šŸ Animal Communication

Lol, no, big synchronicity! I think the Matrix edited my post, I had originally typed this with ā€œ?!?!?!!!ā€ but the ?s got deleted for some reason. :upside_down_face:

No, like you! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I did not know this, and am very glad you told me.

Love this!

Water + Air

I have not seen this play. Is this the puzzle, or is it one of the above pics, or all of the above?


Of the pics you posted Swan Maidens was my favorite, its a masterpiece.

This first photo, Aquarius came to mind. One who brings their wisdom (water) and thoughts (air) to benefit humanity. Looks like the hat she is wearing has an 8 spoked wheel, the same symbol held by the 2 deers in Buddhism.

The swan was sacred to Apollo, and one of the Avatars of Jupiter. They are also fully owned and protected by the Queen of England. Many cultures throughout time saw the magnificence of these beings.

SO much to say about the symbolism of these birds. Most notably their ability to move between all 3 worlds (Lower, Middle earth, and the ā€˜Heavensā€™).

Much like the Lotus flower, they consume the much and mire of the Lower realm (worms, and aquatic plants), and use it as fuel to propel them into the Sky/heavens, where they are untained by it and remain pure (white).

Now that you mention it, you remind me I have a picture of me with Swans, I met in the forest. If you promise me on your life that you will NOT share it with ANYONE, I will send it to you.

Also, not sure if you read the story of me trying to communicate with the swans in an above post in this read, but if not, I will find it and repost it below, it was one of my earlier attempts at Animal Communication after reading a book on it.


this is the puzzle :palm_tree:
for you to find out, you need to see all of the aboveā€¦
you donā€™t have to see the whole playā€¦ just find out what it is about, as well as the original Apsaras :heart_eyes:

brilliantā€¦ did not spot that one.

did not know this. the swan as also drawing Aphroditeā€™s chariot and Venusā€™s boat.


beautifulā€¦ did not know that :dolphin:

I donā€™t need to promiseā€¦ I will just not share it with anyone.


thanks :pray:t3:

1 Like


Sent the pics.


ā€œUnlike Lakshmi, Saraswati does not adorn herself with flowers or jewels. She wears a white sari, thus rejecting the cosmetic pleasures of life. She is not associated with any fertility symbol or any emblem of power. She rides a swan, symbol of discernment and detachment. Discernment because it is said that swans can separate milk from water and thus reality from illusion. Detachment because though swans need water for their survival, they can always fly away without a drop of water burdening their wings. Lakshmi and Saraswati embody the dual purpose of life: the demand to pleasure the senses and the need to liberate the soul, the desire to indulge the ego and the hope to transcend the flesh. It is difficult to find a compromise between the two. As the Jains say, ā€œYou cannot be the chakravarti (emperor) and tirhthankara (seer) at the same time.ā€ā€

"Swans, also called as Hamsa, are considered as pious birds in Hinduism. According to legend, divine swans are believed to live in the Himalayan mountain ranges, and they contain spiritual powers, and they are the worshippers of Shiva and Parvati. In Manasarovar Lake, divine swans used to swim and it is believed that it would appear only in the eyes of the noble people. And by worshipping the swans in the Manasarovar Lake would cleanse our sins, and we would prosper in our life.

Swans are also the divine vehicle of the Creator god Brahma, Gayatri Devi and Mata Saraswati. The divine architect, Lord Viswakarma also has swan as his vehicle. Mata Damayanti used to convey her love messages to Nala through the help of a swan bird. Swans are mentioned in ancient texts, and they are considered as very pure.

Swans would separate water and milk, and drink milk only, similar to that, we also have to differentiate between bad and good things, and ignore the bad things, and must do only good things in our life. Swans would walk very slowly and would eat small insects, fish and crabs. They are not supposed to be killed, since killing of swans would cause angry to Lord Brahma Dev and Mata Saraswati, and they would curse us."

@BlessingsDeers these resources may interest you.

Ok I will do some due dilligence and report back :wink:


(The snake almost killed her, wish they would have mentioned to never handle these large snakes without someone else around.)

The Egyptions used to have temples where Crocidiles roamed free.


Meet Wally: My Emotional Support Gator


I dont think he shows as much respect to these animals as he should, but his success story is beautiful.

This girl shows them the respect and understanding they deserve:


I Live With A 6ā€™6" Alligator


Our Big Bear Family



Alina Perez, Brought Forth by Conjuring 2022


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Borrowed this one from a dear friend of mine:


did you know @NightHawk999 that the giraffe is the animal with the strongest heart? and one of the biggest? and most of them are red hairedā€¦ hihihi :heart_eyes:

check out the heart of the octopus!!.. and the crocodileā€™sā€¦ ! :slight_smile: and and andā€¦!


Loved these videos!

Have you seen this one?

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, does that mean whales have some of the biggest souls???

Cool to see where horses landed on the list:

Eye Size Comparison


You are so awesome!

Thank you my heart for sharing those videos.

this one is pretty cool too:

Brain Size Comparison



could beā€¦
they have the biggest heartsā€¦
I did not know that and was excited to find it out! also because of naturally having chosen them to be on the information about my lucid dreaming teachings!.. amazing :heart_eyes:

noā€¦ I was impressed by the ratsā€™ eyesā€¦ in some traditions, black absorbs all darknessā€¦ they do a great job for usā€¦ thank you rats. did you notice that the dolphins eyes are also very black? and the kangaroo! and the cowā€¦ andā€¦ the whale.
I had never had the feeling that catsā€™ eyes (of all sizes) were portalsā€¦ but just looking at the eyes, I had a strong impression of that - also the Python.
also interesting that the octopus has a ā€œstripeā€ in the horizontalā€¦

this video really proves that size has nothing to do with anythingā€¦
mosquitos might have the smallest brain but since they are connected to the whole (like butterflies), they evolve in their behavior and always keep us in alertnessā€¦ hihihi they discover where to hide (and appear) in a very intelligent wayā€¦

tonight I think I had a small shape-shifting experience where I was a mosquito and I got killedā€¦ since it was a lucid dream it was highly educational for me - Iā€™m an expert in killing them!.. hihihi but I always send them to the light and indeed there as a light in this dreamā€¦ so interesting. I felt peace, even though the smash was very aggressiveā€¦ ouch!..

the octopus brain is again incredibleā€¦ I think I will draw their heart and brainā€¦ and feel their magic at a deeper level.

about the butterflyā€™s higher intelligence I remembered a video from Wayne Dyerā€¦


Under Water Dogsā€¦ :brown_heart:


Transformation, along with magical powers seems to be a recurring theme with all the myths and stories.

Had to look up the summary for this story. Transformation is again a big theme, with the woman who changes into a swan. The key difference is the ending. She kills herself. Then he kills himself so that the 2 of them can be together.

Death is the final transformation we all face. By dying together, they were able to over come the obstacles to their love, and transform into an eternal union.

Not sure if that solves your riddle, I get the feeling it doesnt, I could not find a summary of the Irish swan story, so was mostly in the dark on what the swan skin did, but one blurb I read said its return allowed the girl and prince to be together.

Birds have very important symbolism in many ancienct cultures. Swans are some of the biggest birds on the planet, and its been said their wing streghth is powerful enough to break a mans arm.

Paperback Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life Book

What makes the swan unique from an eagle, or many other birds, is it is one of the biggest and most powerful Aquatic birds.

It can dive underwater, walk on land, and fly through the air. This ability to move through different planes of existence might be equated to the Spiritual person who is able to communicate with the dead, or guide lost souls into heaven/the underworld(head in the waterā€¦). Or one who is able to dream or get divine insights while in altered states of consciouness (head in the cloudsā€¦). Those with the strongest spiritual gifts can do all that and more. This is a kind of mutability, or ā€˜transformationā€™ of consciouness into different realms of Mind.


Maybe that means they have the biggest Heart/Mindsā€¦

Great insight, I bet all these animals have stronger abilities to see in dark places or at night.

Cats eyes are amazing, they glow in the right lighting, the Egyptians picked up on this as well.

7-Year-Oldā€™s Bestie Is A 15ft Python

The shape of it reminded me of a organ only females have. :upside_down_face:

LOVED the dog pics!


Really liked his video.

There is a famous forest in Mexico they like to fly to, too.

Loved the part about 18, 1 infinite source.

ā€œfrom pissed to blissedā€ LOL He is funny, he reminds me of George Carlin (May 12, also :taurus:)
Watch the first 1 min of this video, Child of Venus, no???:

Did you read the story I posted about the Moth while I was out camping last summer? If not I will repost it. One of the most powerful experiences with an animal I have ever had.

ā€œare much much more aligned with spirit than you may have ever thought them to beā€


Amazing video, thank you
