Pretty amazing, i never like watching comercials but couldnt get enough of this one. Not an understantenent to say we are now in a new era of human tech.
True Zukerberg was first to market, but Apple tends to bring guns to knife fights, and they definitely dont play to lose. Genius patent on the see through lense.
I was wondering the day when blinders would become not just a part of culture, but an almost essential utility in human life. I think that time may have come:
Wondering if it will have the ability to stimulate lucid dreams better than the existing dream masks on the marlet? Hopefully it can.
Not sure what the price is, but ive heard around $3,000. Pretty expensive.
I remember the Lisa computer was around $10k when it first came out. That begat the Macintosh. Apple has a way of scaling things down eventually to consumer-level, though Steve Jobs is no longer around, so there’s that.
Great video @_Barry , while Inhave not used this device yet, or any other vr devices, I think the works like ground breaking and mindblowing are not hyperbole, I think this is an enormous milestone in human history.
Wow – I think. Thanks for posting this, this is what I really love about Discourse and sharing. Pretty impressive, but also concerning, at least for me. Anything that draws you out and away from yourself is high-tech distraction. To amp distraction is to amp samsara. To end to distraction is to end samsara. IMO this sort of thing, at worst, is the classic signature of the Dark Age – which started with the advent of artificial light. But at best, this is a revolution – like AI – that could really help. Promise and peril – is there any other way?
I think promis and peril is a brillian t way to sum it up.
To be completely honest, I hate the idea of having cameras that close to my eyes, recording everything they do.
So maybe I will grab a pair when retina scannig becomes an unavoidable part of daily living, give it another 5 years. I think you will see the price drop to $800 in the next few years too.
I have heard it is much more comfortable than Marks Oculus, which after 10min of wearing is reported to be somewhat heavy and uncomfortable.
This is just a thought I had while reading this. Before people can believe what is possible within themselves maybe their mind has to be re-expanded on the outside to show what has been lost in time. Then maybe the work can move internally through dreams.
In one of Robert Monroes books, he talks about experiencing something similar when doing an OBE, he went back in time, but thouhgt he had traveled in the future because the tribe was so advanced.