🐍 Animal Communication

What a gift, seems both mystical and extremely cute to me


Such a meaningful aspect of all of this to point out, thank you! While I was walking in the woods I was not thinking about animal communication or trying to summon anything, just considering changing my life path, and the owl was tuned into me before I suspected it. I heard it rustling in the woods parallel to along my path, flying tree to tree, before it showed itself


I stole it from Andrews recent interview with a guy who I forgot his name, I have too look it up and get back to you.

Yup, me too, seeing through the smoke screens and facades of life. I really like that quote by Frank Ostaseski.

What type of Death work do you do? Have you learned about the Bardos in Buddhim?

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Isn’t it amazing how you predicted that that would wake the baby, and that it did? Like in the owl symbolism you shared, being able to see what is hidden to others… and I agree that this power is often very unfortunately disregarded, I’ve found that more feminine phenomena such as mystery, intuition, paradox and surrender tend to be considered woo woo when they are quite powerful- and that that conditioned tendency to disregard them realllllly limits us in life & has major implications w death


My path with death work has been a strange one. I started out working in the hospital setting as an OT after graduating college, and there I met many people dealing with chronic illnesses at the end of life, I think part of my dissatisfaction with working in rehab was that it was given as a means to get better even if someone was close to the end, and tends to inflict pain on people in the process. I felt relief when people chose hospice, I later worked for hospice as a liaison and shortly into that my boss there diagnosed me with a rare adrenaline producing neuroendocrine tumor when no one else could. Through seeing the implications of death being avoided so often in those experiences, I wrote a guide about how to prepare for death before you need to, and offered some zoom sessions on it around quarantine. A recent update, that former boss who diagnosed me in life died a couple of years ago may have also helped diagnose the mystery symptoms I’ve been dealing with that limited my life for yearssss (through messages from beyond since he died). It is still on unfolding, thank you for asking!
Oh and on question about the bardo’s… I read some of the Tibetan Book of the Dead years ago but I put it down due to how specific it was with how it all works, when it comes to things we can’t see, I tend to enjoy reveling in the mystery, however, after my recent experiences that led me here that I just shared in another post, I am veryyyyyy interested in learning more about the bardo’s


Yeah it was a really powerful experience, one that really deepened my understanding of how sensitive people are to energies around them, even if it is only on a subconscious level, like with the baby. The baby wasnt conscious, but it felt that subtle vibe very strongly.

Yes, In my younger and more vulnerable years, I like many in our culture, looked at these traits as being woo woo, and weaker than their masculine energy counterparts. I had to eat a lot of humble pie, before I became a believer that “the meek will inherit the earth.”

Andrew said something like Women are the more evolved and more intelligence sex becuase of their strenghths in these areas. I agree with him 100%. :wink:


I am very interested in hearing about these messages. How has he contacted you? Via dreams?

I think Andrew is an expert in the Bardos teachings. I remember him saying that he was researching the Bardos literature, and they kept on bringing up the importance of Dreams. Thats when he began to dive deaper into nocturnal meditations.

Here are the 6 Bardos:

Seems like you have much more experience than most in the Bardo of the Dream state, and in wathcing people experience the Bardo of Dying.

Andrew would be able to direct you to books snd resources explaining this in depth. I think he may even offer a class on it, but I have not taken it yet.


I heard Andrew discuss that too! It got me thinking…I believe we allll have been conditioned to honor the masculine (in the cultures I’ve been apart of anyway, minus some aspects of living in Hawaii), and that the undoing process you share was also true for me and can be true of all sexes. Speaking generally, it seems that women might have an advantage either by nature or being allowed to have more feelings as they’re raised or ?? and maybe that’s why we see more of them in these spaces?


That’s a fun one to answer, thank you for asking it. Not via dreams, although I hope to have one with him in which I can discuss some things more in depth. Both in numbers and in mental impressions. One day I was walking, and wondering what was going on with my health, in the same way my former boss (Greg) diagnosed my tumor in real life in saying “Paraganglioma” I had the word “Cushing’s” come into my mind. I wondered if it was from Greg, then a huge golden shooting star shot across the sky, which brought me to tears. &&& twice that same week, when wondering about my health & if I’d make it through, I saw a golden star shoot across the sky. That was all the confirmation I needed!


Thank you so much for sharing these! Although I worked in the hospital then in hospice as a liaison, I have only been in the presence of people dying a few times as a hospice volunteer and with a loved one and a friend. Now that I am feeling much better, I hope to do more hospice volunteer work. It’s such a great role because I can sit vigil with people while not “doing” anything. And in the few experiences I have had, I have felt something similar, best described by one friend as “the sparkles.” I hope to attend Andrew’s next class on his ‘Preparing to Die’ book, also reading Pema Chodrin’s ‘How We Live is How We Die’


Absolutely, and it makes total sense. Women are not only responsible for protecting their own lives, but also the lives of their young. Why wouldnt mother nature give them hardwired ‘super powers’ to help protect them from a physically stronger and more aggressive opposite sex?

I think you will. Dreams of the dead visiting happened more than most people know. They are also some of the most meaningful dreams

This really hits home, I think they are called Fire balls, and when you see one, you never forget it. They come in many colors, and can sometimes be so big and bright they light up the entire sky. Talk about a hell of a way for him to communicate with you, so cool! Most people I ask have never seen Fireballs like you saw, and I have only seen them 3-4 times in my life (and I have spent a great deal of time out in nature at night enjoying the night sky). Greg must have been a special guy, you definitely have an angel looking out for you from above. :innocent:

Funny synchronicity, I am actually leaving this week to go camping to view the Perseid Meteor shower. Its one of the best shows of the year.

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What is “the sparkles”?

I just watched an Ekhart Tolle video where he was talking about watching the field of consciousness leaving the body, and how noticeable it was:


I saw this last night wanted to share.

I was fortunate enough to capture one right next to my home (about a football field away) on my dashcam. It was a very cool synchronicity for me too. I had started memorizing lyrics to a song and right as I started grooving to it with the correct lyrics for a couple days this happen:

The lyrics to the song (21 Pilots - The Outside) were:

“I am a Megalodon, oceans feeling like a pond
Swimming like a beast, underneath they be clinging on
Meteoric rise, in prehistoric times
Now that meteor is coming, coming”

It was a double synchronicity too because the color of the meteor was green(hard to see in the video but in person it was very visible and the color was clear against the black nights sky). The second and more easily noticeable synchronicity was that this song was playing when the meteor showed up:

Meteors can be powerful synchronicities. Very inspiring story @jessicamurby :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Fireballs!! Woah, will look those up. Please keep us posted on your meteor shower experience, hearing about all of your solo camping experiences are making me want to get out there more often.


You captured it!! I was just speaking to a friend about how it seems so rare to be able to capture synchronicities, and often sounds like jumbled randomness to naysayers. Paint the town green!


It is hard to describe in words, the feeling is quite intense and I didnt have words for it until a friend spoke of the phenomenon and a number of us related to it in a mystical experience chat, it feels like the chills to the 10th power mixed with the sparkles of a shooting star right in your body. I have felt it a few times, once when I was in what I now understand might be the liminal (sp?) state, halfway between sleeping and waking, my dad’s friend who I had visited at a hospice house shortly before he died walked in right through the door as I was sleeping, in that state I felt love and happiness to see him, I said “Hey Kevin,” he sat down on the bed and I felt his hand on my shoulder, and the sparkles came right through. It was so intense though that it brought me to being fully awake, at which point I freaked out and said to myself I am not ready to hang out with a dead person when fully conscious, and I was relieved to not actually see him, funny how I couldn’t handle that when fully awake but it felt perfect when half awake. It happened another time in a longerrr story that also involves Kevin (not sure why someone I didn’t know very well came through so strong, while some I’ve known better haven’t) and a couple of other times which involve being with a person in the actual moment of their death.


I think communing with Mother nature is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself! I really hope you do get out in it more often, even if that means getting a cabin for a weekend, you can find ones on air b&b that range from rustic to glamorous, whatever suits your needs.

If you are interested in tent or hammock camping, I can post some links to ones I like and found useful.

No fireballs this trip unfortunately, saw a little over a dozen meteors, and two of them happened like in the story you were telling me about. But to be comepletely honest with you I would have been happy even if I saw 0 meteors, the shower is a great excuse to disconnect from the material world and reconnect with God and his miraculous creations. :star_struck:

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Love this story! Really amazing experience!

The first thing that came to mind when I read yoir description was “I wonder if she experienced a remote viewing trip”, or a deep state of meditation? Definitely could have been a liminal dream, but I get a sense it may have been something more. Whatever it was, I definitely believe it was the dead person making contact with you.

I wonder if becuase you were there in his final hours to help and comfort him, he may have decided to return the favor from beyond the grave? Possibly the energy he transfered to you was more than just a good feeling, perhaps it cleansed, or protected you, or something more healing and lasting.

Would love to hear about the other stories as well if you are open to sharing them? Definitely very curious to know what happened the second time Kevin came to you.

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pictures dont do it justice, and they are very difficult to photograph, but here are a few good ones:


Do you see the blue green reflection on the lake? Thats how bright they are! Really amazing, like shooting stars on steroids.

Their tails are longer and thicker, and they stay lit longer, so it looks like a snake growing kinda.

Anything bigger than a fireball can start to have serious consequences:


Thank you, I love him. He is so funny when reading the question about why bother waking up if we’re going to die anyway :rofl:. Will listen further for the consciousness leaving the body stuff.