hello everybody, i hope everybody is well and enjoying this mystical experience. in a brief sense i understand that from the buddhist point of view at the point of death there is dissolution of all senses into nothingness as when falling asleep. this void is the ground 0 of all. the background of all happening whether dream or waking, and the gap between thoughts and dreams. hence the unmoving aspect in all movement, awaress, knowing, self, whatever word fits best.
usually presence, or obersving of this state when falling asleep is bypassed, we dream, and âwake upâ. sometimes dreams not even remembered. to my understanding this is what happens at death. if you are unaware of the process of dissolution, unaware of the ground 0 of all, unaware of dreams, you simply wake up in a new body and start over again. after beeing pushed around by your own energy 49 days you finally find refuge in a new body to escape. according to my understanding of the teaching, if you can fall asleep conciously, you have the chance to die conciously, ro remain in the no dream space, as to remain in the ground 0 space at the point of death, which would be liberation, nirvana, and the break of the rebirth cycle. as i understand you can choose to be reborn, and have free will and choice of when and where and what.
if you miss the chance of realisation or resting in the self, but then fall right into the 49 days of bardo sensations and appearances of your own mind, you would still have 49 days to become lucid of these sensations and appearances i assume? and therefore recognize your true nature as the observer of all these sensations and illusionary images, such as being in a lucid dream recognizing the dream and that your dream body is also only a dream in order to experience dream. this would also set you free and bring you into the clear light i assume?
from my experience in lucid dreams, becoming lucid in the middle of a dream, flying, or moving, its possible to remain in the unmoving. images and sensations still appear and also flying, or falling, but its observed from a unmoving aspect. just like sitting in a bus, your watching the world pass by, but your body is unmoving and you feel no speed or movement at all you watch all at once.
gazing at dream images in this lucid state or diving into portals into the void dont seem to last long, and the shift into the material body happens after the dream slowly dissovles. this wouldnt be possible in the 49 days as there is nowhere to shift to as the physical body is dissolved, the only other option would be the dissolution of bardo appearance and ground 0 remaining. this would mean that it would acually be âeasierâ in a sense to rest in the clear light mind at the death bardo stages, then in the lucid dreaming stages?
this was just a interesting thought which i wanted to share and get some feedback on if anyone is interested.