upper left of the eclipsed Sun) and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (to the right of Jupiter), not labeled here, will likely be too faint to see without binoculars or a telescope.

(it looked like a light sabor with Jupiter and Venus being the 2 ends. Saturn and mars were very faint.)

As a parting gift, I burned a red cedar log offering to those who helped make it such an amazing trip, I know also the living trees and cedars love the smoke :wink:

When you get the logs really cooking in a strong wink it pops cracks of sparks like a firework, really beautiful.

The log wieghed more than me, about 300lbs (no way I was dragging it back to my camp site about 2 football feild lengths away). Guess how I ended up moving it?


OMGoddessā€¦ a few months ago I had a dream of you in such a beachā€¦ there was a portal in the water and an owl was standing on top of it!.. we were several people thereā€¦ you were not alone!

thanks for sharing thisā€¦ :rose:

in smaller pieces? (no idea)ā€¦


Yes but didnt have anything to cut with

so used :fire: Power


Very interesting!

They are such beautiful and powerful beings


how did you do it?

they areā€¦ thank you for posting these videos. I enjoyed especially the ones in nature, with no interference from human beings :heart_eyes: so inspiring :rose:


I set fire to the mid base of the trunk, before it widened out to the roots, to burn/cut it in half.

Then the following day I dragged the trunk to my site, and rolled the roots, which was very heavy, and shaped like a odd pyramd, but with 4 ā€˜dolphinā€™ fin large root legs at the base.


this is very intelligentā€¦ so you have cedar for the next ten years? hihihi :star_struck:


no, only for 2 nights, did 2 big bon fires :heart_eyes:


