The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

In the mean time, I found this video where Robert Moss states that he knows some people who have been in the “bardo” more than the 49 days and that they had a good time in there :slight_smile:

I’m in the middle of it and it’s super interesting.
other topics included:
“dreams are journeys and connections where we learn” (loved this resume)
there are three types of dreams:

  1. realistic
  2. symbolic
  3. experiences in other realities and dimensions

Synchronicities as a rupture in time (and space).

The aborigines are very simple and wise on their sayings that everything is alive and talking with us. Everything is conscious and communicating.(this is aligned with a recent post 🍎 Apple Vision Pro blinders - #16 by NightHawk999 where @NightHawk999 mentions how ancient cultures are so advanced.)

How the hypnopompic state is so great for conversations with God ( I agree).

I found out that Andrew makes a distinction about:

  1. lucid dreams
  2. conscious dreams
    this makes a lot of sense to me.