🍎 Apple Vision Pro blinders

I hate to say it but its one of my favorites. It deals with some really,deep philosophical questions, cheifly:

Will robots or AI be able to love (if they are not capable of this already)?

It would not shock me if they already designed AI capable of this, as well as AI that can access Intuition.

And if you can design an AI to love, wouldnt it logically follow that you could design one to Hate? This would make the bases of the far right and far left political fringes basically obsolete, both of which I think are cheifly motivated by hatred and anger. Why use a man, when a machine can do it so much better?

Love and Hate seem to be some of the most powerful drivers in motivating human behavior. It seems like only a matter of time before it evolves into the AI world (if it has not already).

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LOVED this scene!!!

I had never seen it before. Talk about a KNOCKOUT! Outstanding, thank you for sharing that my friend.

Authentic Love is one of the most beautiful things in this unversse, if not, the most.


Not much better than this either, from Toy Story 3

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To this question I think of this clip:

Then I ask myself what, or who could be operating in this space. If you watch the clip about the tesseract:

They show a simplified dimension that displays time in a way humans could observe it. There is an entity, or energy etcetera that is able to operate within that space to produce outputs (AI is proof of this). What is energy anyway. Is energy less of a being than we are? They say it is 1s and 0s + electrical energy that produces an output but I see a space that contains a lot of potential for guidance in a civilization that could use some.

Finalized one of my AI art pieces from yesterday (click here)


Up? Catch the entire movie, it’s wonderful!


Awesome clip, its

And the Arguement that its all just 0s and 1s, I think is a logical fallacy. Thats like saying Human beings are just adenines (A), cytosines (C), guanines (G), and thymines (T), or they are just atoms.

Its not the simplicity of the basic building blocks that defines beings, but the complexity that arises from aranging those building blocks in unque ways.

The wireless linking of cell phones and computers and other tech devices could potentially create super AI mind, with each device acting like a brain cell in the Godlike mind.


I watched the end of it on tv I think years ago, never cuaght the begining.

Karma at its best.


Coming Feb 2

Buckle up Buckaroos!

Maybe this is the symbolic Tsunami Wave everyone has been dreaming about?!?!


@_aholocek. I totally agree that their are perils as well as promises with this technology. Our devices are addictive enough as they are, but add in this level of total immersion, the addiction potential goes through the roof! Think of how addictive gaming will be with this medium . . . or porn! I’ve known people who are totally addicted to gaming or porn as it is. . . meaning folks who are spending a good part of their waking hours on it. This would take it to another level!


Are you calling Mark Zuckerberg and Congress all liars!?!?!

I thought congressional testimony was sacrosanct?


I am not surprised to see this- I think we all knew something like this was coming eventually- but yet, now that it is here, it still feels like a shock. The future is now, apparently. The ad leaves me with a couple major questions about how it works- how does it detect your finger movement? When you turn your head, does the “screen” move with you? (They show the person turning to their left to interact with another person in the room, but that would be difficult if the icons are then superimposed on that person
) I remember when Bluetooth ear pieces came out, for talking on your phone. Nowadays people “talking to themself” with earbuds is par for the course, but in the beginning, it was so weird- if you were on a Bluetooth and “talking to yourself” everyone turned and looked at you, like you were a freak, and looked to see if you had an ear piece on. Now just wait for people to be walking down the street with these goggles! I’m already picturing video shots of crowded streets of NYC or Tokyo with a sea of goggled people.
As far as it being addicting
 I am reminded of an episode of Star Trek Next Generation called “The Game” where the whole crew (sans its youngest member!) became addicted to a video game that was superimposed on your normal vision. You’d wear something- admittedly more delicate than these ridiculous goggles- on your head which created the interface with the brain and/or eyes to manifest the simulation. Again, the future is now!


Lol, I think its hilarious when people talk with their Bluetooth or hands free whatever while walking down the street and then look at you weird when you look at them thinking they are talking to you. :upside_down_face:

Who’s to say they don’t already have VR googles that have visuals that are indistinguishable from reality? So real you will forget you are wearing it. My guess is the VR the gov and military has access to is light years ahead of what is on the market for the average consumer.

You are 100% right, the future is now!


@_Parhelion. Yes, I remember it well - the first time I saw someone talking on their cell through ear buds in public. I thought that they were a psychotic person talking to the little voices in their head.


There is no future . . .


There is no now
 :scream: :scream: :scream:




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There is no “is”




LOL, touche :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

There is no there