🐍 Animal Communication

The Secret Life of Bonobo Apes (Nature Documentary)


Bonobos | 60 Minutes Archive


Orangutan seen “self-medicating” in world first | BBC Global


Are Orangutans The Most Intelligent Primate In The Animal Kingdom? | WILD ASIA | Real Wild


A Rare Look at the Secret Life of Orangutans | Short Film Showcase


Amen Brother

AMEN^( :infinity:)

This video was so good!!!

The small steps horse takes to you (at the beginning of the vid) is worth noting. Steps of curiosity? Notice first their side was turned to you, then with a few steps their heart was pointing almost directly at you.

Loved this vid!

This is a huge Blessing and Honor!!!

Also for you.


2 big Auspicious signs from God. I am beaming!!! Smiling so much my mounth hurts, LOL!
Someone is looking out for you from above, and gave you some very nice St. Brigid’s day Presents



" Peacock Spirit Animal

The peacock spirit animal is the epitome of beauty. This graceful power animal offers lessons about self-love, honor, integrity and the importance of facing life’s challenges as well as the unknown with courage and confidence. When the peacock struts gracefully into your life you may be entering a time of rebirth.

Peacock Spirit Animal

The Peacock Message of Balance & Foundation

Like anything, it’s easy to get caught up in the good and risk taking it too far. As the peacock totem guides you to embrace self-love and confidence, don’t allow yourself to become arrogant, vain, or unapproachable. Maintaining a delicate balance of confidence and humility is the key.

Balance is obtained by having a strong foundation. Those studying the mysticism of the peacock should pay attention to the feet. The feet are our foundation and support system. Peacocks have sharp, powerful metatarsal spurs also known as ‘kicking thorns’. They use these to defend themselves against predators. Their legs are strong and they have three strong toes facing forward and one facing backwards. What message about balance and having a strong foundation is the peacock bringing to you?"

" The Peacock & The Phoenix

Historically, some traditions equate the peacock spirit animal to the Phoenix, a mythical bird that is said to have risen from funeral pyre ash and to be reborn. Why the comparison? Like the Phoenix, the peacock exudes confidence and offers encouragement to shed the old to make way for the new. Another reason is that the peacock of all birds most closely resembles the phoenix in appearance."

"Peacock Religious and Cultural Meanings
In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity and wealth. Like Lakshmi, the peacock power animal is generally symbolic of patience, benevolence, and compassion.

Similarly in Asian spirituality, the peacock is associated with the goddess Kwan-yin. The peacock totem holds similar attributes in the Asian tradition, including compassion, good-will, and kind-heartedness.

Christian traditions equate the peacock power animal’s attributes of renewal, rejuvenation, and immortality to elements of Christian doctrine and teaching, such as Christ’s death and resurrection.

In Egypt the Peacock was associated with the sun god and the eye of Horus. This was most likely due to the pattern of what looks like “eyes” on its feathers. Another reason the peacock was so revered in Egypt is because the peacock destroyed poisonous snakes.
[LOTS of Synchronicities here!!!]

Peacock’s True Colors
Embracing your inner truth and allowing your true colors to show can be a point of inspiration and comfort for those around you. Lead by example. If you talk the talk, be sure you walk the walk. It is the peacock’s consistent grace and confidence that attracts attention and admiration.

The iridescent blue green color of the peacock’s feathers has often been associated with royalty and the traits of self-confidence and leadership. The distinctive pattern of “eyes” on the feathers is associated with vision and wisdom.

The Peacock In Healing Traditions
Shamanic traditions often incorporate peacock feathers into their rituals and ceremonies for their healing and protective properties. Symbolizing purity, peacock feathers have historically been placed upon or tied over wounds to draw out poison and negativity."



"In Hinduism, Peacock walks with Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune, compassion, and fortitude. It is also associated with Hindra, a thunder and rain god whose waters renew the Earth. Peacocks are harbingers of rain – they dance when they know it’s coming. In this part of the world, Peacock also symbolizes supportiveness.

In the Far East, Kuan Yin created the beauty of the Peacock’s tail. Kuan Yin gave up immortality for humankind, endowing the Peacock with a sense of selflessness. When Kuan Yin finally ascended, she created the Peacock to guard the earth and protect the peace.

Ancient Greeks and Romans likened the Peacock Tail to the eyes of stars. The bird was sacred to Hera, and there was a severe punishment given to anyone who took a Peacock’s life. Persians have carvings of Peacocks near royal chambers, considering them guardians. Alchemists used the Peacock as an earthly form of the Phoenix and resurrection. In the form of a talisman, Peacock safeguards the wearer from poison, illness, and misfortune. By extension, Peacock feathers represent immortality. The feather absorbs harmful energy."

“In nature, Peacocks kill and eat snakes”:


hahaha :sunny:
thank you for all the info shared here…
indeed there is magic in the air… :heart:


Thanks for this further illuminating vid about these remarkable beings @NightHawk999 !


The Monk Who Spoke to Animals



what a delightful video Beloved. thank you so much for sharing :pray:


Baboons kidnap and raise feral dogs as pets


Why Baboons Kidnap Puppy Dogs


Puppy ‘kidnapped’ by monkey as crowd watch on


Why Do Baboons Steal Puppies?


Best Monkey Moments | BBC Earth



It just don’t get any better . . . .