šŸ Animal Communication

it will be with family :heart_eyes: my cousin has a boat :cowboy_hat_face:

I think this will be later in lifeā€¦ letā€™s see. thanks for the support!..



Funny Commercial - Geico - Itā€™s Personal This Time


I was laughing high with this one! SOooooo funnyā€¦ hihihi


LOL yeah, this one makes me laugh every time I watch it.



Did you know about this symbolism?:

" Pair of deer symbolism

As Buddhists, when visiting a monastery, the first thing we see is a pair of male and female deer at either side of an eight-spoked dharma wheel at the highest point of the monastery roof. Regarding the essential meaning of the dharma wheel, from a historical perspective it is said to have been offered in the form of a thousand-spoked wheel to Śākyamuni Buddha by Brahma when requesting him to teach the sacred dharma. At that moment, from the forest came a pair of male and female deer, also known as the krishnasara (Tib. kri sha na sa ra) antelope of compassion. With unblinking gaze, they looked at the wheel with joy and delight.

Dharma wheel and pair of deerSubsequently, the Buddha related the noble eight-fold path*** with the wheel. Likewise, he related the male and female beings whose mind-streams are touched by this path with the pair of male and female deer. Ever since then, the wheel flanked by a pair of deer has been a special symbol for Buddhists."

The entirety of the Buddhaā€™s teachings are contained within the Three Trainings and noble eight-fold path. The pair of deer represent skillful means and wisdom, and based upon the unity of skillful means and wisdom, buddhahood can be attained."



so interesting that you mention thisā€¦ I saw it consciously the first time in the ā€œYangsiā€ movieā€¦ enjoyed the detail but did not take any action to find out about it, so that I would keep focus and present while watching the movie :rose:
Your soul must have noticed that andā€¦ here it isā€¦
thaaaaank yooooou :palm_tree:

I have a strong connection to Dharma since I was initiated to Divine Intervention in 2011ā€¦ sometimes, when connecting with my intuition with eyes closed, I see a blue starā€¦ and then I knowā€¦ itā€™s part of my Dharma Path :slight_smile:



When you have time to kill, this may make you laugh:





I picked up on it too in the movie, that is what made me ask you about it :slightly_smiling_face:

Love this, appreciate you sharing this.


Iā€™m SO happy and I still didnā€™t see itā€¦ I was laughing high because finally I have met someone who is even crazier than me!!! hihihiā€¦ Will watch it after other prioritiesā€¦ thaaaaanks beloved :dolphin: especially for bothering to finding it in Portugueseā€¦ :palm_tree:


From a friend . . . . .


Love what he says, thank you my friend, happy Easter.

:rabbit2: :rabbit: :rabbit2:


Excellent! Very well explained. Thank you for posting this. Cheers


I like R.S. clarity in this one - just an excerpt.

Re squirrels: loved thos videos!!! How super cool - that guy - building it all with his friend!


There are several trauma healing theater plays that help just that - trying to put yourself in the other personā€™s shoes.
With this video, a question arose - and when shape-shifting happens? :dolphin:
I have experienced shape-shifting before and know many other people who do so - also in dreams :heart_eyes:

Text by Denise Lynn about shape-shifting, to explain it a bit more:

Seeing the world through the eyes of a butterfly?

Iā€™m writing a book, but I have way over-written. So Iā€™m cutting 1/2 of it. I thought Iā€™d post some of the things that Iā€™m cutting.

In this part of the book - that Iā€™ve cut and am posting here (itā€™s still in draft form) - Iā€™m talking about the power of identity and how changing our identity can change our destiny. This is a story about my Tewa Native American teacher from Taos New Mexico, Dancing Feather. (It is also in my book Native Spirit.)


An example of the ability to change your identity comes from native cultures. In those earth-based cultures, there is the concept/ability to shape-shift into animals.

If you asked me in my younger years if it was possible to really shape-shift into another form, I would have declared that it was absolutely, unconditionally not possible. I probably might have even scoffed at anyone who thought differently. I wouldā€™ve argued that one might imagine being a jaguar or a hummingbird, but you couldnā€™t really become one. That was impossible.

But my teacher Dancing Feather, a Pueblo Native American from New Mexico, changed that and made me realize that if someone could shape-shift into an animal, it was possible to shape-shift your identity.

Dancing Feather was the most humble and sincere person I ever knew. He didnā€™t speak much, but when he did, he spoke the truth.

One day he told me that he was in the fox family. I asked what that meant. He said that he, his father and grandfather, and all his ancestors turned themselves into foxes to gain knowledge of the inner realms.

With hesitation, I said, ā€œOh, you mean that you imagine that you are a fox? ā€

He looked at me with patient eyes and said softly, ā€œNo, Denise. We really turn ourselves into foxesā€œ

I replied, " But if I was in the room with you, I wouldnā€™t really see a fox? I would just see you imagining that you were a fox, right?ā€ I persisted.

.ā€œNo, you would see a fox, because we really can turn ourselves into foxes.ā€

And then he just looked at me as if to say, ā€œThe world is so much bigger and so much more mystical than you can know, Deniseā€.

As I looked into his soulful eyes, I was shaken.

Dancing Feather never lied. It wasnā€™t in his nature. I could either accept what he told me as truth, or I could believe he was lying. It felt as if a kind of inner earthquake trembled in my soul, and as irrational as it sounds, in that moment I knew that Dancing Feather was telling the truth.

I knew shape-shifting was real.

That first experience started me on a foray into the realms of shape-shifting. As I traveled the world, I learned from elders in various native cultures that shape-shifting was realā€¦and the first level of learning to shape-shift is actually through our imagination.

And thus I began to practice shape-shifting into various trees and animals. I donā€™t think that I have successfully really become an animal or tree, my Western skepticism runs too deep. But Iā€™ve had incredible experiences where I felt that I completely dissolved into the consciousness of another form.

A butterfly perceives an entirely different reality from ours. How do I know this? Iā€™ve looked at the world through the eyes of a butterfly.The reason Iā€™m sharing this story with you is to incite the realization that the past doesnā€™t need to equate the future, no matter what identity or mantle you have taken on in your life it is indeed possible to change/ shape-shift it.


Octopus vs Underwater Maze


Lol yeah, I learned some very cool fun facts about them too, like they can defy gravity, and how intelligent they are.

The ending of the video is a must watch, where he shows the extra footage of the backyard.

You might like the Octopus video too.

Thank you for the RS video, that guy is amazing!




Awesome synchronicity, I was thinking today about how if identitiy is a fabricated construct, why not fabricate one that does that greatest benefit to you and humanity??

These are the best teachers.

Really glad you shared this, it means a lot coming from you. My western skepticism has started to crack, and when I saw it in the movie Thunderheart, it made me question my prejudices. Hearing it from you adds great credability to this.

If you have not seen this movie, it is one of my favorites:

here is the scene where it happens, dont blink or you will miss it.

@BlessingsDeers , I had forgot about the type of animal he shape shifted into, coincidence!!!



you think? :dolphin:

yes, and also those who puzzle and awaken curiosity in othersā€¦ like you!
andā€¦ itā€™s contagious!
Since we have touched the shape-shifting subject, I have another puzzle for you!

As you probably already know, the Apsaras are like the Dakinis and Yoginis related to the bird goddesses of Ancient India - Celestial women of Hindu and Buddhist mythology.

One of their abilities is to shape shift.
The ancient meaning of their name (in sanskrit) is ā€œwho goes in the watersā€ and/or ā€œbetween the water of the cloudsā€ I thought of @Parhelion hereā€¦ :heart_eyes: + ā€œone who moves flowingly in the watersā€.
There are many stories of these Apsarasā€¦ the first one known being Urvasi, the earliest extent tale of a swan maiden, who inspired other stories of this subject all over the world. I even found out one from Irelandā€¦!

king of ireland's son

In these stories the women shape-shift into swans, usually with the help from the Gods.

The plot changes but the principle is very much the same through all of them, inspired in, according to some researchers, the original Urvasi, the first Apsara in Indian Literature in the form of a hymn from the ā€œRig Vedaā€.

Then, in 1875-76, Tchaikovsky had a brilliant idea!

Ā» What was it? What is it so genius and mind shifting about his ā€œSwan Lakeā€ creation? What was it so different from the other tales, myths and stories of swan maidens?

It looks like it has a lot of bullets and other stuff that I donā€™t appreciate, but thanks for sharing :pray:t3: I love the name of itā€¦ can understand why it is one of your favourites :heart_eyes: :dolphin: